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[eBook] Free - Alternative Medicine | Crafting: The Top 300 Best Crafts @ Amazon AU /US

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Alternative Medicine Kindle Edition by Dr. Nasser Afify

US Link Here

Alternative medicine is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard care. Standard care is what medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine is used in place of standard medical care. An example is treating heart disease with chelation therapy (which seeks to remove excess metals from the blood) instead of using a standard approach. Examples of alternative practices include homeopathy, traditional medicine, chiropractic, and acupuncture. Complementary medicine is different from alternative medicine. Whereas complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. See also complementary medicine, conventional medicine.

Crafting: The Top 300 Best Crafts: Fun and Easy Crafting Ideas, Patterns, Hobbies, Jewelry and More For You, Family, Friends and Holidays

US Link here

Discover Over 300 of the Best Crafting Ideas!
Whether you want to (1) learn how to make exciting new crafts, (2) make beautiful crafted works of art, or (3) just enjoy a variety of incredible crafts that you can make for yourself, family and friends, this book will guide on how to easily start making your very own professional looking crafts.

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closed Comments

  • +17

    “ Do you know what they call 'alternative medicine' that's been proved to work? Medicine." Tim Minchin

    • -1

      Do you know what they call a cliche? That comment whenever someone mentions non-corporate medicine. :)

      • +5

        'non-corporate medicine' thats a new one for me. I guess everyone wants non-corporate medicine until they are properly sick.

        Labelling something a cliche because you disagree with it doesn't make it any less true.

        From the description 'An example is treating heart disease with chelation therapy (which seeks to remove excess metals from the blood) instead of using a standard approach.'

        And here is what your corporate medicine says about that: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease…
        and here:

        "no scientific evidence to demonstrate any benefit from this form of therapy"
        "chelation therapy is not effective as a treatment for coronary artery disease"
        "chelation therapy has no proven efficacy in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, and in some patients could be injurious."

        I dunno man. When I get heart disease from all the KFC deals on here, I'm going to go for the corporate medicine approach that is actually supported by evidence and will work.

        But would those corporate medicine sell outs know? They're just trying to get that $$$.

        • +2

          Was going to post the exact same Minchin quote. We probably won't convince EightImmortals that they've been fed some snake oil salesmen bs, but hopefully some of the undecided people read what you've written.

          • +1

            @thisisscotts: Pretty sure the Venn diagram for cynic and ozbargainer has a massive overlap.

            • @LuckyDrew: Haha true… "is this really a deal? no way, there must be a trick… let me investigate further… there's always a trick…"

      • +2

        You say that as if there aren't corporations profiting off of alternate therapy and naturopathy (i.e.Swisse, Nature's Way, Blackmores)

        There is a reason it is called standard care, because anything below that is deception and profiteering off of people caught up in the notion that big pharma is out to get them.

        "bIg PhArMa iS jUsT tRyInG tO mAkE mOney", well wake-up call, so is every naturopathic company.

  • +4

    Written by an antivaxxer no doubt

  • +3

    Free. But might kill you if you follow it. Sounds very expensive to me

  • +1

    add some crystals, sage from the garden, and whalla, COVID-19 cure.

  • +2

    Do they also teach me that my immune system can beat Covid-19? /sarcasm

    Also, this "Dr" has written a wide range of books from explaining Forex trading, to the success of the Japan, China, and Singapore, to political scandals.
    Source: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADr.+Nasser…

  • +1

    This book got me ALCHEMY 100.

  • Thanks, picked up a stack of free Susan Hollister e-books from Crafting to Cooking to Start Ups and a whole range of topics.

  • -2

    Medicine is a shitshow. Nearly all illness is due to poor western diet and can be remidied with proper nutrient intake. Lots of "alternative" medicine is a scam. Lots of "real" medicine isn't properly tested and can cause side effects worse than the illness. Never trust someone trying to sell you something they own the patent to. What's best for you isn't what's best for them.

    • +1

      Nearly all illness is due to poor western diet and can be remidied with proper nutrient intake

      Are you delusional? That is not even remotely close to being true.

      real medicine or you know medicine goes through stringent testing to make sure it is not only safe, but actually works. The majority of ground work for medicine is carried out by university students and researchers earning sweet (profanity) all, the funding from pharma companies just allows promising work by these people to be carried to completion, they don't exactly see any profit off it…

  • Alternative Medicine is no longer free. costs $5.70 on Amazon Au

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