Any Good Idea for Birthday Present for 1 Year Old Boy?

Hi guys, wondering about ideas for a present for my son. Something not too expensive and exciting for him. Thanks.


  • +4

    There are really some good advise given above šŸ˜‚: only if you are serious about gifting a 1 year old

    ā€¢ N95 mask
    ā€¢ RTX 2080 Ti
    ā€¢ a sister
    ā€¢ an ozbargain account
    ā€¢ Eneloop
    ā€¢ an $80k investment car

  • +1

    Big man Tyrone birthday wishes.

  • +1

    Daughter's fav toy when she was 1
    Fisher Price Drop Road Dinosaurā€¦

  • +1

    Ikea CIRKUSTƄLT Children's tent.. wonderful for play time

  • +3

    my parents bought me a set of wooden blocks when I was young to stack and build things with. in the earlier years they can be used for stacking and toppling over, and then in preschool and school years they can be used to build houses/cars/cities, your imagination is the limit. I got hours of enjoyment from my blocks and used them up until I was 8. might be a bit old fashioned but its a cheap present that inspires creativity and teaches dexterity and coordination.

  • +6

    1 yr old doesn't need a present. Get something for the mother.

    • Gin, motherā€™s ruin.

  • I got a friend's little boy a pair of Adidas superstar's because they looked so cool
    Complete waste of money but my friend said he was going to keep them even after he outgrew them

    I even bought a pair for myself cause I like those shoes and if I get bored, I can list them for sale with the "never worn" thing

    But definitely get something for the mother like 'gimme' said.

  • A barrel of whiskey. The kid will really appreciate it in 20 years time.

  • +1

    I like to give a keepsake toy for first birthdays. Cuddle & Kind make hand knitted soft toys and the profits go to buy meals for children in need. They have a good selection and the toys come with birth dates so you might even get one the same as your child's.ā€¦
    Also, The Catherine Hamlin Foundation have hand knitted toys and gifts, might find something nice for your partner as well. The money goes to the Hamlin Fistula hospital in Ethiopia (don't read the stories of the patients if you're easily depressed. So, so heartbreaking what these women go through.
    Other than that, maybe commission a portrait of your child or buy some nice art work for their nursery? Something they can keep when they're older. I bought my son a couple of sets of wooden dolls painted like famous artists from Goose Grease. They're fair trade and work with artists in developing countries. He can play with the now, but later they can be a quirky shelf ornament.ā€¦

  • Yeah a punch in the arm.


  • +2

    I understand a lot of people are saying not to get anything as they will get over it quickly, but thereā€™s actually a number of options which will be developmentally appropriate for years. What has your child showed interest in?
    Wooden blocks above is a good idea.
    My daughter got a baby doll- she would constantly play with the ones at playgroup.
    Junior basketball hoop- this is more me pushing my interests on her lol, but she was walking early which is why this was appropriate
    And a ā€œbigā€ gift was a Mini Micro 2 Go Deluxe Plus scooter- sheā€™s been zipping around for months on the sit down cart, and in another few months will be ready for it to convert to a scooter.
    My sister also bought a learning tower, which enables them to help in the kitchen and that has been used every day since itā€™s arrived, and will only get more use as she gets older.

    Along this line, play kitchens are another good choice, mud kitchens are an option. Animal figurines are cheap and a winner here and at playgroup, books- we donā€™t have a local library so we have to buy ours, board books are a good option, some winners here: Dear Zoo, Whereā€™s The Green Sheep, the ā€œThats not myā€ range, Pig the Pug range. From a recent ozBargain deal we got the Dr Seuss set and sheā€™s loving those, although thatā€™s only started recently, so a more colourful ā€œbabyā€ book would be more appropriate.
    A Kmart flip out sofa; theyā€™re cheap and will get a workout from any kid. A $20 scuttle bug trike from Kmart or $15 dune buggy trike from big W, these are super lightweight. I donā€™t have one have used them at other peopleā€™s houses and everyone loves them.

    We also have been putting money in her bank account since birth.

    Ultimately there are lots of options for your son, some of which could be used for years.

  • My boy will be one soon too.

    Iā€™m considering Duplo blocks, some sort of outdoor play equipment (swing/slide), a ride on toy, very basic puzzles. He already has tons of books, a medium size ball, flip out sofa, toy box (great to put all the toys in) which could also be good gifts.

    Others in my mums group are doing flip out sofas, pretend play set ups, e.g, kitchen.

    I know people are commenting that kids this age donā€™t care, but young kids do benefit from toys that support play and their development. Probably look for things that theyā€™ll use through this next developmental phase or that will help you e.g. furniture for their room.

  • The box suggestion above is the best. I have 2 child and found they both only play their new toy for 10min the rest of the day is the box and bubble wrap.

