My Passport Is Flagged Because of My Name

Hey guys,

This started happening about 2-3 years ago where my passport gets denied at the e-gates in and out of Australia (no problems overseas) and sends me straight to the customs service desk where they spend a good amount of time going through my file on their computer whilst i wait. Once the customs lady called her supervisor over and asks him "what should i do"? for him to respond "if you feel comfortable his fine". Also every time i come back to Australia that write an "E" on my inbound card and this is followed by myself getting pulled over whilst they make a few phone calls and sometimes check my bag.

When i asked a friendly customs lady last week, she said my passport is flagged because of my name and no other reason, and no matter if i get a new passport this will keep happening.

Just for my background, i have no records and i get a comprehensive background check by the government every 2 years for security clearance.

I wanted to ask if this has happened to any of you guys before and anything i can do? It's quite literally discrimination, but there must be a better way to flag someone suspicious.


  • -1

    Not good is all I can say.
    Maybe change your name?

    • Unlikely to change it as the change would be linked to the original passport etc.

      • This doesn't make any sense

        • Your new name and passport would link back to your original name and traveller profile.
          If you change a name you're not suddenly some totally other person from an intelligence perspective, they could still very well continue to stop OP to check and verify the person who is arriving or departing.
          People use other peoples passports to enter and exit countries all the time, I guess they are making sure its the same person and not someone else.

          • -1

            @91rs: Great work 91rs you are now smarter than customs apparently because they told him it is because he had the same name.

            Either customs is absolutely retarded which is possible well they're doing some very basic check, which may be fine maybe there is Intel that person with name X will leave.

            However thanks to your invention we can whitelist this fellow and he can be left alone.

  • Happens to me as well. Started around the same time as you, 3-4 years ago.
    My name is very common English name.

    • +2

      Mike larrrrrry?

  • +2

    Vietnam - Australia is a well known route for drugs and other bad stuff. Not just you, many people on that route will get flagged as well.

  • Happens to me all the time too :( can never go through e-gates. Only started a few years ago and I thought maybe after I change the passport it will be fine but nope still doesn’t work. They don’t take as long to process me though maybe being female I get let off easier? Lol

  • +3

    Khoa Nguyen? Twin to Van Nguyen who got hung at Singapore for smuggling?

  • +2

    I've had this a few times. The auto gate lets me in but immediately stops and goes red and someone has to come get me out of the box.
    Escorted over to a desk and asked questions, they flick through the passport I am traveling on and ask for any other passport I have (I now have two, different countries).
    I travel a lot mostly SE Asia but could be anywhere in the world with minimal notice. White guy on business, no criminal record, not even a speeding ticket.
    A couple of times were during the processing of a citizenship application which was 18+ months in the making, I expected it could have been related to that.

    I sometimes do get extra questions and interest in some parts of Asia (Indonesia, Thailand usually) and USA & Canada often have a lot of very specific questions to ask that seem to take longer than other times I've entered those countries.

    It can be a PITA, but i've got no reason to be concerned, it takes extra time but I'm civil, answer only what is asked and then continue on once let through.

  • +1

    I remember watching one of those border protection shows on TV and there was a person who would go across the US-Canada border pretty much weekly as part of his work. He had the same name and same DOB as someone with outstanding warrants so he would always be flagged. They eventually gave him a codeword to tell the border officers so they wouldn't keep on detaining him.

  • +1

    Why bother go through the e-gates then

    • +1

      I tried, they always ask me to use the gate first.

  • +1

    Judge the person at the counter, if they seem like a half decent human being, just ask them, exactly what youve asked in this thread. If they seem like an arrogant robot 5 seconds from suicide (which a lot of border staff seem to look) then dont bother.

  • +2

    This used to happen to me every time I attempted to re-enter Australia through an e-gate. Finally questioned the immigration officer and she said my name was similar to someone on their watch list and I needed to contact a certain government agency to have my name cleared - i emailed them and it was done, haven’t had trouble since.

    I looked for the email but I can’t find it - it was likely Border Force or Home Affairs. Email around, it’s fixable.

  • +1

    Happens to me too since 2015. Same year where there a a bunch of emails received from some agents who help people claim unclaimed funds from ASIC. Someone with the same name left about $10k unclaimed in the bank and I was able to see the record from ASIC’s website. It also used to happen to me every time I call citylink (Linkt) they will ask if I used to live at certain suburbs. Whoever that was must have done some dodgy things and left the place/country in a rush. It’s very annoying and custom officers always saying there’s something wrong with the chip in my passport. I took it to the passport office and the officers there said I must have travelled a lot and got myself flagged. But I only travel once or twice overseas each year max. I feel sorry for everyone on the same boat. Being flagged for someone else’s problem isn’t fun especially after a long flight.

