Cashrewards Not Paying 11% on eBay on Dell Products

I don't understand why CashRewards doesn't pay when dell and eBay had special

I bought this
Has anyone else had this problem,

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  • +2

    Cashback is ineligible if a coupon code is applied to any transactions.

    As per:

    • Unless OP did not use the coupon, paid full price.

      • They'd be crazy to do so seeing how often 20% off Dell happens

  • +5

    I feel like there is a forum post complaining about CR or SB every other day. Talk to one of the representatives before you make any accusations or as the above and read the T&Cs.

    For Cash Rewards, talk to the arse that is tight
    For shopback, talk to gotyourback

    • I agree. CashRewards customer service is excellent. I've had a few issues and they've been fair and responsive in all cases.

  • Mate they give you a discount to encourage a purchase. That’s either CR or eBay special. You choose which one you get.
    You’re complaining that you don’t get TWO discounts? Seriously? 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • -1

    Ozbargin should remove the Icon that you can get it with the discounted code

  • LOL, it is amazing how many people don't read terms and conditions. Read them thoroughly because both CR and CW will invalid claims if you fail to adhere to their conditions.

    Especially when it comes to the recent change to eBay.
    I now just use the ebay discount codes since they are always higher than 1% cashback.

    If it is a tracking error, be polite and contact their customer service and fill in their support forms. If you followed all their T&Cs they can in some cases resolve the tracking problem. Previously I raised 2x support tickets and 1 of them was a tracking error and they fixed it for me. As for the 2nd ticket they didn't resolve but they indicated I didn't use a valid supported discount code. No huge issue, the Cashback dollars was very minimal anyway.

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