Nanoleaf Knockoffs (Wall)

I love Nanoleaf lights! They look amazing and can make your setup look awesome. The issue is that they're super expensive and it's not the OzBargain way to spend $$$ on something so unnecessary.

Does anyone know of any nanoleaf Knockoffs or cheaper variants?

Many thanks!!


  • +1

    Xiaomi has some type of partnership with Nanoleaf's parent company and are producing their own light panels. Unfortunately, they're still very expensive - eg $200 for four panels.
    There aren't any competitors in the space that provide comparable features.

    I was in the same position as you but I've decided (on impulse) to get an ambilight kit for my tv.

  • Ppl buy alot of useless stuff on this site that they don't need. I don't think that $24 dollars a panel for the Aurora is all that expensive considering when on sale given you get the sound module, adapter and free app. It brings an ambiance to a room. Google assist, and Alexis compatible. IMO. I'm at my Dex set up now and can just turn on the lights or tell it to turn on through Google, change the patterns which there are many, and change level of lighting. Mine even run continuously up the wall as well with the flexible connectors.

    I'd be hesitant to try others without some reviews.

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