mapax » user profile

Member Since 26/01/2015
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Badges 47 6
Location Melbourne

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It’s not about being factually correct, it’s about control and supporting the current thing.
27/07/2024 - 07:37
Haha, do they make a low profile with the base designed for thin concrete? I don’t have anywhere to put one but for whatever reason…
26/07/2024 - 17:59
Not even a low profile hoist? Sounds like it’s time for a partial shed renovation to extend the walls and roof in one corner of the…
26/07/2024 - 16:38
The OzBargain 1%ers don’t care…
26/07/2024 - 16:13
I reckon it’s about time you got yourself a hoist.
26/07/2024 - 16:10
Funny you ask as I don’t often have sauce on steak, but I had leftover rib sauce from a few days ago so dipped some of the steak in that.…
26/07/2024 - 15:05
Nice. I had some of the $21 rump last night and it was pretty good.
26/07/2024 - 14:56
Have a steak for dinner, that’ll make you feel better. I think drivers choice is $17/kg at coles in some states and Coles brand rump is…
26/07/2024 - 13:25
You made this *crappy* joke last time…
25/07/2024 - 22:06
Bush pilots that fill from jerry cans. One of my relatives was a bush pilot in Alaska and Canada and has some awesome stories, and he…
25/07/2024 - 21:58
Don’t forget the additional flexible spout which is also on clearance, it’s required if wanting to use the funnel with most cars.
25/07/2024 - 21:43
I think they’re too big but you should try it and let us know how it goes.
25/07/2024 - 14:47
No need to be sorry, he lived a pretty good life and was a goodest boy.
25/07/2024 - 14:46
What car is it?
25/07/2024 - 14:45
He did, he also made scents…
25/07/2024 - 14:39
Your cats and dogs clean their shower? I couldn’t even get my dog to take a bath let alone clean it after he finished.
25/07/2024 - 13:57
One of the fights involved a honey jar…
25/07/2024 - 11:32
You mean like it was for all those years prior to the introduction of ads this month?
25/07/2024 - 06:16
24/07/2024 - 21:36
> No conspiracy boys Dang it, I just put my tinfoil hat on…
24/07/2024 - 21:35
I also thought it was ok when I went a few years ago.
24/07/2024 - 20:51
Full version of this is/was on youtube. I thought it was a free youtube movie and then afterwards realised the channel name and couldn’t…
24/07/2024 - 20:04
> 403 Access Denied When I go to the revisions page
24/07/2024 - 19:59
You were probably negged by a townie. I’ve pressure washed the interior of multiple vehicles. Had to wash animal blood off the carpet in…
24/07/2024 - 19:53
It makes scents. Smells fishy. Hope OP isn’t being pressured from the corporate man to delete the post.
24/07/2024 - 19:44
>N/A Please Remove Post as Soon as Possible Why?
24/07/2024 - 19:00
I haven’t ordered from them since 2020 but their customer service used to be pretty good. Shoot them an email and politely ask if they…
24/07/2024 - 17:03
Don’t think I’ve received any bonus credit from them since July last year.
24/07/2024 - 14:49