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Free Speed Upgrade for 6 Months from nbn 25/10Mbps to 50/20Mbps for Existing Customers @ Superloop


Hey Superlooper,

Thanks for being such an awesome customer, we really appreciate having you with us. So, to pay that love forward, we're giving you a FREE download AND upload speed upgrade.

That's right. Free. Upgrades.

As a current Superloop nbn™ 25/10 Unlimited customer, we're giving you a massive upgrade to nbn™ Home Standard 50/20Mbps speeds.

Of course, as with all good things in life, these things don't last forever. We hope you'll love the upgraded speeds for the next SIX months, after which time, you'll go back to your original plan.

Check your Members Area for more about your free upload and data upgrade.

Stay cool, Superlooper!


Superloop Home Broadband Team

Referral Links

Referral: random (987)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

      • mine is done too , flying high :D

  • Does this also apply to Online learning plan?

    • Would like to know that too I haven't got the email yet did anyone on this plan receive it?

      • This promo doesn't count for the OLP customers at this stage

  • Got upgraded for 25/5 to 50/20 still get 12/2 thanks Nbn

  • So existing customers on 50mb plans getting screwed AGAIN!?

    • You are welcome to cancel if you feel screwed.

  • Anyone know if you will become eligible if you’re currently not? I’ve been with superloop for 2 months. Hoping at month 3 I’ll get the email?

  • I joined up two days ago and got an email saying that I have been upgraded.

    • Was that for a new 100/20 or 100/40 connection?

      • 100/20 and got an update email for 250/20

  • Sweet.

    250/25 for 6 months. $50 a month after discounts and referrals!

  • -3

    "As a current Superloop nbn™ 25/5 Unlimited customer, we're giving you a massive upgrade to nbn™ Home Standard 50/20Mbps speeds"

    They say its already activated on my account, I checked my speed its the same as always, rebooted modem, same no change, getting about 24 down 5 up, when i was on mate 50/20 plan previous to superloop i was getting on average 32 down and 17 up or my max line speed.

    I think superloop are full of BS.

    • +1

      Except if you scroll up a bit or read the comments in the other SL speed upgrade post you'll see that many people reported getting unchanged speeds for about 24 hours after the upgrade but ended up getting the promised speeds after that, likely due to all the upgrades happening. Just thought you should know before calling BS.

    • Got email yesterday and speed upgrade today.

      Just hold on til tomorrow

  • +1

    Got the email this morning and speed upgraded from 100/20 to 250/25 in the afternoon. I guess I will stay with Superloop for another 6 months.

  • yes, this absolutely rocks at our place. Superloop is the best

  • Got the email and upgraded to 250/25 2 days ago. Testing the speeds daily and it's still 100/40… which has me concerned as others have had the speed upgrade applied a lot quicker.

    • Been 4 days and still no change. My profile says i'm on the 250/25 plan. But speedtests cap out at the same as they did on 100/40 (~90/~25)

      Restarted modem a few times. Anyone else yet to receive their speedboost?

  • Got the email also. was on 100/40, after 15 mins of requesting upgrade to 250/25, my NBN went off line for about 2 mins and then came back on again. Speed test Ping of 9ms, 258Mbps down / 23.9Mbps up.

    Thanks Superloop

  • Just beware… After upgrading to 1000/50:



    I had to use my phone (4G) for a meeting yesterday, and support hasn't been very responsive… My ticket was opened 24 hours ago, no reply… Just called them now, I am number 17 in the queue… After 10 minutes, I am still number 14… Really disappointing service and customer support… I can no longer recommend Superloop, unfortunately. Contacted them on Facebook yesterday, sent the details, but they only replied this morning with "could you please provide your date of birth?"…

    NBN and Superloop are not aware of any issue in my area according to their websites…

    • Hi,

      Looking that those speed test results, sounds like something may be going on there, you should definitely have more speed than that.

      What day did you opt-in to your speed upgrade?


  • Switched from Telstra 10/5 to Superloop 50/20.

    In game ping is horrid and unplayable.

    Getting speeds of 30/5.

    Rang the help line, removed the sim from the Telstra modem etc etc, still rubbish ping and lower then expected speed despite the fact if been told I can easily upgrade to faster speeds as I basically live on the exchange.

    Telstra ping - 15-30ms
    Superloop ping - 300-1000ms

    • Howdy,

      Definitely sounds like something isn't right there and the service should be performing much better. Have you been able to perform some trace routes to see where the increase in ping happens?
      If you're unsure on how to do a trace route our team can help you through that process.

      Happy to see if I can look in to this further if you need.

    • Howdy,

      Definitely sounds like something isn't right there and the service should be performing much better. Have you been able to perform some trace routes to see where the increase in ping happens?
      If you're unsure on how to do a trace route our team can help you through that process.

      Happy to see if I can look in to this further if you need.


      • Called twice. Can't seem to find out why.

        Want me to test again with another router, but it's definitely not that as I had stable speeds on Telstra.

        • Howdy

          Testing with an alt router is usually done on service such as FTTN/B where an isolation test to a cabled device is not possible. The isolation test would show either service working within spec or an issue with the nbn network delivering the service to you boundary point.

          So usually done to satisfy the nbn process we need to log a specific fault type. Without being able to see your specific scenario I can't be more specific about the request


  • Called twice. Can't seem to find out why.

    Want me to test again with another router, but it's definitely not that as I had stable speeds on Telstra.

  • Got the email just now for free upgrade, exactly 3 months since I joined Superloop.

  • Just to clarify I ported out of Superloop to Tangerine.
    The connection is perfectly fine but the referral system does not apply the discount for 6 billing periods.
    It only apply for 5 billing periods.
    I believe their system believe it already apply 1 discount when the referral join.
    However, this is incorrect because people would have already paid for that month.

    Has anyone else noticed this problem?
    This happened to all 3 of my referrals.

    • We can definitely have a look at that if that is the case, sometimes system errors do happen and if you are short one month we will happily investigate and amend if required.

      Give us a buzz and we can sort that out for you!

      • I have buzz you Super Craig on the 31/03/2021.

        • All everyone. Super Craig has looked into this matter.

          I would recommend everyone to keep an eye out for referral credits.

  • I'm currently with Kogan internet with FTTP and looking to change. Hopefully someone can help me with a few questions

    How long does it take for FTTP service to activate after signing up from their site? I've been reading on whirlpool it can take only 45mins?

    The current Kogan service is under my partner's name, can I sign up on superloop using my name?

    Can I sign up on the 100/20 $74.95 special with free upgrade to 250/25 for 3 months, then change to special $99.95 250/25 plan for the next 6 months?

    Thank you all.

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