Shops with Masks in Stock: P2/N95, Surgical, and Other

I don't think they are currently available anywhere.

If you know of a location in-store and/or online please post.

Also please make a comment if you think/know they meet Australian standards or if you think/know they do not.


  • RSEA have stock.

    To all the people hating on buying masks, they have been handy for the air pollution that is mostly where the shortage has come from.

    • I got few boxes at RSEA Tullamarine. Not the usual price for sure..

    • thank you

    • The good old blame it on the last guy trick! I forgot about that.

    • @gumbo rsea dont have any online. do you mean in store?

  • -1

    If coronavirus becomes endemic in Australia then these masks are not going to protect you any more than they will protect you from the normal flu. You will eventually be exposed regardless.

    • i know.

      i just have a slim hope it may be possible to - combined with isolation and other measures - manage to avoid until a vaccine becomes available.

  • Is it true masks really only stop YOU spreading whatever you are infected with, rather than an uninfected wearer from viruses?

    • yes

      but it depends on the mask
      and it depends on your technique in using them

      surgical masks are designed to protect others from you. they have limited use in protecting you from others but are better than nothing. but frankly make any sick people you encounter wear one too or get away from them.

      dust masks are designed to protect you from small amounts of particulates and fit is always an issue.

      p2 / n95 masks are designed to protect you from various things. but their effectiveness depends on things like how well you fit them to your face, how often you change them, etc.

      respirators are the best you can do, but only again if you fit them correctly, change them under sterile conditions, clean them correctly and replace the filters etc.

  • +4

    Last Sunday went to buy 3M P2 masks at Bunning, mum/dad travelling via Bangkok next weekend. The girl at the door said they got some stock last night and check at the tools section. Older guy manning the checkout at tools section points me to an aisle "look where the gentleman is". Went to aisle, the gentleman was an Asian man with a woman and they had two boxes of masks (the lot) on the floor. I tried to grab a couple and they say "These are ours". Me "What, you are buying the whole boxes". They "yes, all ours". Me "that's not fair, you can'y take all". Another customer behind me listens and he also wants a few. They take it to the counter to the older guy who starts scanning one mask at a time. Meanwhile the other customer talks to another tough looking staff in the tools section and complained. Bunnings staff to the checkout staff "Hey Johnny, stop scanning, we only give 1 or 2 per customer". Asian guy "Why? We want all? You can't start policy on the fly? blah blah". Bunnings staff "This is our store policy for some time". Asian "We going to China, not available anywhere else". Bunnings staff "If you take everything it will not be available here as well". Asian mellowed a bit "We can spare some for these guys, but we will take the rest". Meanwhile the other customer just grabs 3 masks from the box, I got bold and grab a couple as well. The Asians were still arguing, we just went to a front counter with our masks paid, talked how "it is not Australian" in the line etc.

    TLDR; Got a couple from Bunnings but Chinese guy was trying to buy the lot. 2 more minutes and I would have missed it.

    • +2

      "it is not Australian"

      i'm finding it difficult not to agree with you. what a display.

      did you stick around long enough to see if bunnings staff gave in and sold them more than a couple?

      • Odd comment OP ? Why would you want to know ?
        Also, please satisfy my curiosity- how many masks are you looking to stockpile during this anomaly and where was/what happened to your regular source ?

        • Why would you want to know ?

          curiosity - i'd like to know if the unethical person in the story succeeded in being greedy and probably profited or if bunnings stuck to their guns

          Also, please satisfy my curiosity- how many masks are you looking to stockpile during this anomaly

          i currently have 11 surgical masks, no p2/n95 and a half face respirator with cartridges that are nearly used up and no refills

          i can not afford to purchase many at these inflated prices with my financial circumstances so probably 10 or less of the quality p2/n95
          and maybe 2 cartridges

          and where was/what happened to your regular source ?

          everyone is inflating the price or is sold out.

          if this (fires, pandemics, who knows) ever ends and prices get back to normal and my financial circumstances improve - a lot of ifs - i plan on doing some 'prepping' and would get several hundred for future calamitous periods.

          are you trying to imply i'm one of the profiteers or something?

          • +1

            @bargain huntress: No implication implied. Prepping was my guess. But surprised your usual supplier wasn’t looking after your interests if you’ve had a long history/ loyalty with. Good luck in your search.

  • +2

    honestly the best thing to do is keep hunting around.

    stock levels are low everywhere from the bushfires.

    I've been hitting up random chemists and safety workwear stores.

    I wait until i can get at least 500 and then send them to friends in Hong Kong

    • -4

      are you profiting from this?

