Porting out-in from Kogan Mobile - Looking for Advice

My Kogan Mobile $14.90 for 90 Days plan is expiring today (yeah, I completely forgot about it until yesterday)
I would like to come back on same plan so looking for some porting out-in advise.
I do have that $2 Sim from Telstra got it for free through another deal on ozb.
Wondering if I can use that Telstra sim (without needing to recharge it) to port out today and then tomorrow or even later today port back to $14.90 (new user) plan from Kogan? Will this work? Does Telstra allow it without needing to recharge on their network? and given the very limited time before expiry period what is the best way?

PS : My yearly requirement is atleast 150gb data + unlimited local calls ( no requirement for international calls)

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Kogan Mobile


  • why dont you got to catch for 3 months>? and when it expires come back to kogan?

    you will get cadhback via cashrewards as well ~7-13 dollars

    And then every quarter jump from kogan to catch, catch to kogan

    • Thanks, but that will need a Catch SIM card which is impossible to receive via post/courier in a day.

      • Same with the Kogan 90 day plan. Your current sim will be dead after today unless you recharge.

        Maybe go to Aldi and buy a $5.00 sim starter pack. You get $5.00 credit to use, so turn off data and try not to make many calls/sms for a few days until the Catch 90 day sim arrives in the mail.

        Another option Belong Mobile $40 Starter Kit for $15 @ Australia Post. This will give you 82GB for 3 months using Option 2.

        Not sure if you can even port back to Kogan 90 day plan after a few days anyway. You need to check that. I thought it was 30 days.

  • +1

    You need Telstra credit to port into Kogan I’m pretty sure as you need to reply to sms.

    I think it’s no problem porting to Telstra since you have calls/sms access

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