Any Decent Coffee Machines on Sale?

I’ve got the Breville barista and absolutely hate it. They must of sold me a dodgy one as it has good reviews or I just can’t make coffee.
Looking for something automatic this time.

They stopped the $1 MCDs coffees so I urgently need a coffee machine 😂


  • -6

    Even with $500+ coffee machine, making good coffee isn't easy. Stick to pods.

  • +3
    1. Get some good beans
    2. Watch tutorials for the Breville. You have to get the grind and grind amount right to get the best out of it.
    3. Once grind is right use the pressure gauge and look at your brew. Compare this to what it should look like from tutorial.
    4. Enjoy great cup of coffee every time now machine is dialled in and you know how to use it.

    It really shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes of effort to learn how to use it properly and it will then outperform any pod or automatic machine, especially at that price point.

    It took a while to get mine dialled in but its honestly now very consistently great. I cannot stress to you how important quality beans are and you also need to change your settings slightly anytime you change beans.

    • +1

      I put in 18g ish of beans to the grind that gets me 30ml ish in around 30 seconds ish and that seems to work fine for me :P

    • Honestly I’ve tried what you suggested and still can’t get a cafe quality coffee. It tastes like 7 11 coffee at best.

      • +2

        Which basket are you using?

        Are you doing single or double shots on machine?

        30 seconds for extraction is too long. Go coarser on grind, or dont tamp quite as hard. Extraction should be around 20-25 seconds from first drop, with pressure gauge close to middle of optimal range.

        Have you changed your shot volumes? I found mine were quite low when I first got machine and had to manually increase them.

        I promise if you take the time to dial the machine in you will be happy.

        • I’m using the double shot basket with a double shot.
          What beans and what grind setting do you have it on?
          What’s the number on the pressure gauge that it’s meant to get to? I thought it was meant to go to the maximum.

  • To answer your question.. I haven't seen any great deals. I am hoping black friday is going to have some great deals.

    If you want fully automatic and 'quality' then look at Jura. Its what I see being recommended for 'good' automatic.

    If you are happy with semi-automatic then something like Lelit Victoria is an option. You need to do your own grinding, tamp and then press a button to start. The machine will tell you when to press the button again to stop. So really you need to play around with the grind, less thinking about timing and weight, etc.

  • What do you hate about your machine?

    • I can’t make a decent coffee. I’ve gotten expensive beans and YouTubed it etc but it’s nothing like a cafe and I hate the mess it makes. I want something automatic.

      • +1

        If you want black coffee the option is endless, if you want milk drinks you need to practice, there's nothing bad about your tool you need to learn how to use it

  • Seven eleven $1 coffee then.

    Buy an automatic coffee machine, grinds the beans, tamps it etc. or a pod machine, Nespresso or Aldi.

    This must be the new version of what I have…

    It’s been a great machine, made around 14000 coffees so far.

    • What price did you pay for it? I’m interested in that but haven’t seen it on sale.
      Does it make hot coffee every time? I’ve read some bad reviews saying it doesn’t.

      • Ours has been great. Coffee is the same all the time.
        I think I found it for arou d $1400 at jbhifi but it was years back.

        Our model is actually eletta cappuccino top… . I know there's a new model that has a colour screen but everything else looks the same.
        Delonghi also has a refurb section on their site, prices looke& great when I looked ages ago.

  • I have a little Sunbeam unit that makes great coffee but all that work - I don’t have a special grinder so I was buying ground coffee, I found it was great when was first opened but pretty rapidly declined in quality. Bought a tamper to help tamp properly for that 20-25 second extraction. Distributing grounds evenly so not getting any water channeling but even then it could still happen rarely.

    I’ve got this one since yesterday and love it so far - got it for 10% off at TGG plus the 5% shop back was $636. Black Friday coming up you’ll probably be able to get a better deal than that.…

    I thought about the Dinamica as a mate of mine has one but the main difference asides from cost is Magnifica does not froth Milk and I think is bigger. Apparently has same 15 bar pressure and same grinder.

    It takes all the guess work out - it freshly grinds, perfectly distributes, gives you exactly how much water it is programmed to dispense depending on button. Lots of fine adjustment settings available need to set strength dial all the way to strong and per the setup video adjust the ground fineness a bit so you get the right extraction time abt 20-25 secs

    It’s got a good steam wand which is easy to clean and very short waiting time to being ready to use.

    • Thanks I’m definitely interested in the Dinamica but I do prefer the milk frothing wand.

  • Have a look at this reddit thread

    Do you have a grinder that produce consistent grinds for expresso and do you weigh the beans? People generally say built-in grinders suck.

    Make sure to keep practising your machine until you get the hang of it, instead of buying a new machine.

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