Living in Apartment, Neighbour Downstair Just Move in and Smoke Pot Everyday. The Smell Is Noticeable

Hi fellow OZB, I hope that I can ask for some insight on this matter.

So we live in an apartment. New neighbour, 1 storey below us, just recently moved in and they smoke pot everyday, multiple time per day.

The smell is noticeable to the point that we can't open door for fresh air when they smoke. The other day they were also playing music on the balcony, quite irritating but nothing to fuss about as oppose to the smoke.

I am thinking of being a nice neighbour and let this slide.

But at the moment, I spend considerable amount of time at home due to WFH.

Weather is also getting warmer here in Melbourne and once its summer, things might get worse (i.e. party, more pot smoke, more music, etc)

I've been living in this apartment for many years and this is the first time we are facing such situation. Usually we have a quiet neighbour.

So what should we do? all input are welcomes.

Thank you for reading my post. have a nice day :)

Poll Options

  • 9
    Confrontation, tell them politely
  • 59
    Inform building manager
  • 6
    Call cop
  • 6
    Be nice neighbour and cough up the smoke


  • +10

    Probably renters. Just inform the property manager. No landlord wants their apartment smelling like ganja.

  • +3

    puff puff pass..

  • +2

    Can you ask where your neighbour scores from? Its been ages since I had me some pot.
    But yeah, try asking them nicely to refrain a bit. They usually are nice guys :)

  • -1

    That's hilarious, my pot-smoking neighbour had just moved about 2 months ago! I would just passively-aggressively slam the balcony door every time him and his partner puffed.

  • -8

    The sort of people that smoke pot every day could be the sort of people that decide to take revenge and make your life hell if you confront them. Living in an apartment you have to accept that you have a lot of neighbours so chances are at least one will be a bad one, and you just have to live with it.

    • Agreed, OP should let it be.

      “The duck head upstairs stopped the bong party.. get them ! “

    • +1

      I really don't know how most stoners who smoke every day are going to deliberately plan to take revenge on you and go through with it…
      too chilled for that.

    • What you're talking about are crazy people, can't d much about that regardless if they smoke pot or not.

      The idea that pot users are violent, stems more from troubled kids/kidults using pot because you know they're 'rebels',

      In this case I would have just called the cops, but other suggestion here regarding calling the property manager is much better. If that doesnt work call the cops

  • If only you could get a cop to do something but they are too busy harrasing people for getting fresh air.

  • +3

    First of all, I don't buy the idea that if a person lives in an apartment he has to accept bad neighbours. It is the opposite - everyone should be mindful of neighbours because of the proximity. Having parties? Smoking pot? Move the hell out.

    Usually it makes sense to talk to a person and explain politely the inconvenience you are experiencing. Maybe he/she is not aware of the problem and can genuinely try to remedy the problem.

    That being said, your case is different. If your neighbour is smoking pot, I don't see him stopping doing that just because you asked him. So yes, informing the manager seems reasonable.

    • everyone should be mindful of neighbours because of the proximity

      They should be, but you can't control what other people do. Even if only a small percentage of people aren't mindful, there's so many that you have a good chance of living near one of them, and you're a lot closer so the effects of them not being mindful are worse than if they were next door in a house. It is the reality of living in an apartment building.

      • I don't think we have to endure all but hard to draw the line. At this stage, im seeking a win-win solution

  • +3
  • Over water your balcony plants when they are smoking on the balcony. When they complain about the water you can mention the smell.

    • +1

      I don't believe in retailiation. but thanks for the input

  • uh-oh… Happened to me, tenants/kids moved in just before covid times. Saw one with what looked like a joint and then thought they were illegally in the house. After that they brought boxes and I saw an agency had rented the house out. Had a rotating cast of five or so various people live there and it looked like they were doing weird stuff. Had cars out the front for pickups, machines going in the bathroom late at night etc. Eventually they got raided and all their stuff had to be removed. The OP should report it before it gets worse. Oh and because of Covid, they might have to stay even if they get charged etc. There is also a slight chance they are medicinal users eg, it's not illegal…

    • -1

      What sheltered (profanity) people. Smoking a joint on your verandah = being a hydro grower. Did ACA tell you to think like this? Grow up.

      • Did say there was a chance it could be legal. OP said they put on annoyingly loud music as well. People like this have given ganja a bad name.

  • You said the smell is noticable. Do you find it pleasant?

    • wish I could enjoy it. But sadly no. never puff in my life

  • +1

    yo what the heck, are we living in the same apartment or what lol. DM ing you.

    I am thinking it is either pot too, or a ciggy.

    bruhhh imma burst if we do live on the same building HAHA

    • +1

      not the same building is the answer :)

  • Let him have his medicine

    • won't complaint if it is occasional, totally understandable. but it's been quite regular and many times per day which starting to be an annoyance

      • Not much you can do except talk to the property manager but even then there has to be something major for them to even try to evict someone, legally they are in their own home & with covid19 no evictions allowed.

        My friend had a neighbor dealing crack and having parties and random young girls coming and going every weekend noisy every weekend and still took 3 months to get them evicted…..

  • Unless you can find other people that are upset you might have to move out if you're unhappy

    • I own the unit so moving out is not the case.

      • even if you own it, you can still move out.

  • +6

    Sit outside and get stoned for free.

  • You could shout your Ozbargain handle name at them each time they do it. They may refer to you as their Kiwi neighbour after that.

    • Little bit of fush’nChups and sickmyduck seems good during the lunch break

  • +1

    If you can politely inform them it's inhibiting your ability to enjoy your residence; you could suggest switching to using a Vape. That'd be ideal. VaporBrothers make some decent units. Removes about 99% of the smell.

    • The downside to this is that they have to vape.

      • lol yeah but I'm not referring to a vape pen - it's a desktop appliance. Vaping is much less damaging than smoking, and it doesn't smell.

        • ….Do you commonly get non-smelling vape? I guess it doesn't linger but I've hardly seen/smelled anyone using something I couldn't smell…. Albeit not anywhere as bad as ganja or ciggies for me to be second party too…

          • @Forfiet: I'm not talking about a vape with vape juice - you pack the flower into a compartment and it's heated by a ceramic element - or so I've heard.

  • Would be perfectly legal for them to smoke tobacco outside, imo pot smells a whole lot nicer. Be glad that’s it.

    Also music outside on a balcony during the day? Calm down old man. You chose to live in an apartment, that obviously means more noise and shared space.

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