Rant: Someone Stole My Airpod Pros I Picked up from an OzBargain Deal


Life sucks, man.
$322 gone. The thing that sucks the most is that they were not even a month old.

EDIT: serial number is sgwycm4f3lkkt
If you are searching this serial number on google, Do not purchase this item, as it has been filed in a police report as stolen and missing property.

Once again,



    • And you are here to give as many negative votes as possible?

      • Name does check out then. Looking for the flops.

    • +8

      The deal is $0 Apple earphones.

  • -4
  • +2

    If you can identify the serial number on the product and you have the matching serial number on your packaging, raise it to the school principal/authorities you suspect your device has been stolen by X. I think someone should be able to step in and help you validate.

    • I know people who work for schools.

      This sounds like a mine field for the school to basically accuse a student of theft. From what I've been told about schools. They would rather wash their hands of this situation than deal with the risk of accusing a student of theft incorrectly.

      And more power to them really. They aren't educators and criminal investigation is not really their jobs. And they aren't Apple staff so they dont really have a procedure in their manual for "checking" serial numbers etc.

      Hindsight is 20/20. But it looks like you can ask for your airpods to be engraved to help identify them. If this were the case would make it easier for school to assist.

      • -1

        If the goods isn't stolen, the other kid shouldn't have anything to hide right?

        • +3


          Now for a practical test to validate the theory.

          Go next door and accuse your neighbour's of stealing a package that was left on your doorstep and ask them if you can search their house for it…. If they have nothing to hide they have nothing to fear.

      • exactly. school is doing nothing

  • +8

    Why dont you wait for the right time and steal it back??

  • -5

    Have you checked your ears?

    • +4

      don't need to be rude, it's just a kid dude. Young people make a lot of mistakes including me

    • I once searched for my Airpods for 10 mins which are plugged in my ears. I know what u did there.

  • Not sure if this helps but try it if it does.

    Have a read on this link https://9to5mac.com/2019/12/04/how-to-find-airpods-pro-seria…

    The AirPods Pro should still be in your phone's Bluetooth devices. It is obviously not connected but it should auto connect when opened near your phone.

    The biggest question is, do you want to confront him.

    • The biggest question is, do you want to confront him.

      confront them*.

      edit: formating

  • Had a phone stolen, silver light Nokia, only kid with one then, from my car as a 17year old, by 'friends'.. was after I reversed and smashed my tail light, so I wasn't thinking clearly, I thought I'd lost it, but as time went on I worked out the truth. Teenage years can be scum.

  • Go give the kid a firm talking to….hopefully he'll return the item back to you.

  • If you know for sure who did it, and you'll have to be absolutely sure, get revenge (and by the way I'm totally not advocating getting revenge).

    But really, figure it out, get yours. Steal them back (surely stealing them back isn't theft) or something appropriately mischievous (which I do not at all recommend).

  • Back in my day kids use to steal coins from each other

  • +1

    I feel your pain. I had my Ti-84Plus stolen at shool. I was solving a problem in the foyer during lunch time then looked up and it was gone. Had got it a couple of days ago and It had just come out too. I was one of the first kids to get it. I still remember it 15 years later :D

  • -6

    I know this must feel bad for you , but think yourself lucky that this is the only thing you have to worry about atm. You could be sucking in ammonia filled air in Lebanon, dying from covid 19, or a sexually assaulted minor.

    Cheer up, life goes on.

    • -1

      respect !

    • Have you ever considered that some of these events are unable to be controlled? exactly how do you expect OP or anyone to help people in Lebanon or anyone with COVID-19? I think it's a little insensitive to say that to someone who just lost an expensive belonging. So yes life goes on, but at least OP can actually do something about this issue….

  • Sucks dude. I lost my Nokia 8210 in high school. Yep. I was pimpin'.

  • Did you set them up in findmyiphone? Mine appear there and don’t just disappear being connected to a new device.

  • Apple made everyone think it is worth $322
    if you are intelligent you know it is worth $99 the minute you walked out of the store.
    If a Google Pixel 4a is $599 how can a pair of headphones made in China designed by Apple be $322

    • +4

      they're worth whatever people are willing to pay for em

      • sad but true… I don't think they justify their worth.

