Amazon Sellers Review Incentives

Recently approached by the seller of a product I had previously bought on Amazon to do a review on a new but similar product. The offer was for me to buy it then they would refund full price once I had left review. There was no mention or implication that the review had to be positive.

I checked Amazon feedback for the product and there were several new reviews all amazingly positive and detailed which made me think they too had probably been incentivised.

I noticed that unlike the US site reviews I have seen in the past there was no option to say that you had received a free product or similar.

I dont have a problem with it but the real test of how genuine the offer is would be to leave a negative review and see if they still offered a refund!

Anyone else had similar offers or experiences?

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  • +2

    This is fairly common and not something Amazon allows. There's also no guarentee you will get a refund so could be a scam too.

    There are sites like that try to weed these reviews out.

    • It passed the fakespot test. I was a bit worried about being scammed but they are not a small seller so figured they wouldnt risk bad PR and I could return for refund in worst case

      • I reckon, do it if you really wanted to try out the product.

        If the reason you want to try, is due to a potential refund from a review, I'll think twice before going ahead.

  • as long as it is shipped by Amazon, you are covered, so why not, I'm curious to know

  • +1

    Well.. Politicians buy votes and retailers buy reviews.
    What can we do about it?

    • u can buy both their Bullsh*t..

  • It’s against the amazon community guidelines and if you get caught you will be banned from leaving any reviews.

  • I did buy the product, left a fair review and received full refund so all is good there. Just curious if its a common thing and any one else's experiences

    • +1

      When you say "fair" - was it positive or negative?

      • I can see how that is slightly ambiguous, by fair I meant reasonable and truthful. It was positive but
        the product was without fault and IMO very useful.

  • I was emailed by a brand I'd previously bought as well. I don't mind reviewing something for free that I'd otherwise not have purchased, but only if they were to supply to me for free from the start.

    I declined to proceed after I found out that not only would I have to purchase it from Amazon, but also write the review before I would be reimbursed for the purchase. That makes it more like write us a good review and we'll refund the money for your purchase.

  • Just raise it with amazon, pure dodgy practice there.

  • I left a bad review for a official Amazon product and I got a call from some Indian dude trying to convince me to change it. I think it was Amazon itself. The Firestick is just pure crap compared to even the Chromecast, let alone the Apple TV.

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