Am I The Only One That Wants More Plastic Packaging for My Fruit and Veges?

Seriously , I would like to buy a tomato, some grapes or a apple or whatever that hasn't had the hands of disgusting people who have to pick up every single apple on the pile before they make their choice or sneeze all over it. I have even seen Woolworths staff at the end of the day throw the dirty floor mats directly on top of the fruit and veg for the night so they can mop the floors.
And as for the people who think they are green who probably burnt the equivalent of 500 plastic bags worth of oil driving to the supermarket in their SUV, while smugly thinking they are saving the planet for buying a carrot with no packaging . I hope that salmonella its rolling around in from the raw chicken juice on the check out line conveyor belt makes you sick. because you make me sick.

lets face It. All the oil in the world is eventually going one of two ways.
It is either going to be turned in to plastic and buried back in the ground where it came from. Or its going to be burned into the atmosphere as petrol, which includes those smugs in their SUV'S thinking they are saving the planet eating their plastic free salmonella carrot.

You can all go to hell.
I want my carrot wrapped up in plastic.


            • @Zaxxon: Exactly, the little thing called progress, including pasteurised milk in plastic bottles, cars burning oil, individually wrapped fruit, airplanes burning oil so you can be somewhere else. All this is our life and I don’t really see how you are going to change it.

    • -1

      I doubt OP has a heart!!!

  • +6

    What makes you think its clean before its been packaged?

  • +29

    Apologies in advance, everyone, but:

    OK Boomer

      • +25

        Baby Boomers by definition are babies born after WW2 - a boom in babies after the war finished. They neither lived through or fought in WW2. They perhaps fought in Vietnam. If you are going to shitpost at least get your facts straight.

      • +3

        Working in retail I'd say 90% of the time it's the boomers still asking for bags, millennials and below seem to just carry as much as they can!

      • Well that's just straight up ridiculous.

      • +2

        how do you make it to any age without figuring out that (baby) boomers came from the boom of babies after the hell of ww2 who then enjoyed an economic boom as the world rebuilt itself
        or that even a 15 year old lying about their age to join the fight right at the end of ww2 would be around 90 years old now

        the whole generation war is basically two groups accusing the other of being in a bubble and you've just strolled in with a tiny bubble entirely for yourself

      • Lol, do you actually think most boomers fought in the war?

        My parents didn't, neither did my grandparents.

  • -2

    And this is the reason the human race won't exist in 50 to 200 years according to NASA and The Pentagon.

    It's likely closer to 50, scientists are generally very conservative and tend to underestimate things so for example feedback loops ensuring the human race will not survive weren't supposed to start in until 2100 whereas in reality they're occurring now.

    OP is obviously someone who is controlled by corporate media and therefore is an uninformed maroon who thinks the world isn't ending because that's what suits billionaires.

    • -3

      You know it's kinda funny how evolution has continued for 4 billion years with humans at the top of the food chain yet we won't survive another 50 years because lefties say so.

      • -1

        Kinda funny how you're so happy to live under a freaking rock. I can't even imagine how you'd come to the conclusion that treating this planet we live on with a little more respect is a bad thing. You're an embarrassment.

        • +1

          Where did he say that?

        • -6

          I'm all for cleaning up the planet (as much as can be reasonably done) but not for climate change hysteria.

          • @OBEY YOUR MASTERS: Is it that you don't believe the climate is changing quicker than it should be, or you don't believe humankind are to blame?

            • +1

              @ThithLord: He could believe both of those things and still not believe we are going to extinct in 50 years…..

            • @ThithLord: Is it another religion to believe in?

        • Huge gulf between treating the planet with a little respect and believing the world is ending within 50 years. You can most definitely do the former while believing the later is left wing lunatic territory.

      • Homo Sapiens have only been around for about three hundred thousand years. Dinosaurs used to be at the top of the food chain…

        • +4

          Did plastic get them as well?

          • +1

            @Soluble: I've seen a lot of plastic dinosaurs over the years so…. probably.

          • @Soluble: The dinosaurs turned into plastic, and are thereby coming back to re-assert their dominance!

      • +1

        Yeah it's been going on a for bit.……

        Plenty of stuff out there. I still remember the proclamations of Flim Flammery who said that QLD would never have dam filling rains again…right before the 2011 floods.

      • nah. I'm pretty sure there's still human population in 50 years.
        but 200 years, I have a doubt. and it's not the climate change that will be the main factor. It's the resource as well.

      • Very telling that you think humans have been around for 4 billion years. We are about 300,000 years old.

        The Earth is about 4.5 Billion years old.

        Perhaps I'm a leftie because I disagree with you, you realise we didn't discover uses for oil till very very recently?

        • I believe you miscalculated. The earth, universe etcetera are only 10,000 years old. And humans lived with our little dino buddies.

          You really need to read more (or visit the Creation Museum)

        • +1


          Very telling that you think humans have been around for 4 billion years.

