What Would You Do - ATM Dispense Incorrect Amount

The ATM that I went to (in the middle of a shopping centre) were actually dispensing 3x $50 notes when I was withdrawing $90.

I was so confused and I assumed they might incorrectly put the $50 notes in the $20 shelves. So I went to test it and withdrew another $20. A $50 notes was dispensed instead.

I went to the bank branch nearby (around 10 minutes walk from the ATM) and reported this. To my surprise, they took all the money that I got from that ATM from me 4x $50 notes without adjusting my bank account balance (my balance was already $110 less). They told me that they cannot refund the $110 yet because they need to investigate. Then I told them I still need to withdraw the money and they were willing to process it from my remaining balance. I thought this was a weird solution where the customer become disadvantaged after reporting a malfunction on their ATM machine hahaha.. Anyway I didnt give much thought about it back then and they did refund the balance to me after a period of time.

What would you do in this situation? I wonder if someone maxed out their $1000 daily withdrawal, which means they will get $2500, will the bank allow them to keep them as it will be hard to proof if they actually get $50 notes, in lieu of every $20 deducted from their balance.


  • Are you using a smartcard? :) Weird indeed a customer reporting get the hassle rather than rewarded.

    • I am using the bank's debit card.

  • +10

    I would assume if you didn’t report it you would eventually get caught, cameras operate and would cross check with withdrawals.

    • +1


    • +1

      Get caught about what? Eventually just the bank going deduct the correct amount, what else should happen?

    • +4

      Not too sure if this applies across the board.
      A couple of years back my wife went to use an ATM and found $800 sitting in the payment 'tray'.
      As she is the more honest one in the family (and to make a point to the kids with us) we handed it in to the local police station (it was out of business hours).

      About three months later the police told us that the bank had not been able to identify the transaction immediately before ours so the money was ours to keep.

  • Sounds like something out of a viral YouTube video.

    • Hmmm if i should have done this.. I might be rich by now if those goes viral.. Or the bank asked me to take the video down.. haha..

  • You should have figured out which withdrawal gives you the most $20's and fire away :)
    $130 with no $10's in play I think with only $20's and $50's in play .

    • Yes only $20 and $50 was in play

    • +8

      Wouldn't $80 each go be best, no $50s counting towards withdrawal limit

      • This is the correct answer

  • There are cameras in every ATM so they will figure out who got the extra money. Only way I think they wouldn't is if all the cash is empty when they go to refill it and didn't realise that it was filled wrong some other way.

    If you had the balance to cover the extra in your account it would be worth running the gauntlet and if questioned just say you didn't check what came out as your mind was elsewhere/family problems etc.

    • put your mask on

      • How does that help? You put in your card/PIN…

        • it protects you from cameras

          • @BargainWizard: What difference does that make?

            • @John Kimble: seriously

              • @BargainWizard: Yes, it's a genuine question. They figure out who got money by who put their card and PIN in, not by cameras.

                And it's not like face mask cover your whole head either?

                • @John Kimble: my girlfriend doesnt let me get too serious she says it could lead to a heart attack

                • @John Kimble:

                  And it's not like face mask cover your whole head either?

                  I think he was referring to one of those full face ski masks…. That and with some dark reflective sunnies and a hoodie on top and no one will be able to tell you apart. You could be using someone else's card for all they know and just happens to know the exact pin to withdraw….

  • +3

    I received an extra $100 while depositing cash via the ATM a few months ago. I've told them their machine doesn't count properly numerous times but that's the first time it's ever miscounted in my favour. They've never cared any other time I've told them so didn't bother telling them this time. I just consider it compensation for the inconvenience where it's miscounted in their favour and I've had to wait for them to audit the machine and sort it out.

    • +1

      I will need to deposit my cash in this machine

      • It hasn't done it again nor do I expect it to. Hasn't miscounted at all since then actually and I use it every fortnight or so as I still have people that insist on paying cash.

  • +2

    I wouldn't have reported it. I would have expected them to just adjust my account balance later on. They obviously have a record of who took out what.

  • +3

    I would have kept $110, given them back $90 (getting a receipt) and told them to sort their own mess out.