  • +2

    If you change your name into something else (which would be a pretty extreme thing to do IMO), the agents will still be able to see your old name in their systems, and you may still be stopped regardless. I fully acknowledge your inconvenience, but unless you're flying overseas 4 times a week, I don't see how it's a big problem.

    • Hahahaha spot on!

  • -2

    Youe namw isnt Foney Id?

  • -1

    Been over a hundred times through immigration points and flabbergasted that no 2 places have the same system. So every time you change planes the security has their own way.
    Border control and security have a job to do and it is in your best interest to treat staff with respect. Some are very lax, others portray a rectal opening of a size never seen before. Generally been harassed at Arab places and nowadays I do not care if the plane has to wait. I suggest in your off travel time make an appointment with immigration officers to see if they have a way to un-flag you. With the world opening up and privacy rules interfere with genuine security there is no more clear boundary between good and bad people. With economies collapsing racism is flaring up on many spots sometimes fuelled by extreme sports. Prejudice will never vanish.

    • They let him go..

  • +1

    Whilst it might appear as though there is some elaborate security undertaking in the back ground. It will assure you to know this is occurring due to complete incompetence and stupidity. Most airport employees are borderline retarded.

  • +1

    Meanwhile, I can't go through the e-gates because I had the audacity to grow a beard since getting my passport issued, and the $53m facial recognition systems sold by the lowest bidder can't handle such idiocy!!

    OP, contact your MP about it.

    • +1

      I thought it measures the distance between your eyes etc for facial recognition, which you cannot easily change. unless the beard hid the distance from eye to nose, eye to mouth etc

      • You'd hope it was something sensible like that… but the customs agent asked "Do you have any idea why the automated system flagged you for manual processing?" and I responded "is it the beard?". It's absolutely the beard. The system can't handle it, as confirmed by the agent.

        • +1

          imagine 20 years from now.

          "do you know why siri flagged you and 3 customs agents are now pointing rifles at you?"


          "its because you are wearing a different t-shirt than the one in your passport photo!"

          budget cuts…

        • It's designed to target all men with beads. Dirka Dirka! Mohammad Jihad!

    • -4

      Right, because hysteric outrage is just what we need right now. That'll definitely help things - just look at the US!

      Meanwhile, I want to make a complaint that when I go to an Asian restaurant, I'm always served last, and there's usually only one person who speaks broken English and they end up getting my order wrong. I demand justice.

      Or alternatively I could…you know…be an adult.

      • +1

        Point out where I advocated for hysteric outrage?

        You do you, buddy.

        • -2

          You said OP should write a letter whining to the politicians about how security officials are doing their job, because it hurts your feelings.

          The system we have in place is not perfect, but it's the best we've got to help keep our country safe for now. Your patience and understanding would be greatly appreciated, instead of whining about how your new scruffy beard makes you look shady.

          I don't like that I get pulled over more frequently than other drivers because the car I drive is a common choice for drag racers. The cops have every right to be suspicious. It's measures like this that ultimately end up foiling a lot of illegal activities. I don't think jeopardizing the safety of our citizens is worth it just to make a few uber-sensitive people feel better about being searched.

    • Poor santa claus, this is why he uses a sleigh

      • It worked for captain America. Steve Rogers grew a beard after civil war and no one caught on.

    • -3

      You had a beard and were inconvenienced. Better that than somebody else with a beard not being stopped by customs and crashing a flight it into a building.

    • +1

      I've tried to go through about 4 times now, stopped everytime. The officer on the last attempt told me a different facial expression or hair can throw it off, it's so stupid.

  • -1

    How's it discrimination? You have no idea why the database has flagged "you". Could be for any reason.
    Do you claim it's racial discrimination or is it "name" discrimination?
    Getting a "comprehensive background check by the government every 2 years for security clearance" means zero.
    Why do you think "there must be a better way to flag someone suspicious", you and I have no idea how they flag people, I'd like to think there is a very detailed and sophisticated process to flag potential threats to immigation etc.

    • +1

      The lady that processed me said so, perhaps you should go back and read the post.

      • -1

        Bahhaaa, I quoted your OP.
        If you genuinely believe you were flagged due to "When i asked a friendly customs lady last week, she said my passport is flagged because of my name and no other reason, and no matter if i get a new passport this will keep happening" I think it is unlikely that customs are going to tell you security information. She likely told you what it took to satisfy you to move on (and probably only half the story).

