Average Price for Computer Repair and Support ?

Hey everyone,

Wondering what everyone would pay for computer repair in Australia ?

For instance, what is fair for virus removal ?

Also, what would be considered cheap vs expensive ?


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  • +1

    Virus removal? $0
    Not sure how bad you need to be at basic computer usage these days to actually get a 'virus' with stuff like windows defender built into the OS.

    • +2

      HAHAHA, my mum visits so many stupid websites, her MOBILE has multiple viruses, no joke. It is an Samsung S8 with built-in anti-virus turned on.

      • just curious, how you identified your mums phone has viruses?

        • Because ad pages keep popping up in the browsers, she uses Google Chrome. They pop up in groups too. Can just be using Google to find a webpage and they pop up.

  • +7

    So many variables it feels impossible to answer.

    I wouldn't mind paying $99.95 but I would prefer $39.95.

    Wait what

  • +3

    About tree fiddy

  • Depends. For something I can easily do myself, reinstalling Windows etc, I usually would.

    For a relatively complex issue that could be hardware, could be software, who tf knows and I've gone through the first page of google already without solutions, then around $90. Because that's around where I value my time and sanity.

    For online tech support, I'd expect Indian call centre prices, maybe $15 an hour.

    • mmm interesting perspective, you're right…

      • I charge my customers $50 ,as im doing other things whilst scanning


  • +1

    Use case is critical; odd question really

    Small Business?
    Big business

    OS: Windows? Linux? MacOS?

    Virus removal on Windows 10 - joke right? Anybody reading this section needs to know that Windows 10 can be installed on a PC with an existing windows install, using the existing MS ID number. Windows 10 has built in virus checks.

    Grandmothers need to ask their extended family for free help, or the local church group or local men's shed.

    Grandmothers should NEVER be given admin access. That way, shonky emails, by themselves, shouldn't be able to install rogue software.

    Also use Firefox, Brave, or similar. Keep automatic updates ticked.

    Free advice to all.

    • Excellent. Thank you !

  • +2

    For my IT support I normally charge $120/hr labor, $60 inspection fee for small jobs. $60 attendance if onsite.

    Virus removal is $120-150.

    Windows 7/8 -> 10 upgrade $120.

    PC Cleanup $90-120.

    For comparison pricing,

    HAT Company

    • Excellent !

  • +2

    I charge myself zero dollars because I'm a nice guy.

    • +4

      You're a mechanic, you forgot to charge the Environmental Disposal Fee, the Supply Fee, the Friday Afternoon Fee, and the You Seem Like A Pushover Fee


      • +1

        We still get 50% off Blinker Fluid Replenishment with every third service though, so it's not all bad.

        • don't forget, we removed your injectors and your exhaust pipe is blocked. we recommend an A/C purification treatment and auto fluid flush.

  • +2

    To broad of a question. Most people have intermediate I.T. abilities and can figure it out themselves or people have friends/family who can assist.

    So to answer your question for me personally is $0

    Just don't stooge the elderly who may not know anyone who can help them and use your service.

    • +1

      'Just don't stooge the elderly who may not know anyone who can help them and use your service'


      I support a lot of older rellies (phones, PCs, MACs) because the friendly IT support community like to bend those wrinklies over.

      But realistically, turning up at a house to fix ****anything*** has to be worth at least $100, plus parts, which is why the e-recycling places are full of later model anythings, because it isn't worth the cost, and unplugging a PC from all of its peripherals is scary for lots of folk so that they can 'bring it in'

    • Somewhat ironically (or just tragic coincidence), it's precisely those elderly people who don't know better who'll need these services the most.

      I think OP asking what reasonable prices are is a good sign, as opposed to starting at $999 and working down from there.

  • +5

    Do your services involve running the tree command in cmd and whilst it's running typing "VIRUS DETECTED - $499 REMOVAL FEE REQUIRED"? Then asking the oldie on the other end to drive to the shop and get gift cards?

    I think Kitboga would like a word with you.

    • Not at all.

  • If you ask my entire family or any of their friends, or just anybody associated with them it is free. All you have to do is rock up at my house whenever you feel like it and it will be fixed for free.

    I used to be much nicer but these days (outside of my parents) I sit on any of these requests for months, so people have started to get the point.

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