          Actually, the poster did not say this.

          They said: "funny how evolution has continued for 4 billion years with humans at the top "

          And, interestingly, that 4 billion year mark for origin of life is pretty much in alignment with current scientific thinking.

          There are a couple of issues with "humans at the top" as a concept, however. One, there is the implicit assumption that evolution is 'leading somewhere' and that it has reached a pinnacle with homo sapiens.

          Second, the dominant life form on this planet (both in numbers, and in biomass) are bacteria. Hell, even a significant portion of every human is bacteria (more than half of each of us).

          And although giant multi-celluar animals seem to get the most cartoons made about them, at a planetary level they are vastly more vulnerable than bacteria. Several mass extinctions over the ages have almost entirely wiped out large multi-cellular creatures, yet bacteria persist. It is difficult to imagine many disaster scenarios where they do not survive.

          So…. humans… "at the top"… hmmmm… problematic, and a proposition loaded with assumptions and values.

      • Check out population rates. It's a bit scary it's going unchecked.

        • I read somewhere very recently that human lifespans were calculated at 38 years - pre modern times.

          Because of modern medicine extending our lives exponentially and lack of predators, war, etc… And rising birthrates, we're in for a crazy next millennia.

    • 50 to 200 years

      Another 30 years is enough for us.

    • "And this is the reason the human race won't exist in 50 to 200 years ". Good riddance. The planet will be much better off without conceited, fanatical, narcissistic, greedy, hypocritical homo sapiens (and that includes SUV driving "environmentalists").

  • +1

    Let's face it…. you wash the produce b4 u eat, yes?

    • Clean tap water is not always available when one wants to eat a juicy apple.

      • I think you can wait a minute to walk to a tap in the shopping centre and clean it rather than cause the planet to die.

        • The only tap water in a shopping centre is in the restrooms.

          No thanks.

          • +1

            @whooah1979: I challenge you to prove the rest room tap water is any dirtier than the tap water come out of your kitchen sink. I refill at SC restrooms all the time.

            • @Punknerd:

              The filthiest area in a restroom (and therefore in the whole mall) isn't the toilet handle or the doorknob — it's the sink, our experts say. Bacteria, including E. coli, fester on the faucet and handles because people touch those surfaces right after using the toilet, explains panelist Charles Gerba, Ph.D., a professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona.


              Restroom sinks
              The filthiest area in a restroom is the sink, our experts say. Bacteria, including E. coli, fester on the faucet and handles because people touch those surfaces right after using the toilet, explains panelist Charles Gerba, PhD. "The sink area is a moist environment, so bacteria can survive longer there," he adds.

              • +1

                @whooah1979: Mate you don't put the food in the sink!
                Just like washing your hands before eating you keep them from touching the sink.

                • @deme: Punknerd asked for evidence that the restrooms in shopping centres are filthy. Links provided.

                  • @whooah1979: You did not such thing. He said:
                    I challenge you to prove the rest room tap water is any dirtier than the tap water come out of your kitchen sink.

                    You said:
                    The filthiest area in a restroom (and therefore in the whole mall) isn't the toilet handle or the doorknob — it's the sink, our experts say. Bacteria, including E. coli, fester on the faucet and handles because people touch those surfaces right after using the toilet, explains panelist Charles Gerba, Ph.D., a professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona

          • @whooah1979: You want to kill the planet so you can instantly neat the food from the shop?

  • +1

    If you see the type of behaviour you described, perhaps you should say something to someone at the time. Better yet, you could always grow your own fruit and vegetables if it's such a problem for you. More plastic isn't the answer.

  • +9

    Just wash it you lazy ass.

  • +2

    It's good for the immune system mate. A little bit of HIV never hurt anyone.

    • +1

      Unless someone is bleeding on the fresh produce, and you are picking up the blood covered produce and rubbing it into an open wound (within about 15 minutes of it being bled on) then you aren't going to catch HIV. Hepatitis maybe, but not HIV.

      • intravenous kale is the latest hipster thing man

  • +1

    No i disagree - I would much prefer to buy the quantity of carrots, apples, mandarins, tomatoes etc I actually want and not be stuck with prepackaged 1kg bags. And Yes the plastic is probably the main factor in this.

    Aside from very fragile things like berries, the plastic is necessary and does little in terms of hygiene.

  • +7

    Am I The Only One That Wants More Plastic Packaging for My Fruit and Veges?


    • -3

      Nope. Though mostly because the no-plastic brigade is insufferable.

  • +5

    I agree. What a fantastic idea - every grape individually wrapped

  • +3

    You are the only one and shouldn't be proud of it.

  • +2

    Lazy bargainer .. wash the fruits / veggies before you eat.

  • +3

    Where's Greta when you need her.

    • Probably busy having a panic attack somewhere.

