iPhone 4 16GB plan

After the best value 24 month plan on a 16GB iPhone 4. I'm mainly in Newcastle and Sydney, so coverage isn't a massive deal. Moderate user, make maybe two/three phone calls a day and ten text messages.

Also, with iPhone 5 presumably out soon, do you think it prudent to wait? Will iPhone 4 plan prices drop when the 5 is released?

Thanks guys.


  • +1

    iphone plans generally don't drop much - if you look at the atrocious amount a 3G still nets.. virgin seems to have the best under $50 deal but not much variation really since it's apple and subsidies only go so far

    • yes xbai is rite iphone plans don't drop much since it takes apple a year to make a new one unlike nokia who make new ones 1-3months

  • +1

    iPhone 4 plans are about to drop in the USA (31 JULY). It may take a couple of weeks for that to happen here but it's seen as a sign of an impending new release from apple.

    If that is the case then as soon as the new model is released you will see a raft of offers for older iPhones in oredr to get rid of some stock.

  • Thanks for the info guys.

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