Young Men's Support Groups

M, 26
Bch Hons Medical Imaging

Hi, I seeking information regarding support groups for and possibly by young men. A group that offers a chance to network, express and exchange ideas as well as help to motivate each other (education, finance, etc). I ask because my drive has almost disappeared despite a desire for a better life for me and my family.

In high school I was highly competitive in both sport and academia. In hindsight, my competitiveness was influenced by my peers. Now in the workforce, it feels quite lonely and competitiveness has an unspoken stigma or something. The people you surround yourself with, at least for me, seem to greatly impact my performance in certain areas in life.

If anyone could provide insight, advice or direction on this challenge I'm having, it would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advanced.


  • Freemasons?

    • Yeah, I was thinking sporting clubs or meetup groups but Freemasons sounds like a good fit for the OP's description.

    • could you please provide a link?

      • I don't know much about the Freemasons other than they're a men's group who use their networks to help each other out. They're quite secretive and possibly invite-only.

        There are heaps of varied groups on that would probably be helpful though. I've mostly joined sporting/yoga/social groups but others are targeted towards networking and self growth.

        • +1

          "Thank you for your information. Based on the information you provided, you have indicated you do not believe in a higher power. Freemasons while accepting of all religions, require you to have a belief in something bigger than yourself."

          I believe in many things larger than myself - just not any spiritual mumbo jumbo.

  • Join your local political party. There are many events and you can talk to like-minded people.

    • Interesting. I will give that a go even though (don't shame me) I am somewhat apolitical these days…

  • +1

    Now in the workforce, it feels quite lonely and competitiveness has an unspoken stigma or something

    Online gaming. Trash talk everyone else down.

    If you want support groups usually they play nicely. Most of these groups are for people with mental troubles therefore don't expect too much.

    I used to work in a call centre customer care and my challenge was to be able to ID verify, answer the query faster. Personal PB, managed to do it in under 30s once. My PB. Didn't go and buy myself an award though.

  • What state are you in? (Geographically, not mentally. :) )

  • +1

    In another lifetime I liaised with groups such as you are seeking as part of my job and found a number of groups through asking at local medical centres and local Council offices.

    Also Neighbourhood Houses have details of Men's Sheds which may be of help to you or point you in the right direction.

  • +1

    It's fun to stay at the Y……M.C.A!

    (Sorry, that just came to mind straightaway!)

  • +1

    If you went to uni, there might be an Alumni society that you could join.

    • you know in hindsight, i did uni all wrong. It was meant to be a place to network extensively but I was pretty to myself. Do you have experience with alumni societies ?

  • I think Lyon's clubs are meant to be pretty good, meet lots of people across many walks of life

  • Do you currently play a team sport? Might be a good idea to join a domestic competition/team. Maybe even look into officiating/umpiring?

    • I box however with these lockdowns I barely seen anyone. Boxing gyms have been closed for a while. I did meet people that helped me maintain my fitness certainly.

  • +2

    Maybe check out Meet up, there's lots of groups with all different interests :). Though I'm not sure if it's something that would feed your thirst for competition

    • Recommend Meetup. I was a little hesitant at first but ended up meeting some good people.

  • Boogaloo Boys?

  • You joined OzB! What more do you want?!?!


  • -1

    Consider doing something that might achieve what you’re looking for less directly, for example social sports (eg soccer, cricket, touch, martial arts, rowing), volunteering, pub choir or whatever. You might meet interesting people from all walks of life through these avenues that then become part of your network and achieve the same purpose. I say this because sometimes groups specifically aimed networking or self improvement don’t offer genuine engagement or relationships.

    You might find focusing on men’s specific groups a little limiting. Women can also be good to exchange ideas and network with. Your local chamber of commerce, political party, entrepreneur group etc are probably more aligned with what you’re thinking, but not just for men. Speaking of which a chamber of commerce might be something you’d be into.

    Given you presumably work in medical imaging, you might want to look into education on the business or research side of this. You might meet people with similar interests through that, eg do some face to face postgrad courses or PD.

    Also don’t forget your existing friends and networks. Perhaps you’ve never shown an interest in discussing these topics with them previously or just haven’t connected with them lately. There might already be people you know who are keen for the same.

    Finally be wary of scammer type people who you might meet through any of these types of groups. There is very charismatic people who look to exploit people like yourself through ‘investing’ in a business venture or sitting on dodgy company boards etc.

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