  • +1

    cooked unit

  • +3

    Lifeline: 13 11 14

  • +3

    To answer the question in the forum title, yes you are…. boomer

  • +1

    I have even seen Woolworths staff at the end of the day throw the dirty floor mats directly on top of the fruit and veg for the night

    (profanity) this shit, I'm going on the carnivore diet!

  • +1

    Why can’t we have more posts like these

    • +1

      I want Pam to post some more stimulating questions. :D

  • +1

    Why can't it be packaged in paper?
    Never understood why plastic was done away with and they can't do paper bags

    • Paper makes it hard to see the quality of produce. Perhaps if it had a window in it made of something cheap and see-through it could work. Something like plastic.

  • This isn't a bargain. Individually wrapped goods will not only cost extra for the plastic, but also for the labour / processing plants. Fruit/Vegies are all different sizes so it'll take quite a bit of engineering to be able to wrap plastic on variable sizes/textures/softness.

    Add to that, remember that many of your fruit/vegies have been picked by a backpacker… They are not always the most hygienic people around. Mmm the micro ecosystem under that plastic sure will be tasty!

    Edit: Also, remember the needles in plastic wrapped punnets of strawberries?

    What would be more cost effective, is if people were hygienic. Write to the 'news' journalists and tell them. ACA would love another story like this (a bit like saying that premixed alcohol drinks contain lots of sugar - who would have thought?!)

  • +2

    ok boomer

  • +3

    You know that carrots grow in dirt right? They might even be fertilised with a bit of manure.

    Have you actually heard of anyone dying from eating a carrot? You are arguing to fill the world with plastic because of your OCD. There is absolutely no benefit to this. In addition, just because plastic looks clean doesn't mean it's not leaking horrible chemicals into your food. It's the plastic and all the other man made crap you need to be worried about, not 'germs'. Nobody ever got cancer from germs. Last I heard there are a lot more people dying of cancer than unclean carrots.

    Go see a doctor and get your head checked..

  • +2

    Im sorry OP but you living in a world of dreams.
    The fruit/veg would have been handled multiple times beofre ending up on display or even in plastic wrap.
    Furthermore there is also the issue of insecticides in use

    OP needs to get a grip and wash all fruit and veg before using.

    And forget about plastic wrap.
    Its not good for the environment and doesnt serve the purpose OP desires.

  • -1

    Are you Greta's evil sister?

    • How dare you assume she has a sister.

      • How dare you question me

        • Having a sister would be bad for the environment. That's twice the methane output.

  • I know where the OP is coming from. I generally give all fresh produce a long slow sensual lick to see whether it tastes delicious before I purchase. And would like to know that no one has touched it with their grubby hands before I lick it. That would be disgusting!


    • I've seen ladies in the womens toilets not wash their hands after taking a dump and then proceed to touch the fresh produce. Even the ones they're not buying.
      How do I know they have just taken a dump? You can smell it.

  • -4

    I'm with you OP, I thing this plastic bag thing a bit of a ruse. I think Coles and Woolworth should just provide better packaging.

  • +1

    Being serious OP, see a GP if you are this worried about contamination you may have OCD.

  • Yes.

  • +1

    (profanity) plastic in all its forms

  • +1

    Do you actually put things in your mouth without washing them?

    • That is what we do in Straya.

    • If I really like the person

      Or I'm lonely

      or seeking validation

  • The plastic that ends up in the ocean/waterways is what people are trying to avoid I think, that's where it causes the most damage. If properly stored in landfill it's not too bad for the environment.

  • What if they just put a tap near the fruit/checkout? That'd solve everything.
    Then you'd be free to whinge about something else.

  • +2

    There's this special thing you can do to fruit and vege to get rid of people's grot. It's called "washing".

  • +1

    I get that most people don’t really care about the environment. That’s how we got here in the first place. So opinions like this shouldn’t be too surprising, and indeed, supermarkets don’t make these decisions without reasons. They’ve done the focus groups, monitored the sales figures, run the stats, etc. People love plastic.

    But even having said that… I just don’t get it. Even if you don’t care about saving the whales or whatever like… we go INTO the environment. I can’t say how many times I’ve been disgusted at swimming in the beach and… flicking away plastic junk. Even if you’re no greenie, it just seems like a no brainer that we should do something about it.

    Meanwhile… just wash your fruit it really isn’t that hard lmao. Even if it’s covered in plastic, that’s all just for show. At the end of the day, it came out of the ground and you should treat it as such.

  • OP, here is an idea!

    Stop breathing now!

    Every day you are breathing in other people’s bacteria/germs, it’s everywhere around you 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  • Failed troll. You should know, the act of trolling is to get people pissed off at each other, not just at you.

    • Is it though? I would count this as a successful troll, lots of meaningless and seemingly endless responses.

  • +1

    Erm, you're meant to wash the fruit before you eat it.

  • OP, do you want to include a Volume 2? I don't think you've made your stance clear enough yet.

  • Farmers markets and wash everything.

    Even farmers markets dirty is still cleaner then supermarket plastic bag

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