Looking for Suggestions for a New Ultrawide Gaming Monitor

So I've been rocking 2 x 27" 1440p 144hz TN monitors for a couple of years now and am looking to clean up the clutter on my desk a bit and probably the best way would be to go down to one screen!
I'm looking for a 3440x1440 monitor with 100-144hz refresh rate preferably with IPS.
I see a few monitors floating around that meet that criteria but was curious what the general consensus on ozbargain was for different makes/models.



  • There is related what should I buy poll here specifically for WQHD ultrawide monitors, all of which are in the 34-35 inch range.


  • I don't have any recommendations unfortunately, just a warning.

    Be aware just how much graphics power is required to drive 4k (ultrawide 1440p is approx. Equivalent to 4k)

    You're looking at an RTX2080 minimum to achieve over 60fps at that resolution for a lot of AAA games.

    Not a problem if you have lots of money and aren't bothered by lower framerates as much.
    Personally I'm not sure I'd be willing to sacrifice fps for quality past 1440p.

    • +1

      I definitely agree with you regarding the warning, although ultrawide 1440p is significantly less intensive than 4k (~5 million pixels rather than ~8 million).

      If you will be using it for gaming, I would add that ultrawides can be a little annoying as some devs still don't support those resolutions. I love my ultrawide but there can be some amount of fiddling around to get stuff working properly. Flawless Widescreen is a help, as is Wide Screen Gaming Forum (WSGF).

  • I actually recently moved from an Ultrawide back to a better quality 27" after a few years.

    I find the gaming experience is more enjoyable on a non ultrawide, just a matter of personal preference though.

  • -1

    LG makes some good stuff in this space, I've been keeping an eye out for over a year now in preparation for buying my own (it's taking a looooong time to save up!). Used to rock 3x27" 1440 IPS screens in nvidia surround using SLI cards. Even then I had no issues and anybody who complains about having to spend a few minutes possibly using some tools like Flawless Widescreen for some games should stick to consoles. Even games as old as the original Bioshock, Trine or STALKER worked great.

    Having gone back to one screen after upgrading my card, because one card can't run surround, it has been bloody torture, and I always feel incredibly restricted. You will have absolutely no regrets moving to an ultrawide.

  • Not sure what state you're in but 2nds World in Auburn (NSW) currently have the X34 Predator 34 inch ultra wide for cheap. $499 for 1st edition (100 Hz), think it was about $650 for 2nd edition (120 Hz)

    • Is this just an instore deal? Anyway of checking if they still have stock?

      Much appreciated

      • Just in store I believe. I would suggest calling their Auburn store to ask if they have stock.

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