        A $50 set does the exact same thing, it's not like they have special software or anything, they are literally just headphones.

  • Someone stole your airpods because 1. You gave them the opportunity 2. They don't fear the repercussions.

    You need to find the toughest guy in school and beat the hell out of him. Worked for my cousin in prison. He leaves stuff out and nobody dares touch it.

    • i would get expelled, im in my last 7 weeks of school :(

      • +2

        Ok so beat the shit out of them once you graduate then… or are you a chicken?

      • Make sure you don't get caught.

        Any witnesses? Snitches get stitches.

    • +1
  • +6

    Honestly you need to go talk to your room teacher, house leader, principal if need be.
    Tell them the honest truth and who stole it and act all sad and depress even start to cry.

    Similar story happened to one of the younger kids during my high school and well when rumors started to go around the item in question "magically" came back to the rightful owner.

    Also I believe some harsh language was mentioned to the parents and threatened police involvement so teachers were on ball very promptly.

    Although I'm a keen sucker for an all out brawl your mates vs him/her and their mates

    • +1

      I upvote this one. I consider this situation as a bullying where "some people" think there is no law and punishments.

      Very wise just to talk to your teacher/principal. Maybe in front of your class too. So, everyone is now aware that there has been an incident of theft and increasing awareness about their personal belongings.

      I hope the "magic" be with you and got your Airpods back.

      • +1

        Yup, I definitely agree with this magic. If the school isn't coming behind you enough/applying any pressure, maybe mention your last option is a police report. Would be 'oh shit our image' stations in the mind of whatever staff you tell; the idea of having a police car parked near the front gate is a B A D look. Absolutely doubt cops would rock up to school, or be able to do anything even if the thief had them at school and you had all your purchase docs. Its $300 and you are done there in a few weeks. Go for broke and bugger 'reputation.
        The only reason your school will contact u after graduating is to hit you up for volunteering/favours/discounts if they realise you or a relative may be in a position to provide them

        • i totally get u when u say "f reputation, its only a few more weeks". already im being perceived as "someone who is accusing someone else with no evidence", as well as someone who is not "willing to drop this". also i am 7 weeks away from graduating from this shithole that is high school. and the only reason im mentioning this is because this no doubt would affect my report comments (year 12 report comments are kinda important sigh)

          i mentioned bringing up the police and the head of my grade said "tHeRe iS nO nEeD" as well as "sEaRch yOuR bAg aGaIn"
          its clear that he just wants me to forget about it.
          later, i went up to him and he immediately said "no update" and hastily turned around extremely rudely when i came up to him. i didnt even say a word. he just assumed i was gonna hassle him with the airpods stuff

          yeah my schools shitty.

    • mentioned to the parents? u mean by the parents

      • +1

        From what I remember this was some time ago.
        The house leader had a talk to the "culprit" about if they stole the item and of course denied. duh.
        House leader went to victim and said there's not much they can do as it's mostly hearsay (this sounds like where you are)
        Students got involved by spreading rumors that started to spread with the victim got robbed by the culprit
        Victim told his parents and got the culprit's parents involved. (not sure how they managed this but yeah it happened)
        Culprit's parents denied their son's wrongdoing until police got involved with the school. (I'm 100% sure it is a civil matter but nevertheless they were notified)
        Teacher's start freaking out because police is a big no no for the school's image
        Teachers "may" have a feeling that the culprit was guilty and again asked to return said item.

        Item "magically" returned to the rightful owner. Parents are relieved its all over. Police didn't get involved besides being notified it was all happening.
        Teachers are happy that they never had to really lift a finger and well the victim and culprit lived another day and ended up graduating without issues.

        So yeah to OP you need to go to the proper channels and again to the culprit that stole your stuff. Tell them here's the deal you're getting police, teachers and their own parents involved. If they buckle and return or pay up fine that's the end. However if they catch your bluff. Follow through.
        The only loser here will be you if you don't try.

