Recommend Me a New Phone Please (Budget $2300)

Can anyone recommend me a phone to buy

  • Looking for something flagship range
  • Good battery life essential: I use a flashcard program several hours every single day so this is important.
  • Fast charging essential
  • High refresh rate preferred
  • Semi-useable in one hand preferred
  • Want something mainstream-ish in case I choose to upgrade in the future โ€“ that will sell easily
  • Don't want any Huaweis/phones that have play store etc issues
  • Prefer a local phone but willing to buy a grey import from a trusted retailer

Candidates (no particular order)

  • One plus 8 Pro

    Never used a OnePlus. Would have to get a gray import and deal with warranty issues if they came up.
    As I haven't used one IDK if theres any annoyances (like no always on display) that I'll only realise when I start using it.

  • Galaxy S20 FE

    Was going to buy this but touchscreen issues widely reported. Seems like will be a headache if its intermittent and trying to replicate it in the store.

  • Galaxy Note 2 Ultra

    Only Exynos available here โ€“ poor battery life is my main concern. Why have the best candybar phone money can buy if they battery does on me halfway during the day is my worry.

  • Z Fold 2

    Mainly just concerned about durability and having to baby this phone around otherwise I would buy it in a heartbeat
    Maybe not worth getting this gen as next gen will have big improvements too and look gen 2 look like a dinosaur?

  • Pixel 5

    Seems much lower value for money than similiar priced $1000 phones in terms of specs and features
    Pro: can always return in 2 weeks if don't like it from Google Store

Wildcard: Never had an iphone before.

Pro: can always return in 2 weeks if don't like it


  • +1

    What's your budget? Seem to be cross-shopping $999 and $3,000 phones for some reason…

    • Sorry.
      No real budget. If something's worth it I'll pay but if there's something better that's cheaper I would buy that.
      Z fold would be 2300 after discounts which would be an upper limit I guess.

      • Well if budget's relaxed, I'll be going for the iPhone 12 Pro Max when pre-orders go live on 6th Nov. Not a popular choice round these parts but they're brilliant phones, seamless integration of hardware and software, strong on privacy and retain their resale value.

        Also has 2 weeks hassle-free returns if you don't like it or doesn't suit your needs. Worth a go.

        • Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a pretty good idea with not much to lose.

  • I had the galaxy s20 ultra, then the note 20 ultra(Samsung fan boy), sold both off and bought the oppo find X2 pro. I never thought in a hundred years I'll change to another brand from Samsung. But I couldn't be happierrrr. Oppo did a really good job with the phone. Pros - 120hz at qhd resolution. Display I feel is better than the one plus, s20 ultra. Have seen them side by side.(OnePlus will likely have warranty issues) I travel a lot(not anymore),oppo is one of the only brands that has you covered with international warranty which is unheard off. Camera is a beast better low light/night mode than both the samsungs. Daylight Samsung's are equal or a tiny better in a few modes. Way better than the FE and OnePlus 8 pro. Quick updates with software, aus versions are bloatware free. I quickly adjusted moving away from Samsung so they might be doing something right with their android skin on top (512gb UFS 3, fastest charging ever etc etc). Cons - some lens flare while clicking pictures in certain phones in a few angles.
    Would probably only upgrade this one for the fold 2 or fold 3 (when it comes out next year).

    • Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't even consider a Oppo before reading your post. Time to watch some YouTubevids about it ๐Ÿ˜Š

      • I've got the Oppo Reno 5g and the camera feels amazing. That said the display is only 60hz and I'm skeptical of support in one or two years time.

  • OLED screens can always have a green tint problems, Samsung's oppo iPhones OnePlus all suffer from that everyone and then. I wouldn't go without a local warranty, since it will be replaced super quick. For OnePlus you'll have to be phoneless for a long time. These phones are all glass and accidents do happen, they are stronger in 2020 but still not unbreakable, avoid Gray imports for a while or till OnePlus decides Australian consumers are important enough to sell the phones directly. iPhone 12 pro max is a great phone no doubt, might be even faster than the Snapdragon 865, but it looks outdated. No higher refresh rate panels even in 2020. Even sub 400 dollar phones have that now. That's sad.

  • I am not an apple hater fyi, but 10-bit photos aren't so new plus charging speeds still suck. Oppo find X2 pro and Samsung note 20 ultra both click 10-bit pictures. Video and front camera will be way better with the iPhone 12 pro max. iPhone 12 pro max is still far away one more month though.

  • If youโ€™re feeling really rich, iPhone 12 Pro Max 128GB at $1849. 6.7 inches.

    • Wow $2.3k Budget for a phone? No problem for you then!

      • Thanks for the reply. Haha a mod put that in later. I mentioned I would spend on the Z fold 2 @ $2300 in my post.

  • +3

    if money is not a problem, i would always go for iPhone. so my choice is iPhone 12 Pro Max. 2 years warranty hassle-free, great resale value if you want upgrade your phone in the future.
    Pro: good battery life, taking great pictures and video, fast, durable, many cases + screen protector to choose, great software update over time
    Cons: Expensive

    • -1

      Yeah, iphone is the best there is in mobile phone experience for everyone in the whole wide world as we know it

  • I'd be weary about galaxy's if you're concerned about battery. I've had the S9 and now the S10 and battery is very average. Can't speak about the S20.

    Should note that better battery usually means the device is chunkier/heavier.

    Another vote for oppo find X2 pro if refresh rates are your thing, battery is on the bigger side and it has an excellent camera too.

  • I'd look at the iPhone 12 mini if you want a small phone, or the 12 Pro Max if you want the best big phone. Or any of the other iPhone 12s if you want a size in between. It's pretty clear that iPhone is going to be on top for a while yet. And while iPhone is on top it gets better apps, more apps, apps get features first. Because your budget is so high you have to consider the iPhone if you want "the best".

  • +1

    Interesting you call out ability to resell as a selling point… honestly in that case, iPhone. Try it out and even if you don't return it within the window, they hold value better than the others.

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