What is the best budget router for FTTN?

Tldr: What is the best budget router for fttn?
Cheers. In a 2 bed unit


  • What devices you will use with router? (Smart tv?) Do you stream?

  • i've been using the standard belong router for 2 years and haven't had any problems with wifi in a 100sqm 3 bedroom house. Use 5ghz band for wifi to get full speed.

    people are knocking the standard brand routers for cheap on gumtree when in reality they do the job just fine.

  • Define "budget"

    • Cheap as possible for a reliable router.
      Asus ac68 that I have is dreadful and doesn't work properly with windows 10.

      Known issue

      • huh?

        Change Beacon interval to 100 and DTIM to 1

  • Who is your ISP?

    New or second hand?

    • Aussie,

      • New: TP-Link Archer VR600
        Second hand: Technicolor DJA0231

  • no need for a tldr lol. Firstly what is the budget, and what will be the primary use case? (e.g streaming, gaming, emails)

    • Normal person stuff.

  • This one looks all right to me. $89 cheap enough?

  • More important than which router, for most people the more relevant question is whether the wifi/router is located centrally. For many years I kept on spending money on upgrading router hoping they'd help, and they do, sort of. Admittedly my wifi router was located on one side of the house so the other side of the house doesn't get good reception.

    Changed my set up to have a wifi access point located in the centre of the house with ethernet backhaul to the router and modem and now every wifi device gets more throughput than I actually need for the foreseeable future.

    Sure, newer wifi standards are great for close range performance but what we really need in most cases is good coverage which has no substitute than a well placed wifi broadcasting device. Mesh wifi is as close as it gets, but personally I stick with ethernet cable for that consistent bandwidth, low overhead, low latency and no interference issues for high-density housing arrangement.

    For general household use the routing function isn't very demanding at all, it's really the wifi connectivity that is being sought after. And for the wifi connectivity yes the standard bundled ones from NBN providers can be patchy but once you move to pay-your-own consumer wifi routers there's very little incremental gains as you move up the price brackets.

    • yep, middle of your house/unit and as high up the wall as possible…heck, ceiling mount the damn thing.

      Make sure whatever you buy has some external antennas on it.

  • iirc the older technicolor tg799 series are good with FTTN and can be had cheap

    you can also unlock voip/firmware with info/discussion:


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