Getting Increased SMS Spam

Over the past couple of months, I've been receiving 2-3 spam SMS messages a day - each time from a different Australian mobile number. They're all of a similar format, something like:

Ldawg, your account will be locked unless you submit your preferences by 3PM. Please visit: [spam website]

I block the numbers each time, but it's so frustrating. Has anyone else seen an increase in this type of spam lately? Or does anyone know of any methods to make these kind of spam messages stop?


  • Yup, definite increase in this type of spam - very annoying!

  • Same here. Not sure how they can get away with it. I block each number and then get it again. Its like they are able to register 1 new mobile number per day.

  • They are coming from spoofed numbers, probably the usual overseas suspects, and there's nothing you can do about it other than change your phone number.

    Eventually they will stop but it's a PITA until it does.

  • I am getting the same kind of messages. Im in the same boat as you. I am blocking them everyday yet they come from new numbers.

  • +8

    Just blame shopback

    • Absolutely… Suddenly started on the number I had on that account…

      • Same here, went from nothing to heaps

      • I hadn't actually heard about the breach until yesterday, but it lines up for me too! The spam for me started at most around a month ago, I'd say.

  • +1

    Correlation doesnt equal causation, but in saying that, I've genuinely never received a spam SMS message before on a particular number I have. However this has changed since the Shopback breach which had that number linked to it…

  • That’s a no from me dawg

  • I have sudden increase of spam emails from someone claiming to be from commbank, paypal etc.

  • And automated spam calls pretending Amazon prime, your membership about to renew

  • It's impossible to stop spam. Just accept that it happens and ignore it when they do.

  • I'm also seeing an increase in SMS spam. I hardly had any before, last week I'm getting at least 1 a day, sometimes more

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