        • +1

          You are making shit up:

          " I think it is unlikely that customs are going to tell you security information. "

          What do you base this claim off? Movies where everything is top secret?

          • +1

            @deme: Sure, whatever, yes sure the person on the gate knows all the details on how people end up on a watch list.

            • -1

              @cashie: That officer doesn't need to know anything about how the watch list works, just that it flagged and why. How else were they able to make a determination to let them go.

              Your version of events is satirical at best:

              1. Go through gate
              2. Get denied
              3. Talk to customs
              4. Customs goes well I can't see anything about the watchlist or something so I guess I let you go.

              How would this work if this person was someone of interest?

              • -1

                @deme: How do you know what they can see, how do you know that they don't just see a classification with an associated actions to take?
                What makes you think they can see all the details including the history of how they got that classification?

                "How else were they able to make a determination to let them go."
                By the clasification/rating and the directed actions to take.

                There are different roles, functions and seniority of staff on duty at the airport, what makes you think the junior customs officers on the gate who do the first level veting/response know everything you claim? About the second thing they do with any person of interest is call their supervisor for advice (as what happened to the OP). Next step after that is an interview out the back.

                That's your version of events, not mine. But hey, you're the expert. I'm out.

                • @cashie: It seems we are arguing the exact information available vs. any/none info available. I never claimed to be an expert I wanted you to justify your claims.

  • OP I've gotten all sorts of letters before, I don't know what they mean. I have gotten an E when the machine couldn't match my face.

    My knowledge on this area is way out of date and given that the customs person told you it was because of your name and not your passport chip is (profanity) it probably isn't. But it's worth a try hold up your passport to your NFC phone and see if it scans, it should not give any data to your phone as it requires mutual authentication but for example on Android if it doesn't vibrate and say something like no action found then your chip page could be busted.

    • My new passport a couple of years ago had a faulty chip, they were able to verify the faulty chip the first time it was rejected at the E Gate. Had to go back to the passport office for another passport or continue to get manually processed in and out of the country.

  • I heard horror stories of those out on no fly list despite being innocent apparently very difficult to get off the list

  • +1

    Mate, my mates get flagged for looking the way they do. It's not a computer flagging him, it's some dog saying we need to check your bag and frisk you because you're Arab and have a beard like Santa.

  • I keep getting pulled over for propery damage..regards Eva Brick

  • -1

    Aloha ekbar ?

  • Not the same thing but I get randomly selected for a pat down all the time.

  • +1

    Sounds normal. Everyone here already judges me by my username too

  • Have a mate who's name literally translated to "Holy war" in that language. His parents really wanted to name him something different, however his grand dad insisted the name be kept. Fast forward 30 years, he had to let go of a lucrative promotion for work in the UK as his work visa got cancelled. Just unfortunate.

  • Happens to me in Dubai on arrival and departure. Is frustrating and nothing will change unless I legally change my name.

  • Happens to me all the time entering the US. Just like you they tell me name is flagged and im held up for a further 10-20mins. Not much you can do, they're just doing their job

  • I look a bit Arabic/Mexican/???? when I don't shave for a week or two. I always get directed to the full body scanner and nearly always get my carry-on tested for explosives/drugs.
    I try to view the airport stuff and flying as the least important aspect of my travels and so have come to not mind.

    I remember in Mexico City airport being directed to the locals line and the attendant raising his voice saying to me incredulously, 'You don't speak Spanish!!'

    OP, nothing you can do. I suggest you just factor it into your travelling. eg. arrive 3 hours before a flight.

  • hey OP, just reporting back. I travelled back from overseas today and I was able to use smartgate for the first time since 2015. Definitely a good sign. I hope it is permanent and wish you have your incorrect flag lifted soon.

  • Hmmm. This is interesting. I have exactly the same thing with getting taken to the immigration desk every time in Australia. I've always put it down as the e-chip in my passport not working correctly. Wonder if my name is red-flagged too.

    Can't say we have similar names though, as mine is decidedly non-Viet

  • Hi KHOAAA, have you travelled recently? Has it happened again?
    The cou ter staff just had no clue what to do.
    She called her supervisor and he looked onto the screen and said, "thats not an issue i had this one before".
    Just chasing up uf you have had any other experience.
    This happened to me recently at Perth airport.
    I know there was someone who was sought after by the Australian government and was extradited from UK with the same name as mine.

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