Cheapest way to qualify for a student concession card


I graduated uni this year and no longer qualify for student status. I figure on public transport alone I'll be saving $600 a year if I can get a student sticker. Are there any cheap uni courses that will permit me to get a sticker?


closed Comments

  • Having been an active uni student last year you might still be able to enrol in a few random classes and then quit them before the census date without having to pay anything.

    • Aye, thought of that, but my degree status is officially "graduated" so I'd have to register for an entirely new degree as well… But will look into it further. Cheers

      • If I remember correctly, unless you are a full-time (or close to full-time) student, you do not qualify for travel concession. If you are employed, you would also be in breach of the conditions for travel concession.

        Hope you're not planning on defrauding the system.

        • +1

          Defraud? We wouldn't do that!!!
          HereBobButtons, are you asian? If you are, find another asian guy/chick ask them to accidentally lose their uni card with the 2012 transport sticker on it.
          Then feel sorry for them and donate some money to them for their accidentally-lost uni card.
          Magically find their accidentally-lost uni card, and keep "forgetting" to give them back their uni card .
          Problem solved.

          Waits for negs from highhorse-people-who-don't-have-ozbargainer-pride

        • but one can be employed and also study full time and still qualify AFAIK.

        • not in nsw i think

        • lol apparently some people didn't take too well to the clarification of the terms and conditions of travel concession. It wasn't meant as an accusation, but I think some people took it that way.

          It might vary depending on location? For NSW, the conditions can be found here. In NSW, even if you study full-time at tertiary level, you are not eligible for travel concession if you are employed.

          In the end, I think it would be more expensive to enrol in a course than to cough up the blood for travel costs. Unless, of course, the course is actually useful to the OP.

          haha "forgetting" doesn't exactly exempt the OP from a fine if for some reason he/she is hypothetically caught. You'd also have to find someone who looks similar, though that isn't particularly difficult with the terrible portraits they take.

        • @illusionarybreeze
          Well, what if HereBobButtons magically forgot that the uni-card wasn't theirs? And so they forgot that they forgot to give back the uni card :D
          Yeah you'd have to find a-look-a-like.
          Uni card photos are always fun to look at :)

        • I read the link you sent me cwongtech. I think 70% of uni students work either casual or part time (local students who are eligible). The rules do not state what type of employment which is bizarre.
          add to that is the fact that more students work during the summer holidays and the concession pass is deliberately made to enable the use of concession until March 31st.

          ps. not having a go at you, just stating what I think :)

        • @alebox
          It wouldn't have been me who sent you a link, I didn't send anyone links :|

        • i meant in your post :P

  • +1

    What if you get a friend who is still studying full time to get you a sticker?

    • not sure If they do stickers anymore but I know they tried to embed (print it on the card) whenever possible so you cant pass it on to your mates.

      but yeah, just do another degree and drop the subjects before census date (at least this will last you till next march when the concession benefits expire)

      • i thought you need youR photo for those card, unless they look like you, i dont it'll fly!

        • Negative.
          For highschool, we used to get a card that you could sign with the sticker on it, doesn't have photo attached to them. But it does have the school name on it..
          For uni, the uni card itself has your photo on it, not that it does much, of course you shouldn't push your luck by being a white guy and finding an accidentally lost uni card with a curry guy on it and say you're like michael jackson with pigmentation loss in your skin..

      • Depends on the institution you attend. Some universities have switched to issuing new cards every few years, so while the very first "sticker" is embedded, every subsequent one is a physical sticker until the new card is issued.

  • -1

    are you suggesting to fraud the system?

    • +2

      That's what it sounds like to me.

      If you're working OP, just pony up the correct fare & support the public transport system like the rest of us; they're not unreasonably priced IME. If you're not working, you are automatically entitled to concession fares if you're on a Centrelink benefit anyway.

      • i feel ripped off everytime i take the public transport because it doesn't work like it should and they waste money by the bucket load.

        Did we really need to spend millions on coming up with a new system "myki" when we could've just adopted a similar system other countries already have, for a fraction of the cost. I wonder who's pocket it ended up in!!!

        I mean who runs the trains. someone gets sick on the train and everyone is delay by an hour cause they are waiting for premedics to show up. What they should do is get them off and have the trains keep going.

        If someone jumps in front of a train, scrape them up and keep going it's like a 10min delay in Jap, happens all the time yet takes half a day to sort it out here
        I know it sounds insenstive but how selfish is the dud can't they just hang themselves at home!

        sorry to rant, but the way the train system operates here, just droves me up the wall.

        • +1


          Someone somewhere is taking the "myki" out of the Australian public. Smart cards have been in operation in some Asian cities for well over a decade now. Consider that the Octopus card in HK was developed by an Australian company, and has been running for close to 15 years.

          Yesterday, I was waiting for a train, ETA 1 minute. Five minutes later, it was still read 1 minute, and the most annoying thing was not that the train was late, but that the entire time, no CityRail staff could be bothered giving an explanation for the delay over the loudspeakers.

          Government tells us that we shouldn't drive to the city, but we can't trust public transport to get us there in time.

  • some tafe courses are quite cheap

    • does tafe courses qulify you to get the concession card?

