Do You Lock Your Car Doors When You Are Driving?

Just curious if you lock you car doors as you drive?sometimes I don't, sometimes I do. What about you?

Poll Options

  • 255
  • 367
  • 95
    Only When I remember
  • 428
    Auto lock


  • Sometimes (usually only in dodgy areas).

    Drive down King St, Melb a fair bit for example because my office is just a few metres away. Always lock it when its a Fri/Sat night in case a drunk comes along.

  • Always

    I've had someone try to open the rear doors when I was stuck in traffic, mistakenly thinking it was their friend's car.

    My friends in the back seats were concerned, and lucky I locked the doors.

  • +1

    I leave them unlocked when doing highway/ country driving, always lock when driving through town. I figure it's a good risk ratio between getting in an accident and needing the get out and being mugged when driving through town.

  • Yep

  • +3

    No because this is Australia

    • +1

      Exactly - and never even contemplated it until being in cars with Asian friends who always seem to. These sort of polls are a pretty good indicator of the makeup of the ozbargain community. If you drive through streets late at night it makes sense though.

  • +1

    Only when I see the window washing guys at the lights, then I need to roll up the windows too

  • Yes and No.
    Yes if I drive at night. No at daytime.

    Your questionnaire options are too simple.

  • people complaining if there is a lock what happens in an accident, best of both worlds is to have this auto locking feature and to carry taht little tool think in center console or in your keychair or glovebox , the one that smashes windows easily.

  • yep, do many drogs walking the streets

  • Hell yeah!

  • A dog in the back does wonders for security.

  • I had no idea so many people locked theirs. Maybe I should too.

  • Never. I do a lot of driving, never locked my doors while driving, never felt unsafe and never had anyone try to open my doors. Car jackings are incredibly rare.

  • I don't even lock it when I park sometimes.

    If they want to get into the car that bad I'm sure they can break the window.

    • Having had my window broken and car ransacked more than once I would agree with you.

  • Live in Cairns and never have, although the misso religiously locks hers

  • +1

    Yes because being tiny Asian female sucks for pretty much everything

  • I don't because in an emergency, I can get out or people can help get me out quicker. I only lock my doors if I'm waiting or if I see dodgy people.

  • I prefer not to incase I need to get out quickly or so someone could open the doors after an accident.

    I will if it’s late at night and I’m out of the city so some random can’t get in.

  • yes i always do, i had a bad run in with a group of guys out in western sydney (merrylands) - pretty much 1 guy was waiting to use the crossing and i stopped for him, he started to walk then stopped infront of me which was strange but i was just watching him. i for unknown reason looked left and saw i guy come towards me from the trainstation and to the right i guy coming to me from the shops.
    i put the car in reverse but there was already one pretty close to my boot of the car so i tested the heavy metal theory and put it in drive and gunned it, if i was to take the guy infront of the car out well so be it, he jumped out of the way of the last second.

    this is one of the reasons why o do it now. My wifes car auto lock which is a 2016 model holden and my 2018 holden doesnt although i always lock it as i also have 3 kids in the back seat too.

    i always think back at that time which i was driving an 88 vl commodore at the time and what would have been iif i didnt instinctivly look around.

  • I don't even lock my car when I leave it haha

  • +1

    Though to be fair, I once jumped in a random dude's car and asked how his night was going.

    He looked absolutely terrified and then it dawned on me that this was NOT my uber.

  • I am surprise to see that we have a lot of No's here. Without Autolock feature, majority would not bother locking their car doors, as one person mentioned, this is Australia where the crime rate is quite low in general (depending time of day and location) compared to other third world countries . We feel quite safe and majority people are helpful, even the bikies come help when needed here :)

  • I’ve never locked mine, and never even thought about locking it. Surprised that so many do.

    I am wondering if the people that lock their car while driving, also lock their house when they are at home?

  • -1

    Someone tried to open the door of my car whilst stuck at a red light the other day. Was tempted to give them a bit of a nudge with the car for some knee bruising but opted not to.

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