      • +2

        HELL NO!

        i purchase with my own my, pay for postage with my own money.

        i send to my friends in Hong Kong, they offered to send money i said no.

        just take me out for hot pot next time i'm in town.

        there's 2 types of people in this situation.

        1. the type that fills their wallet to profiteer at people's misfortune

        2. the type that open their heart and wallet to help.

        i'm not rich, i'm struggling hence being here. i have friends there i've known for many years, i want to help them because i know they're in need.

        not suprised i got negged either this forum really does bring out the worst in humans

        • +1

          Good luck with the postage…

          I am sending 500 surgical masks over to the in laws for their use, and a 5kg box the size of a small microwave costs around $180 dollars through Australia Posts, or $350 dollars by DHL.

          Problem is Aus Post go to HK Post which is a bit shit at the moment and chances are it'll take weeks if it doesn't get stolen over there first…

          So DHL is the safest and fastest but postage costs twice as much as the items itself at normal retail.

          If you wanted to re-sell, I am not sure how much margin you'd make, but a $20 box here ends up costing you $60 once it's over there.

        • just take me out for hot pot next time i'm in town.

          is hot pot such a great idea though? :)

          for those who don't follow the news in HK, a family of 19 had hot pot dinner with their relos from China, so far, I think 9 of them has been infected, apparently the steam from the hot pot helped spread the virus ever further.

          • @FW190: i dont believe everything i read

            • @myusername: no worries, hopefully the virus will be all gone by the time you visit your friends in HK :)

          • @FW190: they have banned communal meals now

        • -1


          sorry if i offended you. there are a lot of people doing it.

          it is a bit iffy because you are depleting the local supply. but i understand the need over there is more dire right now.

          i hope they make it to your loved ones and aren't stolen like khangu mentioned

          • @bargain huntress: depleting our local supply?

            at least we have a supply here.

            hospital workers in Hong Kong are giving people instructions on how to make masks at home.

            it's pretty obvious they need them more than us.

            why do you need a mask so badly right now?

  • Sign on the window at Priceline Darlinghurst said they had N95 masks and hand sanitizer.
    I am am guessing other Pricelines would have it as well.
    Good luck, save some for others.

    • Sorry that sign came down today, so sold out I guess.
      Maybe Ozbargained… Or those people from Bunnings…

      • thank you

        Good luck, save some for others.

        i wish everyone was doing this

  • +5

    I bought mine off Amazon but they jacked up the price!
    I've been wearing mine on the train, simply because the thought of breathing in other people's sneezes and coughs on the train is grossing me out right now. The amount of unhygienic selfish people on the train is unbelievable. Being trapped in their air for half an hour… Shudder.

    • +1

      The amount of people walking around that don't cover the coughs or sneezes simply disgusts me. I was standing in line at a chemist the other day behind an elderly lady queuing up to hand in a prescription and she turns her head around to my direction and coughs in my personal space not once but twice. Took 3 steps backward and gave her the death stare.

      • +1

        @lainey thanks for checking

        @lainey and @kevsta

        i have for years been seriously considering for years printing little cards about proper cough and sneeze hygiene maybe from WHO info or something to hand out in situations like that

        • +1

          I wanted to do the same for people listening to their obnoxious noise making phone out loud but considering the type of people who do this, I risked a stabbing….

  • Priceline Knox has some - picked up a few

  • +2

    This is a pretty interesting thread actually.

    Why are people insisting the requirement of a mask?

    NSW government suggests otherwise?

    Face masks are not recommended for the general population.

    Meanwhile, China seems to be promoting masks?

    Also, for those that have access to Chinese state TV, their on-going PSA even suggest to wear masks…

    What a confusing topic!

  • +1

    If you live in Wuhan, I’d say get one. Otherwise, you’ve got about a 1 in 4 billion chance of dying from the Corona Virus.

    • How do you feel about that statement today?

  • Amazon

  • +3

    This is becoming the next baby formula fiasco.

    Odd experience last week - I was walking to Priceline and a 30-35 year old Asian woman with an LV handbag and Dior dress and Balenciaga shoes is walking infront of me into Priceline. I live in an area which is not predominantly Asian and definitely not rampant with luxury LV handbags and the like.

    She walks straight up to the pharmacist asking for boxes of face masks.

    Pharmacist informs she is sold out, shipments gone within hours each time.

    Lady walks off in a rush as though she’s onto the next pharmacy on the hunt. Pharmacist tells me she was the 5th person today in search for boxes of face masks.

