Beginners Gaming Build. Does It Seem Ok?

Hi guys, just wondering what you think of this build. A friend put it together for me, he knows his stuff and I don't. His last build for me was going on 7 years ago and the thing has run 24/7 since then without a problem and is only off for the odd reboot and update and outages. Haven't gamed in a long time but want to get back in to it(C+C is first game I'll be getting). Approaching retirement and hoping this build will be good for some time.

The prices have dropped on some of the stuff listed but I've bought the case and the Ryzen 3600 (via ozB of course!) and now I'm waiting for the right B550 to come available here. I see PCCG have begun listing them for pre-order with a months approx delivery date.
I've went for this case as I'm trying to achieve a fairly quiet PC.

This is the build:…

and this is the mobo he's now recommending:

Any thoughts or advice appreciated.


  • +2

    Yes looks okay.

    A few suggestions:

    Personally I'd go something like a Kingston A2000 over a Crucial P1. Cheaper and performs better.…

    Make sure you grab some RAM from an OzB deal too. 149 for basic 3200 is expensive. I bought this for $109 this week which is idential spec to the one on your list.…

    Theres nothing wrong with that motherboard other than it being a bit overkill for your needs. As a more expensive B550…. look at something a bit more basic perhaps. Most B550 come with 2 M.2 slots. Its only if you need front USB-C and lots more USB then get a higher spec B550 IMO.

    • If I can scratch some extra dollars up in the future I'd like a new monitor so the USB-C slot would come into it's own, plus ph charging.

  • +1

    Part choice looks reasonable to me. Obviously each part can generally be found for cheaper than what you've listed on OzBargain deals etc, but not sure where you are buying from.

    Also I wouldn't recommend that specific RX 5700 XT, as it runs hot due to poor thermal design. Go for the Gigabyte Gaming OC or Sapphire Pulse 5700 XT if possible.

    To get a good idea on reasonable prices, here's roughly what each part should cost (besides cpu, mobo and case). Obviously COVID screwed up all the prices, but I've seen deals for all of these around this price in the past 1-2 months.

    RAM: $110 for 16gb 3200mhz
    SSD: $150-170 for 1tb ssd
    GPU: $650-$670 for 5700xt
    PSU: $100-$120 for 550w-650w.

    Also an important factor to consider is your monitor. For this system I'd say a 1080p or 1440p 144Hz monitor would be reasonable. No point getting a beefed out rig if your monitor isn't up to scratch.

    • So far I'm sourcing my parts via ozB and I'll keep doing that. Everytime I see a deal or someone recommends a site I go and look.

      But I'm heavily relying on my friends on a Discord channel we have, they are knowledgeable like you guys and eventually I'll get there. My brief to them was a build somewhere between 1.5 and 2k so that list was the first thing the started, there was a cheaper list but I liked this one and obviously some of those prices have dropped. The case and the cpu were cheaper than in that list.
      *I've looked at that Sapphire pulse.

  • That PSU needs an upgrade. Its only 550w, and I use that very loosely since it is a low Tier PSU.

    Also stay the hell away from the MSI Mech, it has really shitty cooling. This one,… , is WAY better and cheaper.

    • who tf negged this comment 🔥, it's true, the MSI mech is known to be hot and noisy, only upside is that it's the smallest 5700xt, I have it so yea.

      PSU advice was reasonable too

    • Ok, I'll look at different PSU.Just buying the ripjaws recommended here in the comments now. So next i'll look at the GPU.That asus isn't much cheaper though from what I've found so far.

  • -1

    Get a GTX 1660 or similar instead, its a med-high end gfx card @ $400ish.
    That thing you picked is really high end

    • I didn't pick it, my friend did.But yeah it's up there isn't it.

      • -1

        Too powerful for what you need, end up feeling like a tool with that card

  • +1

    Whirlpool maintains some good recommendations from their community.
    Summary page :
    Gaming :…

    Get yourself familiar with PC Part Picker, it is the OzBargainer's #1 tool for spec'ing and finding their best value build. The guide page is great too and you'll quickly see what sort of bang you can get for your buck.

  • I just found this price for the Samsung 970 evo pro plus. $169…

    If I can find some other bits there I might qualify for free delivery.

    Also here for $155

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