  • +3

    Some people would sit there and withdraw $80 over and over until the machine was empty.

  • +5

    LoL…. I would empty the machine.

    And they took it off you??? Sounds more like you gave it to them. They would have to pry it from my cold, dead hands. I would give them the overage amount, but they are not entitled to take the lot from you and hold it.

    • That was what the teller said. I complied as there are security guy posted on the door. I was in their turf with no backup.

      • +1

        Security people can't touch you, and it's your money, you have no obligation to give it to them.

        • Wait then what's the point of security guards if they cant touch you?

      • +1

        You should have called the boys and had a showdown in the car park

        • +2

          I'll make sure i tell them next time that I got ozb backup waiting on my speed dials.

      • tackle your way out if the guards try to catch you running away! Hahaha

  • +2

    You should have insisted that they give you $110 or credit back $110 to your bank, and get them to write you a letter stating you have returned the extra money. Even better file a police report online. Don't trust the people working at the front, everyday they see hundreds of people and any miscommunication between staffs and make the report of you returning the money lost.

  • Did you get a receipt from the bank to prove they took your money and what they owed you? Or did let yourself get scammed?

    • I didnt, I was very naive back then trusting bank would do the right thing.

      • So you are now short your original $90? 🤦‍♂️

  • +1

    I would report it. It happens more often than you expect.

    If it wasn't reported, they will eventually reconcile the ATM and debit the accounts the difference anyway…unless you're lucky and they write it off (or something) like this: https://www.insider.com/atm-gave-out-100-bills-2018-11

    • Oh wow they get to keep it. Meaning with limit of $1k here they get $10k!

  • +16

    I'm confused why you didn't post it as a deal as soon as you found out.

  • I would have not given any back until they complete their investigation. Hope you got some receipt for the money you gave them back.

    You should of only given them back $110 (assuming the ATM dispensed $200 as per second paragraph) and if you did not have the $10 then do not give them more. They can lookup the amount you withdrew from the ATM.

  • +2

    I would have only given back the extra. That security guard on the door ain't going to restrain you

  • Slightly related story. I once get a $20 note from an ATM that was ripped in half (I only got one half). Was surprised to find there was no number to call or identifying number on the machine at all. Walked to the nearest branch and told them my story and the teller swapped me a whole note, no questions asked no checking of video or anything. I guess I got lucky that she chose to believe me.

  • In the same position I would have filed a formal complaint the next day.
    Not that I would be complaining to be a dick but you had zero paperwork to show you handed them money, no indication of how long it's going to take to resolve and no investigation tracking number. Better to be the squeeky wheel than just hoping your money shows up one day.

    Also, did you check your statement at the end of the month? They might have hit you with a 'teller assisted withdrawal' charge to top things off.

    • +1

      Yes i did check them every few days until the money comes in and thankfully no additional fees being charged.

  • +1

    You managed to find a branch that was open???? All of the ones close to me have closed permanently.

    • This was in the Sydney CBD

  • The bank will eventually work it out and make the adjustments - it happened at an ATM near my house a few years ago. An ATM out the front of a pub in Newcastle was spitting out $50s instead of $20s, and so a shitload of drunken idiots lined up started getting cash out. Naturally the bank realised what was happening, remotely shut down the ATM and a week later made the correct account balance changes.

    You did the right thing - the banks will always win in this scenario

  • +1

    Last time I heard of this happening there was a queue down the block to withdraw money #socialmedia 🤣🤣🤣

  • Sooner or later you'd have to payback (in this specific instance) - once the machine is re-filled, a reconcile will take place and the numbers will be a long way out. The system records every card-holders transaction and their details. Pretty easy from there to work out how much over/under people got. People getting under (those who withdrew multiples of fifty and got twenties) are way more likely to report the difference.

  • I withdrew $100 (2x $50) once from a 3rd party ATM (in a pub) and found 3x $50 notes in the tray it spits it out in.

    I don't know if the ATM dispensed the extra note or the person before me had not taken all their notes.

    Win-win for me.

  • Similar experience, CBA staff didn't trust, however he said 'this time we are giving money because you are a loyal customer, next we won't'.

  • -2

    Why didn't you just keep withdrawing money???????

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