    TLDR; I’m alleging there are members of the community profiting from face mask on sell via the net

    • it's not right

    • 30-35 year old Asian woman with an LV handbag and Dior dress and Balenciaga shoes

      TLDR; I’m alleging there are members of the community profiting from face mask on sell via the net

      Definitely are people selling masks at a profit, but they are unlikely to be this rich. Much more likely this is woman who has been following the news in China more closely than the average Australian is worried that the virus is heading here.

  • +1

    I know this is OzB but I can’t believe an ethical person is trying to profit from buy low/sell high for masks right now. It’s global shortage and we’re facing a worldwide spreading deadly virus.

    If I have spare stocks that would last me more than a month, I’d gift them to family and friends.

    • +2

      Some people put money before the health and safety of themselves and their family. It's quite sad. There are people in a real crisis right now, and hoarding essential products while others are in the literal fight for their lives as a way to make money is just abhorent.

      No better than Martin Shkreli and his Daraprim:…

      • Great info! What a dick…

    • yep like bad flu it kills the old the weak the immune-suppressed and the very young

  • +1

    I visited a Daiso store today and saw they had carbon coated face masks in stock. About 30 on the shelf, limit of 3 packets per customer. So it seems Daiso can still get stock in while everyone else is out. I bought one pack. Price was still the usual $2.80, so a big thumbs up to Daiso for ethical behaviour.

    Don't be an ass and try to empty the shelf.

    • sometimes it depends on what exactly you are using them for. most of the disposable carbon filter ones last less than a day (8 hours). We bought 30 when the smoke was really bad in Canberra, they only lasted us a week. Buying a whole box is not unreasonable especially when you know they are so bloody hard to get when people are panic buying them that have actually no reason to have them.

    • Much more economical. But I find that not much people would wear this out of social alienation.
      Even my dad felt uncomfortable with a half face mask on a plane trip.

      Can't imagine it on the train

      • +1

        Call it performance art

    • @abb thanks. i missed it. but i have one of those but can't find replacement cartridges

  • Norwood terry white in Adelaide has sold 2 boxes of normal surgical masks for $650. Yes, you saw it right, 650 dollars for normal surgical masks. 1 box has 25 masks inside…..

    They are not even n95

    • I heard a guy selling masks ¥1 each from ¥0.6 each got 300k fine in China……

    • @diesmile where did you hear that?

      • +1

        The photos of receipts and boxes of masks are circulating on the wechat friends circle, a bit Like Facebook

  • If anybody is looking for a good hand sanitiser. True Eco is excellent and you can buy a concentrate for $20 which gives you 20 refills of the pump bottle. Seems they have plenty in stock. We work with dogs and use it all the time.

    • +1

      Alcohol free hand sanitizer.

      —No information on actual ingredients.—

      Found the ingredients. 0.2% benzalkonium chloride. Same stuff in Dettol.

      • is alcohol free actually any good?

        • +3

          The analysis of 22 studies reveals that human coronaviruses such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus or endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV) can persist on inanimate surfaces like metal, glass or plastic for up to 9 days, but can be efficiently inactivated by surface disinfection procedures with 62-71% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite within 1 minute. Other biocidal agents such as 0.05-0.2% benzalkonium chloride or 0.02% chlorhexidine digluconate are less effective.

          Pubmed link here

  • if you want free p2 masks be contractor for northconnex. free masks for life.

  • This site seems to have some masks in stock…

    • +1

      50 single use surgical masks for $300+?

      Gouging of the worst kind…

  • Have we finally unmasked the issue yet?

    • yep terminal stupidity

      • A lot of people are going to have to give back their Ozbargain badges.

        Read an article today saying since China produces 80% of all solar panels, they might run out in March if China doesn't get back to work. Next panic buying item will be solar panels.

        • well our economy is tanking -all down to the nationals and the Australian libs - assisted by a traitorous media..

  • Hi @bargain Hunter. I am immunocompromised too. I don't usually wear face masks and don't get sick too often. Just the normal once or twice in flu season. Would u recommend that I start wearing face masks in light of the coronavirus?

    • +1

      This is a discussion you should be having with your GP.

      • I understand that, but just wanted the opinion of someone else in the same predicament as me.