        • i kinda did that. the guy who i suspected (i said exactly all the things u listed)
          the guy blew off "can u f off, i didnt steal ur airpods, im not that low".
          like crazily.
          the kid told his parents, his parents emailed the school saying "im harassing him" or something like that. (i only confronted him twice)
          so im a little stumped here.

          i totally get u when u say "the only loser is me". however, my reputation is tarnishing because of this. im being perceived as "someone who is accusing someone else with no evidence", as well as someone who is not "willing to drop this". also i am 7 weeks away from graduating from this shithole that is high school.

          i mentioned bringing up the police and the head of my grade said "tHeRe iS nO nEeD" as well as "sEaRch yOuR bAg aGaIn"
          its clear that he just wants me to forget about it.
          later, i went up to him and he immediately said "no update" and hastily turned around extremely rudely when i came up to him. i didnt even say a word. he just assumed i was gonna hassle him with the airpods stuff

          yeah my schools shitty.

        • should i get the police involved? i dont care about the schools reputation at all, after this

          • +1

            @theOGozbargainer: Okay I need you to clarify what exactly happened that day.

            You say suspected as in the face to face transaction where the airpods was allegedly stolen was not with this person?

            Where did it take place? Possibility cameras?
            I will definitely get the police involved and simply a report or notification will do for now (again I need to mention this is probably a civil matter)

            You need to tell the school you've notified the police and the person involved get it on their radar that you're serious. Mention you literally got robbed by the culprit and request a sit down with the culprit with head of school present to deal with the matter internally.

            If not you will follow follow through with the police and mention that you (head of school) failed to help you the student feel safe and trying to sweep this incident under the rug is not acceptable.

            Also does your parents know? why haven't they too emailed or call to blast the administration about this. Threated the board as well as media. My father would had chewed out the principle for allowing this to happen and probably given me his blessing to belt the culprit with harsh language of course.

            Overall these are the steps I would had taken to create as much noise as possible.
            But this is a public forum and I am not a lawyer so take my advice with a grain of salt

            • @omgilia: you seem really knowledgable, so im definitely taking your word.
              so far, i have filed a police report online.
              that is all.

              1. i know who stole them.
              2. the suspect threw a fit when confronted 2x times.
              3. the school isnt doing much ("no need go involve police"), claiming "i will get them back for you" (just for me to stop "pestering them")

              correct, i requested a search of suspect, however head of senior school claimed "there is no need" and "we dont want to go there"

              what advice would u give me now ? :(

            • @omgilia: it occured at school, i left it on the table and at the end of the lesson it was gone. suspect identified but no witnessed. suspect denying, acting strange and throwing fits when confronted

            • @omgilia: its my lack of precaution that caused this. i left the device out in the open , in a seemingly "trustworthy" environment. on a table.

            • @omgilia: but at this point, i have filed a police report (its a little weak, to be honest) but its there.

            • @omgilia: with my parents and all, thats my responsibility. i was irresponsible and got caught lacking. my parents in fact, believe the school is doing all (they claim they are still investigating)

              • @theOGozbargainer: With the information present and the fact that you actually didn't witness the item being taken by this person sucks because there's a possibility that the person in question didn't actually take the item [even if they 100% did take it]. I'm assuming no student not even the teacher for that class noticed or handed it in?

                Have you seen this person wear or have your item at all? Do they have friends that can potentially snitch or give information that this person did in fact have the airpods?
                At this point although you have convinced yourself that this person did take the airpods there is no definite proof besides acting shady af.

                Classroom have no cameras? Lockers have cameras? This person would had taken it from his pocket to his bag from the locker? Can always request school administration to have a look on that day. You need to be present in the same room with the person with authority to (I know the school records the lockers because I've been in that room and they have some damn high quality footage saved for up to 1 months worth)

                Are the airpods still tethered to your phone? maybe roam the culprit locker or next to culprit during class for the lost rumbling sound feature apple implemented.

                Your parents although correct about being your responsibility really blows as a victim to bullying myself just the fact that you can't rely on during your teenage years is so damn important.

                So with everything said you need to play your bluffs. Notify the head of grade that you've notified the police and an incident report have been lodged and you would like to give his/her details for possible contact by the police if it goes that far or if he/she is not willing then the principle details will do. Be absolutely confident when you say this. Know that you mean business even if you're crapping bricks inside.

                Again tell the head of class that you want a sit down privately with you and culprit in a room or after class somewhere to solve the problem internally. Mention at this point of time you just want the airpods back no punishment if the item magically comes back to you. You don't care how it does just have culprit do the right thing.

