• expired

All You Can Eat Spanish Food $29 [Syd CBD] Only Mon & Tues


Just $29 to eat as many tapas as you can

Garlic Prawns
Fried Calamari
Grilled Sardines
Chicken Drummettes
Chicken Chorizo
Chicken Croquettes
Grilled Blood Pudding
Cod Fish Croquettes
Artichokes With ham
Fried Salt and Pepper whitebait
BBQ Chorizo
Crumbed Eggplant
Spanish Omelette
Garlic Potatoes
Spicy Potatoes
Spanish Meatballs
Spanish Potato Salad
Garlic Mushrooms
Char-Grilled Capsicum
Marinated Olives

Jugs of sangria $15
Kids Pay under 12 $15

Check in while you are on Facebook and receive a free Glass of Sangria!
Cite Ozbargain when booking and get a free glass of sangria
Limit one glass per booking.

Bookings welcome

[email protected]
Spanish Terrazas Restaurante
541 Kent Street Sydney, 2000

We are trying to be as transparent with our customers as possible so here is the fine print:

*No Take Away
*All patrons at table must opt for the all you can eat option
*To minimise wastage we ask patrons to order no more than (3) Tapas per person per order. So order up to 3, when you finish, order more.
- I know this may be a deal breaker for some people, but no one wants wastage. We can’t make money off wasted food and you don’t get to enjoy it. Believe me, the tapas come at a reasonable pace and you will truly be able to eat as many of them as you wish. Also, given the nature of tapas, they are meant to be shared, ordering too many will mean the hot dishes may go cold before you get a chance to eat them.
*you have 2 hours from your first order to enjoy this deal

If I have missed out on any details, or you have any questions, post below before negging, I will be responding to any queries

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Spanish Terrazas
Spanish Terrazas

closed Comments

  • -3

    *To minimise wastage we ask patrons to order no more than (3) Tapas per person per order. So order up to 3, when you finish, order more.

    this sounds like one of those deals where you wait ages and ages to get served and you leave hungry…

    • +9

      Nah, you will be fed well unlike that dodgy place from Parramatta NSW that advertised last time - one dish at a time and that too with stupidly long wait times..

      Rep aka patron/friend of this place made a genuine concerted effort on the forums to make this deal the best possible before posting on ozbargain: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/53323

      so a big fat +1 from me :)

      • Yep, how they conduct themselves definitely inspires confidence too.
        Looking forward to next Tuesday to try it out!

    • +1

      take it easy dude, they have prawns

  • -6

    reviews sound good…


    the dealbreaker is that it's only Mon & Tue

    • +4

      its only mon & tues because we would like more early week business.

      believe me, you will not leave hungry. i eat here all the time. i will be here next monday, if you come in, just mention who you are, and i'll ask you at the end if you are still hungry.

      The waiting is reasonable, we have not changed anything, portions, sizes, waiting time. we want you to eat here on a monday/ tuesday and like it so much that you come back on the weekend. simple. i am not here to sting people or rip them off.

      question for oz-bargain users, which food review site do you guys use most?

      • +2

        I use Eatability the most

      • +2


      • +1

        i use urbanspoon mainly because it has a iPhone app… Does Eatability have one?

      • +1

        eatability on the computer and urbanspoon on the iphone

      • +1

        I specifically avoid urbanspoon even though I have an iPhone because it's so iphone-centric.

      • +2


      • +1


      • Eatability + Google Places (reviews I think uses Eatability)

    • +6

      Not a dealbreaker to me. Plenty of places have good Monday/Tuesday specials because business is usually so dead on those days.

      Reviews for the food are good, but a large volume of comments slamming the watery sangria which is a shame… I'll definitely give this place a try but will be trying one glass of sangria first before ordering any jugs.

      Extra bonus points for a restaurant doing this kind of thing direct. If I had to buy a Poopon to use this I simply wouldn't bother. Kudos to the rep!

      • +4

        Poopon lol i think a new phrase has just been termed :)

      • +3

        "Extra bonus points for a restaurant doing this kind of thing direct."

        yep, it's a win-win-lose

        restaurant wins
        customer wins
        group deal company loses

      • +2

        "Not a dealbreaker to me."

        it would be if you lived in Melbourne…

  • -4

    please get rid of the facebook crap and just make it so anyone who mentions it can get the sangria..

    otherwise good deal and I look forward to it

    • +3

      checking in via facebook (or foursquare) is advertising for them, that's why they are offering something to you for doing that…

      lots of people checkin on facebook at restaurants and get nothing for advertising…

      • -3

        I am sick of companies offering fakebook users benefits when not everyone wants to be apart of it

        • +9

          There's no one forcing you to check in, sheesh

      • +5

        Spot on. We get exposure, you get sangria. some people check in anyway, all we are doing is incentivising you guys. if you don't use facebook. make a booking, and we'll give you a glass of sangria

        • +1

          Given all the reports of watery sangria, if these are inaccurate then it's a bonus for you too because being free I'll give it a try anyway and if it's good buy jugs of it :) (if it really is weak and watery I'll just stick to water!)