  • +1

    You need to do atleast 3 subject to qualify for concession sticker

    alot of people who only do part time sign up originally for 3 or 4 subject to get the sticker and then drop them

    I am sure if you know someone in the uni involved with it you could get them to give you a sticker

  • i heard some people sell stickers. the details of that i do not know though.

    • Oooohhh
      I wonder how that works :D

  • back in melbourne there would be some students who would create concession cards for a $50 fee. Back then (circa 2008ish), the concession cards were easy to make as it only required a laminating machine, photo, and a great photocopier (which are abundant at uni)with a copy of someone elses concession card.

    If people were checked by ticket officers on the trains and questioned why they were in full suit with a concession card, the common explanation would be that they are interning for their final year.

    Or if you are in melbourne, then you can catch the train before 6 or 7am and its free. then on your way back get a 2hr ticket. similar cost effectivness to having a concession card.

    I know when I was studying, many people would not buy tickets as they did a analysis on the frequency of getting caught. apparently for most people, in a year, provided you travel during the peak hours (whereby there often would not be as many ticket checkers, and even if there were it would take considerably more time to check evyerone's ticket due to the amount of people on the train), you would only get caught maybe 1-2 times a year on average if you were smart. Now, remember that the time between each station in meoburne is around 2 min travel time, with each stop lasting around 20-30seconds, even if there are ticket checkers during peak hour, there is still a very high chance that you are able to get out of the train before being checked and simply catching the next train down the line.
    So even if you do get caught by the average amount per year, you are still ahead by not paying for tickets for the whole year.

    Note that this was a few years back so not sure how the frequency of ticket checkers have changed and how much the fines are now.

    • Yeah, ticket evading is actually cheaper even if you pay the fines, but you have to do it frequently so that the benefit of not paying the fares outweighs the couple of fines you pay. Usually the wide gate is open during peak hour times.

    • lol. brings back memories.

      i knew of someone who took their uni graduation certificate overseas and got a copy of the uni stamp made for a couple of bucks.

      then they just stamped their own concession card forms, so the card etc. was still made at the train station.

      as part of my 3yr uni course i did work experience for 1yr, so did legimitately head to the city in a suit travelling on a concession fare - so it does happen.

  • +3

    Surprised the mods are happy for a thread about committing fraud to be kept open and discussed. Sure public transport is getting more expensive, but if everyone did the dodgy then the service would be crap or rates will go up to compensate. I'm not keen to pay for someone else rorting of the system.

    • How are we committing fraud?
      I am a Uni student, even with the student half-priced fares the prices for public transport are too high. Travel by public transport is never on time (no joke, a lot of the time its LATE, the other times its early, it's never on time!)
      I'm just suggesting finding accidentally lost uni cards and forgetting that they're not actually yours.

      Even without people doing the dodgey, the service is already crap! Rates are going up regardless. I'm not keen to pay at all! (I still do, not happy about it though..)

      Paying for something that is not accurately described (NEVER on time) should qualify for a refund!

      • +3

        would also like to add, I get on the bus at Circular Quay (syd). This is the very first stop, and is about 50m away from where the buses terminate their last ride and wait for their new one.

        it is not on time HERE. if its not on time at the very first bloody stop, how can we possibly expect them to be on time for any other ones?

      • +1

        I know what you mean, but 2 wrongs do not make a right I am afraid :(

        I see your argument and I understand. I feel the same way. What gets me most is the steady increase in fees. It is gone up by more than 50%(?) in the last 10 years. I remember it being $2.60 for a 2 hr 1 zone.

        • but 2 wrongs do not make a right I am afraid :(

          Actually… ;)
          I do pay my full bus fares as a uni student, so I haven't done anything wrong… so far.
          Oh how I do miss high school bus passes now :(

          They go and make stupid changes to the system… seriously, unless your name is Steve Jobs, you can't announce higher prices and get a happy response.
          "Oh yay! Now we're introducing MYBUS"
          Makes no difference, wasting money on a name change!?

        • I agree on how unreliable the buses are. I gave the bus a go a few times to uni. First time the bus was 15 minutes late. Second time the bus drove past me cause it was full! Third time the bus was 15 minutes late. Result of this? I hate public transport. Note this is on the gold coast..

          However been training it up to brisbane and while these are reliable, the cost is to much. 10$ each way , 100$ a week, 5000$ a year, 10% of my income! haha

          A better way to scam the system is to do 10 journeys in a day, then get free transport for the week. :D All it takes is 10 trips on monday/tuesday and you save :D

          I usually just do a trip when im free at work down the road ;)

          Thats not really a scam more so taking advantage of the offer (go card)

  • I am not happy with City Rail either, and I refuse to take buses unless I have to because Sydney buses are crap.


    The more people riding without pay (like you!), the more everyone else is paying.
    I am not happy with subsidising your rides. Indirectly, you are stealing from me.

  • What annoys me most are bums who sneak into the bus via the back door.

  • Mods don't read everything. However it has come to our attention the existence of this thread and the matter discussed. Anyway, using a concession card when you do not have a right to use it is a fraud and I would not advice anyone doing it.

    Yes I know the public transport system has a lot of issue, but as photonatually has commented, two wrong does not make it right.

    Thread closed.

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