Strong Floss String You Can Recommend?

I have used OralB satin tape 25m in Australia and it breaks easily after a few uses.

I am not allergic to anything so if you know of a good strong longer lasting floss please let me know.

I have done some research and here is the best thread I have found (from 9 July 2018) so far.

Thank you very much.


  • +1

    Get those things that look like Loki’s weapon from Avengers (I’ve seen them at the chemist, but also places like Daisy/Miniso).

  • +3

    We use this… and find it quite good
    What do you mean it breaks after a few uses? Dental floss/tape is a single use item

    • +3

      Dental floss/tape is a single use item

      Not for Ozbargainers

    • What do you mean it breaks after a few uses? Dental floss/tape is a single use item

      You must have small weak hands. Man hands break them quite easily.

      • +1

        You guys must have hulk hands. I have never known anyone to snap dental floss.

        • +1

          You guys must have hulk hands. I have never known anyone to snap dental floss.

          Story of my life. lol
          Worst is when there's only a small bit of floss left and it breaks! Off to the store i go at night.

      • I’ve got one in my wallet that I keep for emergency when food gets stuck.
        Honestly can’t remember the last time I replaced it.
        At least a year definitely

    • After a couple of uses , the string breaks and I have to get a new string.

  • +1

    The expensive Colgate ones. like charcoal one.

  • +1

    I find the reach brand one is the best quality. Waxed or I waxed.

  • I find the Oral B satin tape pretty good.

  • +1

    brazilian thong back bikini.

    (please don't unpublish this comment because it's inappropriate)

  • buy 10lb monofilament fishing line - will give you the multiple uses you desire.

  • Use a high grade fishing line, the type used for catching jaws. Remove hook prior to flossing (learnt the hard way).

    Edit: to late.

  • +1

    Colgate Total floss is good stuff. Never breaks or shreds for me.

  • +2

    I've found the Sonicare AirFlosser to be far more convenient & worth the money:…

    Otherwise, I use Piksters.

  • +1

    You realise the bacteria/plaque you've removed is sitting on that tape, then fermenting for 12/24 hours until you use it again, reintroducing the same stuff back onto your teeth?
    There's a reason you just use it once…

    • Good point.

      No , I did not realize that.

      But then isn't that what watering and teeth brushing after flossing is for?

      To help get rid of the bacteria / plaque reintroduced or remaining inside the mouth?

      I figure that if the floss company builds strong floss then that floss is meant for more than 1 time use.

      We need a dentist to tell us more about the pros and cons of reusing floss line.

      • +3

        Dude, dont reuse floss. There are no pros to reusing floss.
        Its not like reusing pixters / interdental brushes, or reusing a tooth brush that you can clean easily.
        Where will you hygienically store the floss in between each use? Floss frays or tears after the first use anyway.
        Floss is cheap just use fresh floss each time.

        • I put the used floss string in a small container full of Listerine.

          I have never known not to reuse floss string , until today.

          Looks like floss string reuse hazard is not common knowledge.

      • +1

        If I realise my friend re using floss the friendship is over

      • The same could apply to tooth brushes. Wash it. And its fine.

    • fermenting


  • +1

    I’ve found that tying a knot in the floss and using a sawing motion really helps to dislodge stubborn items.

  • +1

    Tell your dentist about your problem and they will be able to file the interdental gap to remove the sharp bits that are tearing your floss (and ask them if you can have the used file as the ultrathin and flexible files are quite useful for other filing jobs in the workshop).
    The dentist’s work may also stop the debris being caught in the first place.

  • +2

    Reusing floss is gross - don’t go there. Breaking floss was the bane of my life, and finding a thin non-breakable brand was my personal holy grail. I think I found it. It’s Oral B Essentialfloss Waxed Dental Floss and made in Ireland. Not a single break yet. You can get it at Woolworths, Big W, Chemist Warehouse, etc.

    Note that floss isn’t just for dislodging food particles, but also for removing plaque that brushing can’t reach.

    For the record: Plaque is that sticky film that constantly forms on your teeth. Bacteria thrive in it and secrete acids that cause tooth decay and irritate your gums, ultimately leading to gum disease. If plaque is not removed regularly by brushing and flossing, it hardens to create calculus (also known as tartar), which only your dentist can remove.

  • +1

    Have you thought about using a water flosser…
    I have been using this brand for ages, its easy and it works

    • I did some research , here is a piece of advice from an Australian dentist:

      Water flosser is not useful (compared to string floss) , for most people

      —- >

      {jasonlah is a dentist in Australia}
      "jasonlah on 09/08/2019 - 10:27
      waterpik and airfloss is limited benefit to most people. Unless you have dexterity issues etc and cant physically use floss then i wouldnt recommend you spend that money on a gadget with limited benefit.
      Mechanical cleaning is what gets rid of plaque between teeth."
      I'm a Dentist. Doing a Q&A for Dental Health Week

      • That's fine, I can only pass on what my Dentist told me. I have been going to her for six years, so she is someone that I know, and she knows me. I suppose its like anything, its who you believe. She told me about the waterflosser, and as I trusted her, I purchased it. As I said it works for me. I told my son and he bought one, and hes happy with it. I hope that you can work something out.

    • +1 for water flosser.
      i was skeptical at first, but now i cant live without it.

      • is it good for dental calculus/tartar, the hard white stuff

        • 100% yes it does keep tartar buildup under control

  • +1

    Try caredent dispoable flossers. You can get it at Coles. The only one I've found that doesn't break for me.

  • +1

    Try Oral B Glide Pro floss. It feels really nice, strong and grippy in the fingers but slides really nicely between the teeth.
    Alternative if you want a really strong floss that will never break (Literally), is Pixters Gorilla Floss. This stuff is crazy strong, and word of warning, if you have loose fillings or tight contacts between your teeth i would be careful though.

  • I tried many in Australia and I found this one from China is the best (comparing price with quality):
    CNY $110 or AUD $22 for 600 flossers inc. shipping cost.
    Or this one in CW has very good quality but more expensive:…
    $7.5 for 90 flossers

  • just make mini rope from old threads off a tshirt

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