AllDealsOZ Introduction

Hi OzBargainers!

My name is Louise Yeung, I have been using OzBargain for quite some time but first time posting here.

A little bit about us - in mid 2010 we saw the potential in the daily deals market, up until now there's been a huge increase of the daily deals sites and as you see already there are more than 60+ daily deal sites in Australia. Like most ozbargainers we have personally bought and used daily deals and absolutely love sourcing out deals. Our aim is not to just build another daily deal aggregator - ultimately we want to make AllDealsOz the deal platform that would really benefit all Aussies, making your daily deals hunting experience easy and enjoyable.

We soft launched the site early this year and have been busy partnering with more daily deal sites and ongoing testing and implementing users feedback to further enhance the user experience. Our site has grown significantly through word of mouth and increasing rapidly daily. Watch the space – shortly we will be launching more exciting features that will make your deal hunting routine even easier and more exciting!

You will discover that AllDealsOZ lets you customize the deals you'd like to see when you log in, you can sort by categories as well as price, end time, discount; and you can also sign up to receive daily email updates on all the best deals in your city. View deals on AllDealsOz, in a daily email, via twitter and RSS! Whichever suits your lifestyle.

By the way, our partner Deal Land is giving away free Swarovski earrings, it is easy to get them, stock is limited, feel free to check out

Feel free to join in the conversation on our Facebook community page Gotta Love Australia - We have weekly giveaways for our awesome fans. We're also giving away an iPad2 to someone lucky when we reach 3333 fans.
P.S. Remember to answer the secret question at the end to double your chance!

Thanks so much for your time


Louise Yeung, on behalf of AllDealsOZ Team

closed Comments

  • Our aim is not to just build another daily deal aggregator - ultimately we want to make AllDealsOz the deal platform that would really benefit all Aussies, making your daily deals hunting experience easy and enjoyable.

    What differentiates your site from being just another daily deal aggregator? You don't really explain…

    • +1

      Their gender. Somehow that is meant to have a bearing on their offering.

    • I haven't used nor been to any aggregators before but i believe they are referring to this:

      You will discover that AllDealsOZ lets you customize the deals you'd like to see when you log in, you can sort by categories as well as price, end time, discount; and you can also sign up to receive daily email updates on all the best deals in your city. View deals on AllDealsOz, in a daily email, via twitter and RSS! Whichever suits your lifestyle.

      as what sets them apart from the others. I could be wrong.

      • It's a nice site. Definitely other aggregators that have these listed features though.

        • Cheers Jason, is a nice site too :)

  • You might want to change New Castle to Newcastle in the video.

    • Thanks novnik, will change it. Cheers

  • Long time member? Since 18th August 2011?
    If that's true, I should have almost acrued long Service leave after being a member for a week I think?

    I don't understand how two females make a Google Deals site better than sites that are created by males?

    • hi StrickenAza34, I've been using OzBargain personally to browse and look for bargains myself. It's a great site. I have not signed up personally as a member though. Thanks for checking out our profile, we have recently signed up on OzBargain as AllDealsOZ. Cheers.

  • I don't understand how you are an all-female deal site, promoting that as your selling point, with a third member being a non-female…. kind of makes the whole selling point moot methinks!

    • Because "he" isn't really a he? That's why it's in quotation marks. I thought that was obvious.

      • They have also emphasised/quoted "female" in the third paragraph.

        Be my guest…

  • +2

    Regardless of he/she/it - the only thing that matters is performance. As a female, I think that this gender distinction is irrelevant and therefore annoying. If you are dealing with people face to face, then maybe an all female staff MIGHT be relevant, but this is a wholly online concern - who cares. Now that people have pointed out the sneaky bits regarding gender claims, I will make a point to never use this company. I just want performance, not games, FFS.

  • Hi all, thanks for your comments. Sorry for any misunderstanding that may have been created. We appreciate that having two female founders have no direct bearing on the success of the site, but we are hoping that our personal approach and style will be refreshing for this industry. This will be reflected as we are developing a key point of difference which will be unique to this industry and planning to launch this key feature shortly. In the interim, we would appreciate any feedback on the functionality of the site which can assist further in the user experience. We have edited our post to stop any further misunderstanding. Thanks again.

    • Are you saying that you have more of a 'personal approach and style' because you are females?

      • +2

        omg people stop being such trolls and nitpicky.

        They are saying that THEIR 'personal approach and style' is 'different' to the rest of the industry so far. Fullstop. Perhaps their 'personal approach and style' will be different because they are females, causing them to have the site in pink (not serious) but they are not saying they have MORE of that.

        • Thanks kirasuran appreciate your understanding :)

  • The blue sun-ray background reminds me of, and the deal listing interface reminds of…

    Are these daily-deal aggregation sites all bootstrapped from a common script? Because honestly a lot of them look very alike (some are quite distinctive though). I guess it's hard to be unique in this crowded market.

    • scotty having plans to aggregate daily deals on ozBargain? lol

    • You can actually buy a ready-made script that clones the main American aggregator Just Google 'Yipit clone script' to see. Without heavy modification and/or maintenance a site based on one of these won't operate very well. This explains the surge in aggregation services both in Australia and overseas markets.

      Our system is entirely custom though (DealFetch).

      • Thanks Dealfetch, you have great site by the way, love the dog icon :) We are also aware that there are ready-made scripts of Yipit clones, and some deal aggregators in Australia are using the script (don't want to mention names here). Our site is completely built from scratch by our awesome developers and our team. We maintain the site on daily basis and strive to improve the site everyday to make our users deal hunting routine easier and more exciting. In the future aggregators who are not able to keep up with the daily deal market and offer users value and great experience will slowly phase out.

        • "Our site is completely built from scratch by our awesome developers and our team. "

          No mention as to gender of these developers, very unlike you, AllDealsOZ.

  • "By the way, our partner Deal Land is giving away free Swarovski earrings, it is easy to get them, stock is limited, feel free to check out"
    I joined up, but no sign of an email from them or anything on their site about the earrings. How would I find out more??

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