Recommendations for Video Creation Software

I wish to create a video from heaps of images (digital photos) I wish to determine a video creation / editing software that will allow me to load the files based on date / time created.
Can anyone please give some recommendations.

I’m using a windows 10 PC.

Windows 10 has a nifty photo app, however I cannot sort the files from oldest to newest. I could do it manually however there are over 1000 photos.



  • +4

    DaVinci Resolve?

  • I thought in Windows 10 you can sort the files before importing into the Video Editor?

    In the project library, click + Add button and select "From this PC". Then chose the directory where all your photos are. Change the file explorer to details mode. Right click the header row to add "Date created" (if not already present). Select all the files (Ctrl-A). Click Open. Now you're back in the editor and click "Place in the story board".

    • It orders it by default from newest to oldest. However for a time-lapse I want and order from oldest to newest. Then the app doesn’t allow me to select all file and reduce the duration between all of the photos at once.

      • You can click the "Date" or "Date created" header to switch the order of how items are added. Then they will automatically be pre-selected in order (the order they get added to the storyboard would otherwise reflect the order in which they were chosen).

        By duration between I assume you mean duration of the slide? If so, you can also select all the photos. Tick off the first photo then select press Ctrl-A to select all the photos. The select duration and change it to whatever you want.

        I assume you're using the same version of software and seeing what I see. I have a very old laptop with an old 2020 version of Windows 10 that couldn't upgrade due to an unsupported video card.

  • +1

    Movavi Slideshow Maker seems to get universally good reviews and it's free to try. Resolve has a free version but it's a NLE made for editing and colour grading video. If you had a Mac or iPad then Fotomagico is excellent.

    • I tried Movavi a while back. I quite like it actually. Very easy to use and good results.

  • Adobe CS… I'm sure there will be something in there.. ;) Just not cheap…

  • Davinci Resolve or Shotcut

  • Thanks everyone. I actually found a free one (time lapse creator) from the microsoft store. which did what i wanted:
    Sort asc, Desc
    Adjust FPS
    Adjust Quality
    and output to Mp4

  • I will however try out shortcut just because it's free! However on looking at the images it does look better than the one I downloaded.

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