    • +18

      make a booking quoting oz-bargain and your user name and we'll give you the sangria :)

      • +2

        d-d-d-d-dealmaker! Add that to the description, makes it even better! I was thinking of coming in next week and quoting to be jv but I didn't want to be poisoned lol (jokes). Maybe I'll pretend to be scotty instead haha

        • +1

          "I was thinking of coming in next week and quoting to be jv"

          you're not good looking enough…

        • +7

          yes jv, but not everyone thinks rats are good looking ;)

        • +1

          You know how restaurants have pictures of prime ministers and movie stars on the walls with their signatures? We have one for the prominant faces of Ozbargain at this tapas place :)

  • How long is the offer on for? Definitely keen to give this a go and see how much I can eat for $29 :)

  • What's the approximate wait time between after you order and when you receive the tapas?

    • +4

      Between 10-15 min
      that being said, it mostly depends on what you order. things that have to be grilled will obviously take longer. there is the 10 minutes it might spend on the grill plus the time it takes to order the food, and bring it to you. but more than 15 min is unusual.

  • I'll have to check this out if I'm in the city on a Monday or Tuesday. Is this available for lunch and dinner?

    • or arrive for lunch and leave after dinner ??? ;)

    • +4

      Available all day, for both lunch and dinner. the regular menu is available as well, but it is more expensive. this deal is great value for everyone.
      hours are
      12.00- 3.00

      • Is there a time limit for the meals?

        • +2

          12.00- 3.00 = 3 hours
          05.30-10.30 = 5 hours

        • +1

          I hadn't thought of a time limit. i just went and spoke to the owner and we have decided to make the time limit of 2 hours from your first order. 2 hours is more than a reasonable time limit to complete a meal, however we have decided to employ use of a time limit to protect ourselves. its not a race against the clock kind of thing but more a way of ensuring fairness. patrons are welcome to stay after the 2 hours.

          just think about how long a meal would normally take. if your booking was made at 7.00 and you ordered at 7.15 you would have until 9.15 to order food.

          i will be updating the deal to include this.

          if this is an issue for anyone, discuss it here. i am here to work out any flaws this deal may have well ahead of time so that come monday everything goes smoothly for both all parties.

        • +2

          Mannn you'd be one fat ozbargainer if you have to eat for 5 hours in one dinner.. you'd hope they have toilets too ;)

          Yeah, I think 2 hours is reasonable if the time for ordering tapas is not too long (The Bulgogi in Chatswood is ridiculous, they delay it so much, first order came in 30 mins after sitting down, then said our 2 hours was up before we raged)
          Probably make it gentle reminder that the patrons' 2 hours are up and ask for their last orders?

          On a less serious side
          More extreme protective measures: give toilet tokens :p

        • +3

          have to say, i love your attitude towards the questions and amending things not only quickly, but reasonably.

          i'm def gonna try (not the coming monday though from the looks of it lol)

      • Do you have gluten-free options, and what is your max capacity?
        I'm trying to organise a large (around 20-25) group of co-workers to do lunch there the week after next, and there's a couple people who can't eat gluten.

        • +2

          A lot of the options listed above are gluten free. they are

          Garlic Prawns
          Grilled Sardines
          Chicken Drummettes
          Chicken Chorizo
          Grilled Blood Pudding
          Artichokes With ham
          BBQ Chorizo
          Spanish Omelette
          Garlic Potatoes
          Spicy Potatoes
          Spanish Potato Salad
          Garlic Mushrooms
          Char-Grilled Capsicum
          Marinated Olives

          thats most of them really. your co-workers will still have plenty to choose from.

          The Maximum capacity is 150. we do tables of 20+ very often so this will be no problem.

          Monday/tuesday lunches are usually quiet, it is possible you will be the only table during your booking.

      • Sounds good, thanks for the reply :)

  • Why is this not in your website? When does this offer expire?

    • +2

      because it's a special deal…

    • +1

      in all honesty, because it is easier and faster to update a deal on Oz-bargain than the website. it will go up, eventually…. haha

  • +1

    I am not in Sydney but have seen the background on the forums.

    To OP I hope everything goes well and there are lots of happy/full (possibly tipsy) ozbargainers.

    I think that businesses need to do a bit of homework and seek feedback from customers, and its still rare to see.

    Re the Sangria, to me its very dependent on personal tastes. I think people expect it to be sweetish.

    • -2

      Natt, what is the point of your post ?

      • He is commending the OP.

  • When does this offer expire? my shredding diet doesn't finish till another 2 weeks! I really want to try spanish food!

    • +1

      Hopefully Never. if all goes well we would like to add live music on mondays & tuesdays ( the rest of the week already has live music every night)
      what the restaurant is aiming for is for people to know that on a monday or tuesday they can come to spanish terrazas to eat all the tapas they like for $29 and drink $15 jugs of sangria

      however, as far as oz bargain is concerned ( with booking references and such). 31-01-12

      • +1

        Wow, I am truly impressed if it does end up like that. Hopefully it works out good for us and you with many repeated visits from ozbargainers :D

      • No live music please. I want to concentrate on my food while I am eating, anything else will distract only me.

