i7 PC Desktop?

Can someone please find me a cheapest deal on i7 desktop or recommend me one? My max budget is $1500? Thanks in advance!


  • This guy you as well? http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1861547
    If not, it's quite similar.

    • not me, thanks for the link!

  • Question: Why i7? You haven't asked for a good gaming PC, or a good video editing PC etc, just for an i7, which is often not actually required (or very useful in many situations).

    Additionally $1500 is a lot of cash for a PC these days. You can probably spend far less (depending on the intended purpose.

    • Just upgrade from a very old laggy system so I though i7 would help coz it's lastest? i7>i5?
      No, not for game. It's only for general use use & photoshop.
      I'm very noob in this so please fill me in.
      BTW I'm in SA so not much option for me If I want to go with local. Do MSY customise build? ie. buy parts from them and ask them to build up the system?

      • Do MSY customise build? ie. buy parts from them and ask them to build up the system?

        yes for a fee, i believe its $70

        Depending on how heavy you photoshop, consider these

        Yeah, you don't honestly need an i7, a i5-2500 would be fine(and $100 cheaper), but yeah if your budget is $1500, go for it

      • I actually recommend an i3. i5 at MOST. You really don't need an i7. Also the on chip video card with the i3/i5 is surprisingly good, so that will suit you too. The only thing you should look for is a good solid state drive, this will make a world of difference, you probably don't need to worry about much else.

        Excluding screen, I would half (or less) your budget.

        Note that the builds linked by issh are for video editing, which is a long way from image editing.

  • The cheapest..??
    Get a I7 laptop and plug it into your 32" monitor and wireless kb & mouse.
    Spending a lot of money wll not guarantee a good computer at all… i'm sure you know that??

  • I recommend i7 2600 if you won't overclock. I had Wow running, bluray playing and web browsing and it didn't go over 30 percent use.

    • +2

      Doesn't that make it a 70% waste of money?

      • The Core i7 is meant for CPU intensive apps, e.g video encoding/transcoding, media editing, but WoW, Media playback and web browsing isn't very CPU intensive at all — WoW is mostly GPU dependant and doesn't utilize Hyperthreading.

        So the Core i7 in your use case is overkill.

        If anything, most people only need a Core i3 (i5 for gaming) and a good GPU.

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