Looking for Something New to Study

Hi Guys,

Looking for advice on something new to study to fill my spare time.

About me:
PhD in Science
Experience covers mainly technical roles in a laboratory involving mostly practical work
Getting a bit sick of working in the lab so looking to move out of the lab or even a new career
Love learning

Looking for something to study:
Edit: Part time as I'll be working still in the meantime
Something with broad applicable skills that could be applied to roles not in the lab

Some things I've considered:

Data Science (Though I seem to lack the maths/stats background for proper Data Science)
Analytics (More cursory then data science and more business focused)
MBA (seem to lack leadership/management experience for this)

Your advice is much appreciated


  • +1

    It'll probably be better to get a job in whatever you think you're interested in first so you can get an idea of whether or not you actually enjoy it. When you have decided where you want to be and what you want to do, then do some further study.

    Otherwise you'll be committing years to study and not even sure where it's going to take you or whether you will even enjoy the job prospects that come after it.

    • Thanks for your advice

      Should've clarified in the OP I'm after something to study part time while still working

      • I think it's still worth figuring out what you want to do for work first before committing to further study whether it's part time or full time.

        The way I've always thought about study is that is that it's an investment that comes at a cost of time and money and the "return" is how it helps you further your career and potentially boost your earnings.

        Also, there really is a thing called "being overqualified".

  • +4

    Paid off your hecs debt?

    • Mostly

  • Have you though about something environmental related if you like being outdoors? Could combine it with your lab skills and work for an environmental analysis company (ALS, ARL, MPL, Envirolab etc) and potentially do a mix of field work (water and soil sampling) and lab analysis of the samples you collect?

  • +1

    MBA (seem to lack leadership/management experience for this)

    Seriously, unless you are really talking about getting into the management side of your currently profession, or definitely want to pursue some sort of career change, this is not what I'd go with

    Data Science (Though I seem to lack the maths/stats background for proper Data Science)
    Analytics (More cursory then data science and more business focused)

    Something along these lines where I'm sure you can start with a short course, maybe building up to a GradCert with pathways upwards from there sounds like a better place to go if you're just looking for something to soak up a bit of time.

    • Yeah I was leaning towards similar, project management was something else I had considered. Something to complement my current skillset rather then an outright pivot.

    • -2

      cannot DISAGREE more with the above comment.

      the MBS Is a complementary qualification, not a devisive one.

      partnering an MBA with ANY technical field will always put you above the competition in an interview.

      an MBA these days is a "life degree", something every1 should have but few possess.

      its always the non-MBA'ers that look down on those holding MBA's.

      Definitely pursue this, and u can do it part time at ur leasure and online in most cases as well..

  • +1

    What do you like doing? (i.e. type of work - are you a people person and have some enjoy working with others? or work on your own research/analysis type of person).

  • Patent Attorney? Get a trainee job and they'll pay for your training/study.

  • definitely partner it up with an MBA…. u need business skills, u clearly lacking in that, IMO.

  • If I were to give my younger self advice it would be along the lines of sticking to the objectionable job just that bit longer. :) Be the yes man.

  • Getting a bit sick of working in the lab so looking to move out of the lab or even a new career
    Love learning

    You can't be a student all your life. Find out what you enjoy doing. It might be painting but you can't be a starving artist, so you might want to study to be an art historian or work for a fine art auction house.

    Yes a lot of us like to learn things but don't have a wall full of degrees but can't making a living from them. Education is also business, they are in the business of selling you hope through getting degrees that will lead to a life full of enjoyment.

  • Carpentry. Learn to create things that will help feed your soul.

  • Thanks for your input guys. For clarity, I'm looking at a long term strategy. Not going to pack the lab in immediately.

  • you might consider useful courses in technical analysis or CFA or financial planning as these are life skills which can help you independently of any career.
    or law, which will come in handy in many life situations and conflicts.
    or you could read my facebook page, 'Words of the Goddess' which explains the purpose of life for those who seek it.

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