    • ask the uneducated for their clickbaited answers

    • @1d0ntkn0w
      hi. as Ozjd said and you already knew anyway obviously you should ask a doc.

      just wanted the opinion of someone else in the same predicament as me.

      i understand totally

      Would u recommend that I start wearing face masks in light of the coronavirus?

      not at this point? i have not been yet. but i just don't know.

      i was also feeling safer for a few days because we had passed the 14 day incubation period since the travel restrictions and so i stopped avoiding public transport and central places.

      but now it has jumped quarantine in multiple other countries and the oz gov is inacting its pandemic plans even though the who haven't declared one yet. so…

      there's just not much we can do if it becomes pandemic or endemic.

      i'm not going to avoid going out anymore until if/when the gov starts advising that.

      hand hygiene is most important.
      learn not to touch your face.
      touch things in public like buttons with your elbows.
      use hand sanitiser after touching things in public.
      wash your hands well using a good technique.
      try to keep/move 2 meters away from people displaying symptoms of respiratory illness.
      if you must be in close quarters with people and someone is displaying symptoms carrying a mask to put on can at least make you feel a little better.
      having a large enough supply and asking THEM to put on the mask would be better but i'm never brave enough.

      also if you are allowed to have vaccinations and your doctor says its ok get a flu vaccine, they usually come out in april.
      i didn't have them for years because i had bad experiences with the early ones, but they are much better now. having one last year made me feel a lot more confident to go out.

  • How come this post still on first page ? Moderator said post only stay on front page for a week… unless tagged for promotion 🤔

    • there's an agenda?

      • There's an anti-china agenda in OzB, didn't you know?


        • i am shocked … to see someone write that….

          • @petry: There are people in OzB that see conspiracies everywhere…

            no /s this time.

        • -2

          Half of Oz B is Chinese i suspect

  • I still have not found any P2/N95 masks.

    • -1

      Have you broke the bonds and the loosened chains?

      Carried the cross of my shame, of my shame?

      You know I believe it…

    • Hello, I've found a few links for you in your inbox. I'm not too sure about Queensland but in Victoria, some bunnings are still stocking single pieces or 3packs. Yes they are P2/N95 3m ones.

  • +1

    is Work Mate P2 Disposable Respirators any good? this is the only ones that are available at our bunnings local store and we are travelling to europe next week

    • Since they've been around, I've never caught Coronavirus.

      Granted, I've never bought or tried one, but on the stats so far, they seem fantastic…

    • A little late but yes its probably as good as it gets with current stocks dwindling. Ideally for public transport with high risk passengers you'd want a medical P2 or N95 respirator rated for aerosols/viruses. Did you end up flying out to Europe? I wish you safe travels. I have friends in Italy, its currently a nightmare there.

  • Any update guys?

    • +3

      Haven't had a whiff of masks since I last posted on 12/2.

      3rd-hand information but I heard that 95% of mask production is going directly to governments around the world. I assume to hospitals/healthcare workers or at-risk populations.

    • +1

      CMH is right, the shortage is caused by governments around the world stockpiling respirators rated N95 and up for distribution to their healthcare workers and other high risk personnel, that combined with production slow down.

      • +1

        This makes sense. I have a respiratory illness/compromised immunity and at the rate its spreading I was a little worried. I travel frequently by air so was looking for an N95/P2 mask for added protection. I was shocked to find them completely sold out everywhere including Bunnings and online stock is insanely expensive. Thank God for my legendary mate in LA with access to bulk military surplus, had him ship me several NIOSH-approved N99 respirators for very resonable, should arrive before my next flight - bloody life saver!

  • Does 3M Full Face Reusable Respirators do the job for the virus?

    • +1

      Certainly will, as long as you use the correct filtre cartridges with it. A little too bulky for me… let alone the $300+ price tag before filtres 😂

  • +1

    Better than nothing i suppose..How to make DIY masks from HK Media.. Now i predict kitchen towels gonna be off the shelf in no time lol

  • +2

    I may be the odd one out but it should be illegal to send n95 masks overseas. Many people in the transplant community, cancer patients and other underlying conditions who work have to catch public transport and attend hospital visits cannot get any masks or afford $50 a pop. Getting corona19 could be a death sentence and it shits me reading people sending boxes to family/friends overseas. I understand the rational but if your living in australian you should also think of your community as well. I don't know, it's a bloody hard situation and a moral and ethical family and community situation with no clear right or wrong

    • -1

      government needs to step up its game in that regard. under a state of emergency, they can do pretty much anything.

      bans for sending pretty much anything relevant overseas: masks, baby formula, toilet paper, etc.

  • I know people who importing masks. He wholesaled to age care services. Next batch is coming next week. I can ask some, if you need and could not get any. I’m at 3165.

  • The local pharmacies we asked charges $25 for a pack of 10 pcs. No single sales.

    We ordered a bulk sample at $1 pcs. How much do you think retailers should charge for 50 pcs delivered?

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