Shopping List for COVID-19 Panic Buying

Apparently some people in Australia have started stockpiling for the end times that's somehow to be brought about by the low case fatality rate infection Covid-19.

So in the interests of maximising the survival rate of the Ozbargain community (think of a world repopulated exclusively by Ozbargainers), perhaps we should begin compiling a shopping list for the cost-conscious panic buyer.

What products should we be stockpiling?

I note toilet paper appears to be a valuable commodity in areas affected by the virus.


  • +1

    At last the Australian consumer is hard at work finally. Factories are ramping up etc. Extra shiftwork filling shelves.
    All those failed Xmas Sales, EOFY runouts, Click Fenzy, etc All it took was the flu to get people spending.
    Looking forward to 3rd Qtr domestic consumption figures. People should be stockpiling Shares - not toilet paper.

    • +1

      It is just pushing purchasing forward. People are stock piling food, not eating more therefore not taking more #2 in the bathroom. Thing quarter financial results might be good but next quarter would be the same. You only stock pile once then you are just replenishing.

      I would be interested in knowing whether people are going to continue to stockpile houses.

      Kind regards,

      • Can you point me in the right direction I want to invest some money?

        • Invest in yourself is #1. Fulfil your earnings capacity.

          Then save money and invest it for yourself. Do a lot of reading. Warren Buffett related articles are a good place to start and his annual letter to shareholders.

          Look at long term trends. Healthcare sector is a long term trend of growing demand due to ageing population. Safest way to get into it, is health care index. Low cost way to get in is Comsec Pocket app. Regular savings and $2 fee per buy transaction.

          I am going to do a financial planning degree (investment in myself).

  • People please read this thread from reddit and leave the tp alone…

    • please, no good. let natural selection do its job with tp'ers

      • Is this when we subsidise those who pay RRP on everything? I guess I'm paying my dues.

  • I just had a look at the SCMP website. They publish latest stats within the articles. at this hour,90k infected, 50k RECOVERED and 3k dead. We need all the precautions, but also need to be reminded that majority recover.

    • if these stats were correct it would have been contained by now. these stats are only what the professionals know, not what's really happening

      • If what you were saying was an issue, the newly discovered cases in China wouldn't have plummeted, they would still see people infected by asymptomatic carriers. And they're hyperalert to this stuff now (unlike, say Iran was). So unless they're deliberately lying, it's receding fast there.

        Of course, elsewhere, might be another matter.

    • +1

      it's scmp.

    • As EyesWideOpen says, it's SCMP, state-owned media that operates in Hong Kong
      The reported cases is most likely under reported

  • WHO (who is usually late to the party) has declared that we are operating in "uncharted territory".
    Millions of people are locked down in their homes in China.
    Long incubation period.
    Possible case of 'community spread'.
    Borders of infected countries are closed, travel bans.
    Australian government is treating this as an epidemic.
    Some school are planning closures.
    The real death rate maybe a lot higher than 3-4% (figures have always been underestimated in previous outbreaks).

    Seems a lot more serious than the common flu.

    • In completed cases (so not including current cases) the death rate is 6%. It'll gradually approach something closer to that - provided those numbers are even real anyway

      • I think it's far to early for % and there seems to be two strains.

  • Merged from People Have Gone Mad Due to COVID-19?

    Have people gone mad?

    Condoms sell out after social media post encouraged people to put them on FINGERS to avoid corona virus

    • +1

      Doesn't affect anyone here :D

    • Let them be.

    • +4

      rubber gloves are much cheaper

      • +2

        Hard to find ribbed ones, let alone studded.

        • You're in the wrong shop.

    • 1 pair of rubber gloves = 10 condoms.

      • What about the palm?

        • +2

          No wastage, use it to wipe your butt.

    • Unless the fingers are erected, it wont fit snuggly.

      Maybe they sells size zero condoms…

    • +2

      Can we just have one consolidated coronavirus hysteria thread?

    • Yeah I'm buying extra large one. I have big fingers!

    • +1

      people in herd behaviour seeing other people do it, so must follow suit

      same reason share market crashing the sheep following sheep

    • +3

      Also I don't understand the addiction to toilet paper and idiots who are buying $30 worth toilet paper for over $80 on Ebay

      • +3

        Are they actually buying or is someone just selling it at that price?