  • sounds like it will be popular.
    should we start queuing a few days in advance out the front like the $2 S2 deal ? lol.

  • +1

    Just booked my table! Been here before, and loved it… so hopefully it'll deliver the same service, and won't crumble under pressure or something :)

  • +4

    Will there be discretion by the waiters regarding ordering ? For example if i have 2 people and so order 6 things in the first round, and then when we have say, a tiny bit of each in the bowls/plates left, can we order again so that the stuff will come when we finish ? Or do we HAVE to CLEAR the table before ordering again ? Just asking because some people (maybe…me…hahaha) like to have a continuous meal rather than eat, rest, eat, rest.

    • +3

      There will be some discretion. the idea isn't that we stop you from ordering more food but make sure no one wastes any food. i would hate for people to order more than they can eat and leave it. wastage is a terrible thing. so it will be discretionary. if the waiter can see you are almost finished and you are putting more things on your plate. they will probably just take the order ( they don't want to argue with customers either) we write these things to protect ourself and reduce wastage, not to rip you off. you will be able to eat as much as you like.

  • Great deal, very upfront (only vaguely similar all you can eat deal I checked out was ages ago from a local newspaper ad, and there were quite a few hidden 'conditions' that I would've preferred to have known before sitting down.

    Anyway will definitely check this one out :D

  • Is there any expiry date for this ?

    Is there any limit for the no. of people per table ?

  • +2

    Last time I went the food was average.
    They were on the list for free wine with Citi Platinum but refused to honour it.

    I live 100m from the restaurant and now refused to go there.
    There are better Spanish restaurant across the road.

    For all you can eat, expect slow service and missed orders.

    • A lot of businesses get screwed with Citibank misrepresenting things. Just as likely to be the latest in a long line of CitiFails as the fault of the restaurant. Just speculating though.

  • Sounds like an awesome deal cant wait until monday, till then i shall salivate all over my keyboard.

  • Rep, question for you, is BYO allowed?

    • Rep, another question for you. If we hold our Xmas party at your restaurant and come on Mon/Tue, can you still do $29/head? There will be around 25-30 of us. Naturally, we'll be ordering heaps of beverages.

      • No Byo, we are fully licensed.

        we can of course cater for your christmas party! call/ email as you normally would.

  • +4

    +1 vote for being a good rep

    • I second that.

  • Made a booking for Nov 14th. Can't wait!

  • so jelly right now :/

  • +2

    Not arguing about this being a bargain, but just remember folks: overeating is never good for you!

    • +1

      Yeah I second that, a lot of people (me included) tend to overeat when they go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant to get their money's worth. But there will actually be a point where eating any more food will start to have a negative effect on the entire experience, a.k.a the law of diminishing value of return.

  • +1

    2 hour time limit and it takes 15 minutes for each order and you can't order until you have finished everything. Seems like if you are there for the 2 hours at least 60 minutes of that time will be waiting for food to be served while having no food on your plate to eat. Makes more sense to allow people to order while they are eating so that they don't have the waiting time after they are finished. You can always make a rule which discourages ordering too much and wasting food - maybe make them pay extra for any wasted food or something. or just let people order as they wish and then only enforce the waiting ruls on them if you see that they are abusing it and wasting food.

    • +1

      Mate… just don't go.
      There are plenty of people here who genuinely appreciate their offer. I'm one of them.

      • Yeah I wont. Its just like that rib joint which advertised all u can eat ribs and then had a hundred rules and conditions. Making diners finish everything on their plate b4 ordering more and then having to sit and wait repeatedly for each separate round is a joke (instead of allowing diners to order as they please and that way the food can be prepared whle they eat)

        The rules just extend the length of the meal because you are having to wait 15 minutes each time you finish some food. I can eat till I'm stuffed and it would take me no more than 30… why does it need to be a 2 hour drawn out affair.

  • Nice deal, Spanish Terrazas is a great restaurant! I've eaten there quite a few times, I can't see anyone going away hungry! :)

  • what about fresh bread? u can't call it a spanish feast without fresh bread dipping in the tapas sauce! Yummo!!!

    • I think the restaurant will welcome the idea of people eating lots of bread instead of ordering more tapas.

      • u never know. with bread, you might end up eating more tapas! LOL…

  • kids under 12 pay $15? how about kids under 5 still paying as well? seriously, my kid never finish the food on his plate and normally he would like to share the food between me and my wife, just to taste the food only

    • I think discretion will apply considering the rep.

  • -1

    So is this one of those "Buy a coupon" for this all you can eat, or do we just rock up on those days and the deal's going on? I'd imagine be pretty difficult getting a table, so do we book?

  • Please make a store in Melbourne, kthxbai!!!

  • -1

    Do we have to buy the coupon first? or just make a booking straight away? also any expiry date?

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