Text to speech programs where you can record the audio file

Hello looking for a text to speech program where you can record the audio .


  • Dragon Natural Speaking is the best. It is $100 to $200 though. As for a free one? Hmm…

  • If you set the recording device to Stereo Mix in your sound settings, you can use the default Sound Recorder program to record any sound coming through your computers speakers, so you could use any free TTS program or service along with that method.

  • If you have an iPad (or an iPhone) you can use dragons speech to text app and it is free. I have it on our iPad and it works great. Especially for the free cost.

    Oops just re-read what you want. Looks like Aces suggestion is the best and you don't need a text to speech program in vista or win7 as they are built in.

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