DIY Lighting

In true OzBargain style i thought this might make some of you laugh :D …… i decided to reclaim some storage space under my queenslander house and make it into a functional entertainment area …… BUT instead of paying 3 arms, a hip socket and two eyeballs for an electrician i decided to run the lighting from one power-point lol. I have not done this yet i'm still waiting for the ebay lighting gear to arrive, here is what i plan to do: and save a fist full of dollars haha.


  • You trying to add to the recent house fire stats? You'll over load the one circuit for sure.

    • It's 8 watts

      • 8 Watts total? you should be alright then.

  • Dude, have you got a quote from a sparky?

    If you've already got one hardwired light under there, you might find it's not going to cost you that much to add a couple more. This is because likely-as-not they wouldn't have to run a whole new circuit for it!

    I reckon my sparky would do a little job like that for a carton! ;)

    • I wish I had access to your sparky. Minimum charge here for a sparky is around $180, so we're saving up the jobs for when we actually need one.

      • Yeah, mates rates rock! :D

  • I think WP is probably a better place for the advice. Looks like you have got some good stuff as you already acknowledge.

    Another idea is to buy some table lamps (Target 2 for $25), that way you get approved fittings and can use elsewhere if you need to. Alternatively check out some garage sales/relatives/salvos for these.

    • +2

      I don't think either OzB or WP is the place for advice on homebrew electrical stuff like this!!!

      Regardless of the low wattages stated, the potential for risk & voidance of insurance is just far too great to chance it on advice from strangers on internet forums.

      My advice, talk to a professional; then pony up a fair price for a job that will meet building regs!

      • Agree there shouldn't be advice on how to dodgy up wiring, but given they are determined to save themselves some money - ideas that dont contravene any legalities would be ok.

        Using approved table lamps plugged into extension leads is one way, untidy but I cant see how this would be illegal. Although if you know of any reason why not, then how about giving some insight. BTW you have also given advice….

        From WP Post

        i have decided to run some extension leads and make a low wattage LED lighting system.

        • My understanding is that once you plug in ANYTHING that you have modified yourself to either the power or light circuits, it becomes illegal. That is why I suggest at least talking to a tradesman, they are both licenced & qualified to give advice!

          Using approved table lamps plugged into extension leads is one way, untidy but I cant see how this would be illegal.

          Agreed, that should be fine.

          BTW you have also given advice….

          Don't be a pedant Pete, we both know you're better than that! ;)

        • +1

          Don't be a pedant Pete, we both know you're better than that! ;)

          Correct - apologies - I should have added a :)

          As it was really only meant to be tongue in cheek…

        • My understanding is that once you plug in ANYTHING that you have modified yourself to either the power or light circuits, it becomes illegal.

          that is a bit misleading. all you need is an approved transformer to plug into the mains and you can do what the hell you want with the extra low voltage output.

        • that is a bit misleading. all you need is an approved transformer to plug into the mains and you can do what the hell you want with the extra low voltage output.

          @mattgal, do you know that for sure??? I certainly don't, nor would I ever pretend to!

          I have only a very loose layman's understanding, so I could never in good conscience give advice outside my scope that may put Figarow or his family at personal or financial risk. Hence my only 'advice' is to seek real advice…to wit:

          That is why I suggest at least talking to a tradesman, they are both licenced & qualified to give advice!

        • when was the last time you got an electrician in to wire up your garden sprinklers? do i need to get an electrician to add a harddrive to my computer?

          we are probably both getting our wires crossed a little bit, the op was talking about plugging into power socket, you were talking about using lighting circuit (which also shouldn't be a problem if pre-wired sockets exists, eg, for fans or lights, etc).

          my point being that if you plug a legally approved transformer/powerpack into a socket, you can then use the extra low voltage out to power devices.

        • when was the last time you got an electrician in to wire up your garden sprinklers?

          Calling that a specious analogy is being just a little too generous I think, naive is closer to the mark! ;)

          We're not discussing OOTB sprinklers in the backyard, we're talking about homebrew lighting inside the home. You should really read the WP thread to see the evolution of the discussion dude. In light of your recent edit, you might also want to go back & properly re-read all of my comments here, it seems that you do indeed have some of your wires crossed.

          P.S. Why are you still wasting water using sprinklers anyway? Smart folks are using soakers or drip systems to conserve water! :)

        • Calling that a specious analogy is being just a little too generous I think, naive is closer to the mark! ;)

          my point was sprinker valves are powered via a transformer from the mains

          halogen downlights in the ceilings run off transformers which are simply plugged into lighting socket outlets in the roof.

        • I'm sorry mattgal, I'm not trying to sound antagonistic but your analogy really is still a serious oversimplification.

          Please bear in mind that if you read the WP thread you will find that the OP has indeed abandoned the original idea subsequent to advice not dissimilar to my own line of reasoning. I'm not saying it vindicates what I've suggested, but I simply cannot see a fair rationale for NOT seeking professional advice where matters of personal safety & liability are concerned.


    That isnt going to fit in an Australian socket.

    Edit: Also those globes are going to be rather dim. I have 4x4W LED in my kitchen. With only those on it would be best described as mood lighting.

    edit mk2. i see you already dropped that plan now.

    edit mk3
    Plug in fluros shouldn't be too hard to find.
    Like this:…

  • personally i would just buy a couple of corded flouro battens, attach them to the ceiling and plug them in.

  • The LEDs linked to in the OP on whirlpool are absolute crap - they use 5mm indicator LEDs that will last about 50 hours before they start fading.

    The socket adapter things are completely and utterly illegal for use or sale here in Australia, as they don't carry the mandatory approvals. EVERYTHING that plugs into a powerpoint must be approved - that is the law.

    You might as well save the $$ by cancelling your house insurance as well. It won't be worth a cent if you have a fire or somebody gets injured.

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