                Also before you request this from the head of class again go to the culprit but this time don't ask for the airpods back initially just tell them the deal. Look I know you don't care but I've got the police involved now and head of class would like to meet you and me about this sometime maybe this week or next week just letting you know (even though you haven't actually). Say I don't care how you do it but this is your chance to come clean and I'll forget this all happened.

                Maybe get them an admission of guilt by asking subtle questions. Look I know you took them because so and so saw you put take them or I didn't want to take it this far.. why did you take it for?

                If all else fails and you don't feel justice is served. I'm afraid all legal avenues been exhausted. I'm surprised you haven't got 5+ of your boys to have a chat with the bloke during recess/lunch.

                Overall due to no witness and no information from anyone that indicates that the person in question actually did take the item it is really really really hard to pursue any further.

                • @omgilia: yeah, thats a thing. i genuinely have 0 friends. sigh

                • @omgilia: the only possibility is getting the school to have a look at the cameras for 11 days ago.
                  i know the suspect did not go to the next class, instead went to their locker (note: they claimed it was the toilet before and then it changed to "the locker")

                  thats all the hope i have

  • +1

    Maan sorry to hear… I remember my mate’s gameboy was stolen in school and how heartbreaking it was for all of us (we used to share it between close circle of friends aaand this was back in 1998).
    The worst part of it was we knew who did it but could not do anything about it as the fellow was a big bully.

  • -4

    Oh u stole my deal they stole Ur deal sounds fair

  • +5

    Having worked at a school (IT) the students were always told never to bring anything expensive to school especially electronics, bar their school provided laptops! If they ignored that rule they were expected to never bring that item out/ use them during school hours (phones, airpods etc). If anyone was caught using said item, expect it to be confiscated.

    Thus was primarily a deterrent to stop students bringing irrelevant items to school, especially since kids love to show off their latest fashion accessory - especially in private schools.

    If students ignored the rules they received little assistance when said student/ parents came expecting the school to assist them with locating lost/ stolen items.

    It’s frustrating but the school can’t be expected to police this. It’s an expensive lesson to learn but I wouldn’t be leaving anything that expensive around students, unsecured (in your bag all day) and knowing there was no way of locating them if lost - it goes back to having common sense. It wouldn’t take much for one delinquent to see you wearing them and then know where to look…

  • Where I went to school you would get rolled for $10 let alone bring anything else expensive in.

  • Simple, if you know who took them go up and ask them, if they deny it kick em in the nuts when they keel over knee to the face, get AirPods back.

  • -1

    Aren't AirPods associated to your iCloud account?

  • Hope you've learnt a valuable life lesson from this unfortunate event. Don't take expensive items to school, unless you're comfortable in taking the risk of the theft, loss or damage to the item. I went thru this with my child at high school, the school did nothing and my child learnt a lesson. There are thieves everywhere and it starts at school. Chin up, I'm sure it hurts a lot.

  • +1

    Do my eyes deceive me, is this really OzBargain? We've gone two pages and no one has said 'bikies.' yet

    • I've suggested the old school all out brawl with all your friends.

      I'm not proud of my younger days but sometimes that's what bullies need.

      It's kinda funny because even today we still joke about what an (profanity) he was and sorry about past dealings so people do grow up. Sometimes… Haha

  • Oh…BTW.. if you steal your airpod back….make sure you steal his phone too. And chuck the phone in the bin. Revenge.

  • +1

    Hey bud,
    Sorry about your loss. Unfortunately this kinda thing happens all the time and I'm sure that you have now learnt a valuable lesson after this situation, whatever that lesson may be.
    Forget about the police and the school helping you - this sounds like one of those situations they would not action as a priority.
    I know it's difficult but you only have 2 options imo and this is speaking from experience dealing with bullies through-out highschool:
    1. confront the guy after school aggressively and be prepared to stand up for yourself, do whatever you need to, to ensure you walk away without regret. If you don't have friends to back you up, organise family if possible, otherwise go solo.
    2. Let it go and accept the loss and move on (this will hurt for a while).

    The most important thing is that you focus on the last few weeks of school, take this as a hard lesson and use it as motivation to improve yourself to not let something like this happen again.

  • so what did u end up doing? The suspense is killing us!

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