        • 23 sold

    • woohoo! some extra small ones still left! for a friend of course …

    • +3

      It's the Daily Mail; most of the stuff they post is bs

    • You’re worried about condoms? What about toilet paper?

      • With all the Xiaomi bidet deals going around, I don't think TP is necessary for Ozbargainers.

        • +3

          Til the water pressure drops and suddenly all you have is a spout to scratch against.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Whip out the Karcher and give your arse the best clean it's ever had.

            • @AdosHouse: Will no doubt give you a whole new butt after that…

          • @[Deactivated]: I think toilet paper would be the least of our worries if the bloody water supply system runs dry.

        • +5

          ozbargainers only take dumps at work to save on buying TP.

          • @fishball: Nekminnit, people stealing those mega TP rolls from work/public toilets … if they haven't already.

        • bidet also means wet bum and bits. still need TP to dry

          • +1

            @Archi: plug in your hairdryer beside the toilet, give yourself a whole new kind of blow wave…

      • you might need it when you have to self-isolate at home.

    • +2

      Having family in the food manufacturing industry business is booming after poor sales from the bushfires. Starting off to be one of the best years of profit in a long time.

    • +4

      I wish we would give bans to anyone who posts a new thread about corona virus, instead of using one of the many threads already available for this stupidity.

      • +8

        Not a bad idea. I'll start a new thread to discuss this policy.

    • -5

      doesn't seem right. I think the manufacturers are withholding supply. They finally twigged as to how they can drive prices up.

      • +1

        Damn, ran out of negs

        • +5

          I've got you john

        • If it was actual mass buying, staple goods would have been bought first vs toilet paper.

      • +4

        I have checked and the manufacturers are staying honest with prices. The real culprit is the media. Everyone seeing this on the news is going to go "stock up" and this spreads nationwide.

      • didn't you see the news this morning, the truck caught fire and all the TP burned…

        • +1

          "This is not overly common, particularly around the city areas but the main thing is no-one got hurt tonight and we've been able to save quite a lot of toilet paper," fire officer Justin Francis said.

    • There's one for ya!

    • preparing for quarantine at home perhaps?

    • +7

      People haven't gone mad because of Coronavirus, that happened because of the news media.

      They are being controlled by the news media who are happily lying for the idiots who haven't worked out what they are yet.

      Or maybe you just have no standards.

      • +6

        It breaks my heart to say this, but I agree with diji1

        • +9

          a broken clock is correct twice a day :)

      • +1

        Truth. Not even narrowed to this current shitstorm, been like this for decades. Thanks Uncle Rupert and Ko.

    • +3

      People have always been mad

    • +3

      Common sense is not so common.

    • +5

      People are sheep and social media is their shepherd. Nothing new.

    • +1

      People Have Gone Mad Due to COVID-19?

      No, madness is not a symptom of COVID-19.

      Please cease spreading misinformation !

    • -1

      If you think something terrible will happen and it is for ever discussed in the media
      one sits and thinks what can I do about it! Nothing - but by going out and buying
      toilet rolls etc you are doing something positive for you and your family. You can at least say when (if)
      the disaster occurs at least you have food etc stored away to help protect your family. As you see
      more and more people doing this it gives you comfort in knowing what you are doing is the correct thing.
      (of course not everyone agrees!)

    • -1

      Stole toilet paper from work. 1 roll per day.

    • spread spermicide instead

  • -3

    A symptom of Coronavirus is actually diarrhoea… I would stay away from those buying large amounts of toilet paper…

  • geez youd hate to actually need toilet paper, tissues, paper rolls, rice, pasta, bottled water, hand sanitizer etc. for this weeks shop
    all were totally cleaned out at my local coles yesterday outer SE suburbs of melb…its not a small store either.
    …lots of gaps across the store shelves. was literally 25%-30% less stock in the store. people are getting pretty crazy….

    • Must be a city thing, haven't noticed anything different up this way (SEQ).

      • …this is melbourne SE outer suburbia im talking about. a large store too.

        • +1

          So, a city thing then?

          Anything within 50km of the CBD is a city thing to me. :)

          • +3

            @EightImmortals: Edit: Since my last observation I am now saddened to say that the TP section of all the supermarkets up here were emptied out over the last couple of days.

            Will keep an eye out for super bargains once all the idiots realise they have just bought 5 years of TP and sales dry up because of it.

