• expired
  • targeted

Claim a Free Pack of Barilla Mulino 200g Biscuits @ Woolworths via Woolworths Rewards


Most likely targeted, but I received this offer for this week

Free Mulino Bianco 200grams biscuit when scanned rewards card thinking similar to the way how bags for good turned out free (so similar way they charge and add discount to the charge)

For flavours see

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (879)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +3

    Ah biscuits!

    (That's all I've got, I'll see myself out…)

  • yay got the offer.

  • Didnt get it

  • +1

    I'm a simple person, I see free food in the title, I click.

    • :) targeted?

  • +3

    Yipppeeee !!!

    I just got the email…

    My kids will get to eat again tonight…

    • +3

      It starts tomorrow

      • +4

        You are right…

        Oh well, stale bread it is again tonight…

  • Yep got this as well, Italian biscuits probably average.

    • +1

      probably average.

      Not according to the reviews…

      "These are delicious."
      "This cookies are amazing.."
      "Great value and taste."


      $2.03 at the moment delivered if you have Prime and S&S

      Bargain !!!

      Thank your mother for the rabbits…

      • I got them half off from Amazon last weekend. Confirming that they are very average.

        • +1

          write a review then…

          • +2

            @jv: My review is above ……

  • I never ever get free stuff like this from WW.

    You guys must be spending heaps each week on groceries…

    • +2

      I usually spend like 2-40 dollars a week man although last week was different I spent 60 just to claim 10 free bags for goods from online shopping (5 per transaction)

      • I barely spend as much as this so I guess that’s why I am not getting these WW deals.

        • +1

          I barely spend as much

          You don't eat ???

          • +1

            @jv: Take away + food delivery these days.

            Ohhh jv, I feel so privileged that you did not use your bold fonts on me.

            • +1


              did not use your bold fonts

              I'm running low on ink…

              • +1

                @jv: Haha, guess I was wrong thinking we have a special understanding

              • @jv: Don't worry, you impress your audience with the toner-ya-voice!

          • @jv: Most OzB folks shop at ALDI, mate!

  • Depends who writes the reviews jv the marketing company? I prefer to find out for myself.

  • -2

    +2 Delicious food! and Beautiful Women my 2 favs
    Variety spice of life

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