Laptop only charges with cord at certain angles.. likely cause?

Hey guys,

My laptop only charges by moving the cord around till you find the sweet spot like old mobile phones on chargers do.

Im thinking it could be a broken solder on the electronic board inside after years of being moved around?

Any idea what id be looking at to get it repaired?



  • Frail wire

  • Most likely the port, replacing it shouldn't be too expensive.

    • ok thanks

  • +1

    It could be the charger.

    • yeah try a new charger first as that's the least hassle

  • It depends - if its the angle of the connection then one of the ports is likely broken (as suggested above), however if its only the wire at a certain angle then its likely the cable is stuffed and need a new charging cable

  • thanks all. if it is a broken port, what type of labour time would it require to fix..i.e whats a fair price to pay for a repair.

    • +1

      The charging socket is usually a "through hole" connection to the circuit board.

      If you can open it up, and see the underside of the socket whilst you wiggle it, you'll more than likely see cracks in the solder joint.

      HOWEVER sometimes it's the socket itself that is busted and you'll need to get a new one to solder to the board.

      As for a price to fix it, not sure as I'd just do it myself. Probably a 5min job either way, but that's once you've disassembled the laptop… and putting it back together can be a pain if it's your first time.

      Parts would be $5 max I'm assuming.

      Have you tries googling your laptop model and not charging? Might be common. Also, sometimes there'll be an accompanying youtube video

  • I’ve had many more cables die than any other charging-related part.

    Usually with some visible damage where the cable connects to the actual bit that plugs into the phone/tablet/computer, because that gets flexed over and over.

    • +1

      thanks, i'll double check it. i dont have a spare charger but i have an electrician mate with a continuity meter so that should suffice

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