    Alternative is books. Or find them a comfort toy

  • Alcohol for the parents. They need it

  • +1

    Given the range of ideas here, OP really needs to come back and tell us what they did give

  • Ball pit. One of those inflatable ones from big W.
    I got my son one back when he was about one and he lost his mind over it. It brought him many hours of joy until he popped it.

  • a flashy new hot wheels pram! so all the other babies are jealous!

  • $500 in asx:vgs shares he can't touch till 18yrs old.

  • Some things my 1yo enjoys playing with

    Toddler play gymā€¦
    Sand and water table (yes even in winter)ā€¦
    A variety of balls
    Books with lift-the-flap or touch ones (like That's Not My…)
    A pull back toy car
    Ride on toy
    Rocking horse

  • Order TP from Amazon and make a cubby house from the giant boxes they ship them in - everyone wins!

  • Just a cake with a candle.
    We are in a recession

    • Surely not a real candle/flame; too dangerous.

    • Wouldnā€™t people buying things help us out of a recession, presuming they can afford what they buy.

  • +1

    Lol can't believe you need to ask what gift to buy for a 1 year old. You celebrating his birthday is enough

  • At 1 you're buying for the parents. I asked my brother about his youngling. He very quickly said clothes, always clothes, always appreciate clothes.

  • my son is turning one soon. we are getting him a Pickler

  • bouncy castle, yeah!

  • I would suggest a rocking horse/toy or a car to ride on. On a budget these can be picked up from eBay or if you're lucky, at a thrift store (just need to disinfect/wash it for safety reasons) or even "from neighbours that don't want them anymore". I'd repaint and customise it to make it special. I actually did just this and got a car for my little one and did a paint job on it (It's around $5 a can of spray from Supercheap). The doors help secure toddlers in (since they're supposed to be 3+ years to use it themselves. But under parental supervision it's very safe.) and I just use cushions to keep them comfy. This way you can be proud and show off your handy craftsmanship whilst the little one enjoys the gift.

  • Our little guy loved playing with Tomy hide and seek eggs when he was 1

  • I'm guessing kid won't remember 1yo birthday so any gift is likely to be a WOFTAM

    I liked the wrapping paper and the empty box

    David Letterman (NYC TV Late Show) said when he was a kid his only toy was 'a stick!'

    So you could give the kid something brown and sticky - um - except if you've been changing nappies you've probably got that already …

  • Not sure if have been said, buy a tree. Plant tree. Take photo with tree. Cool present for years to come. The tree grows with the kid! This depends on living in the same spot though!

    • +1

      Get a fruit tree. Kid gets fresh fruit and gets to climb tree to get it. Fresh blood plums are delicious but the stains are hellish

  • Bubble machine or a soft ball is a great choice for that age. Otherwise you could go for an Instaworthy wooden toy that to keep the mum happy.

  • Find out which 'Thomas' they are going for as they aren't all compatible. We preferred the wooden set as the Brio matched it well and they had to set it all up each time and push the trains themselves so more imagination play.

    I did get my niece and nephew good books… first born nephew got the Calvin and Hobbes 'Revenge of the Babysat' and ;'Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy'.

    Niece got a really nice atlas that we inscribed with a message about seeing the world.

  • Serious question. Why a present at all? The kid is 1! That's ridiculous. Generally I engage Uncle mode from the 3rd bday.

    • I agree, at that age it is not necessary.
      Some more nappys, baby wipes, drool catcher, bumbo chair.

      If a kid plays with a new toy for just 10 minutes, thats a winner.

      Kids today do not want toys, save your money.

      Sorry for bad parenting, but a video game, youtube will get more attention.

      Yeah Lego is great but expensive, they can build to their hearts content in Minecraft. Sorry not talking about 1 year olds.

  • Bluey .

  • A new free iphone app.

  • +1

    Serious answer. 1 yo's love pull-along toys.

  • +3

    Heā€™d probably be happy with a bunch of old saucepans and a wooden spoon. Not sure you guys would be, though.

    What the kid, really, needs is your time to play with him. Read him books, get him blocks, something he can drag, something with lots of activities like switches, buttons, etc. At that age they are little sponges absorbing everything. Keep him happy, active and safe.

    • +1 agree

      time with loved ones is better than money for

      my father was always busy elsewhere earning money - I could buy whatever I wanted on account at the local newsagent

      I would rather he spent time with me but I didn't get that

  • +1

    Everyone is trying to be very clever rather than helpful with the responses.

    I'd recommend a basic Duplo set you will pick up for around $25. They will enjoy it and help with their coordination, and they will still find it useful as their collection grows in the next 18-36 months.

  • How about something like this?

    I guess he's a bit young for a balance bike, but this should be easier to handle:ā€¦

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