  • next its going to be 'Corona Virus linked to Massive Increase in STD's'…

    due to people causing a shortage by using condoms as finger protectors..
    Ladies and Gents of the night going into administration, closing their 'business' as they cant work due to no condoms..

    • +3

      I'm waiting for someone to blame climate change…..

  • -1

    I blame it all on ScoMo.

  • +1

    People need to understand the media make money by click bait. Every time you click on their stupid overhyped articles, they’re making money from you through advertising.

    On a more important note:

    3,000+ people die EVERY single day on the roads world wide. Travel ban for all roads. Nobody should go anywhere near those devilish asphalt and concrete snakes!

    3,000 people from a virus? Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump them up before I start caring.

    Oh and P.S. I’m selling black market toilet rolls, best on the market… quadruple ply. Pm me 😜

    • And that's assuming those numbers are correct.

      • assuming? they are finding surprise infections every day. they are definitely incorrect. Do you really think a 3rd world country has the resources or skills to go keeping a legit track record?

    • +1

      Things can always be looked at relatively. As you say, we basically have a 9/11 death toll every month worldwide from motor vehicle accidents, yet no one runs around in a panic. Why? Because we're accustomed to it, and accept a certain amount of death and injury for the many benefits we get from vehicles.

      While COVID is just a mutated virus, it is something new and an additional problem. While I think there is far too much fear and panic being pumped through the media, going the other way and having a 'she'll be right mate, who cares?' attitude is also the wrong way to go.

      • Correct. With cars people have some sense of control. They believe they are better drivers than they are really are.

        COVID is beyond their control. The uncertainty stresses people out and make them do crazy things.

    • Completely wrong analogy, like comparing apples to oranges.
      3k+ worldwide people die on the road?

    • alcohol, smokes and suicide are some of the big killers. I think it's technically heart disease that has the big numbers. You won't see anything on the news besides maybe one person who is going to die or a hype treatment that never gets put in place.

    • +1

      This is more than just deaths though. Sure 3000 people die every day on the roads. What if you said a percentage of those near the accident would just die just because they were in the vicinity. They weren't even in the crash. And the remaining bystanders who were nearby and didn't die had to go into quarantine for 14 days just in case. Your mate Robbo saw the accident but somehow escaped quarantine. Whoops, you've had contact with a witness. You too can die and you too have to go into quarantine. You're not allowed to go to work just because you had contact with someone who saw the crash. You're living paycheck to paycheck and your work doesn't allow for any paid leave, yet you still have bills to pay. What are you going to do?

      If this is what happened when someone died on the road, you'd look at banning travel on the roads, wouldn't you? You can't just look at the deaths. Ok, maybe this isn't the best analogy and I'm not saying this is the end of the world, but you can't just look at the deaths. That's not the whole picture.

  • Finally installed my fancy bidet after months of procrastination. Thanks people who overbuys poo paper for the incentive, my butt is now officially TP free.

    • just wait until the water restrictions kick in

      • Well then I just won't wipe to counter it!

    • doesn't your bum and bits get wet with the bidet. and how do you dry before putting your pants back on or do you cope with the wet undies

      • it's got warm air drying feature

        • oohhh that's nice…

  • Merged from Bargains Because of COVID-19 Outbreak

    So as a bit of a change from COVID-19 panic buying and hoarders of certain products, how about a discussion on bargains people are getting because of the virus.
    Whether that be specials that are happening now, or ones you expect to be cheap down the track when the outbreak is over or at least stabilises? Whether it be because of surplus because of less overseas demand, or just because businesses need to encourage more people to go out and shop?

    Flights are the obvious one, but probably not practical for many people due to the cost, time, or just considered risky. Seafood like lobsters is another, but imo not going as cheap as I thought (these businesses are sounding like Unis where servicing the local market is no longer sustainable … what a joke imo).

    Any one think of any other bargains in this time of mass stupid panic buying?

    • I'm waiting for a drop in accommodation costs in a couple of Australian locations, for upcoming travel.
      Surely with the decline in international visitors the occupancy rates should fall, with a resultant drop in the tariff.

      Airlines have reduced their flight numbers / frequency, so might not be as big a drop in airfares as we would expect.

      • +1

        I wonder if less overseas visitors requiring accommodation is offset by more Aussies holidaying locally, rather than visiting South East Asia

    • +1

      Shares? Any category except Medical

    • +1

      stock market

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