Do you think Sunscreen is a scam?

I have not seen any black or brown guy getting skin cancer. Melanin is a natural sunscreen. People who live in sunny areas evolved to have more melanin so that it protects them from constant exposure to the sun. Where people from northern latitudes evolved lighter skin so that they can absorb more sunlight. There are people like world-famous surfer Laird Hamilton who stays in sun all the time without any sunscreen and white and is perfectly healthy. Is diet causing skin cancer for some white people, where the skin is their weakest part? I heard the argument that in Australia there is no ozone layer, and it causes skin cancer. Which is completely false. Personally, I never used sunscreen, and I will be in sun a lot of time. What do you think?

Edit: My theory is that people of color getting skin cancer from sun exposure is almost zero. Skin is an organ same as the liver or lungs. Most people in this modern age are eating a Junk diet. Once you screw your body to a point of no return, your body starts to become dysfunctional. After that, some cells will start mutating and your body can no longer repair. Cancer starts forming. It can start in any organ. For example, my Aunt never smoked and was never exposed to passive smoking. But she died of lung cancer. As I told skin is an organ as well and white people's weakest link in the body is their skin because of very little melanin. Cancer can start in their skin. You can also see skin cancer deaths have increased significantly since 1970 in the UK where Sun doesn't shine too bright.

I love science. Science is wrong many times. The most recent blunder is Margarine. A few years back US FDA banned it because it is loaded with trans fat. But years prior to that it was considered as the holy grail for heart disease. And there are well-known blunders like doctors advertising cigarettes.

PS: I am not targeting anyone personally. But some people are assuming they are smart by using expletives. I am just posting my view.

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  • -1

    Maybe not, but some sunscreens are carcinogenic. One was just taken off the shelves. You're better off wearing UV protected clothing than slopping that shit all over your skin.

  • After reading this post and OP's previous posts, I think it's very clear that OP needs to go back to school and start from prep again.

    Back to basics to learn how to slip, slop, slap.

  • OP where do you think 4g comes from? Haven't you noticed that when you're around more people with sunscreen on that your reception is better? Its how the government tracks us.

    I should have the right NOT to wear sunscreen. Tbh I'm utterly appalled that when Gladys was premier, she prevented the formulation of a medicine to specifically treat melanoma. The sunscreen companies and the Australian health system are all in bed together! Sunscreen is just a cash grab! It's how they control us!

    • OP you and I are on the same supreme level of intelligence. We don't need doctors or scientists who lie to us. Everyone who voted yes is a sheep!

  • I wear sunscreen in asia where I do a lot of walking in full sun.

    I wear long shorts, short sleeve shirt and broad brimmed hat, socks and shoes.

    I apply sunscreen to hands, forearms, legs, and face, ears.

    If I don’t use the sunscreen my skin burns and it hurts.

    Seems pretty obvious?

    • Don't listen to this fool OP. There are plenty of people (especially in other countries) who don't put on sunscreen, get exposed to the sun and are ok. In fact! getting exposed to the sun is important for photosynthesis and vitamin D production. Sunscreen will block all of these important solar processes.

      Pfft what are these sheep going to tell us next? that we need to wear a hat!?

      • +1

        In fact! getting exposed to the sun is important for photosynthesis

        Don't apply sunscreen to the plants.

  • Sunscreen is to protect from UV rays which are not in the visual spectrum of light.
    Dark skinned people are not immune to radiation, just like they're not immune to covid or basically anything else that isn't hereditary.

  • Is this the Comedy channel? Asking for a friend.

  • +1

    It’s always interesting to me how so many from the anti-vax anti-modern medicine crowd use deductive reasoning and recall bias to convince themselves and others that they must be right. Pick out any argument from that crowd and it’s always “if X is blue and the sky is blue then surely, without a doubt, X is sky.”

    Let’s apply that to this dude’s argument:
    1. melanin is a natural compound in the skin that protects the skin from UV damage. Sunscreen is sold to protect the skin from UV damage
    2. People with darker skin have lots of melanin

    1 + 2 = People with dark skin don’t need sunscreen

    All superficial logic without any depth or evidence behind it. The development of cancer (including skin) has multiple causative factors, one of which is the amount of melanin in the skin. It’s a combination of genetics and environmental factors, your immune system’s ability to screen for and kill cells that have dangerous mutations, the right mutation occurring during cell division and replication to allow it to replicate uncontrollably, and having another mutation on top of that to allow it to not self-destruct (apoptosis) when its code becomes dangerous etc etc. Narrowing down all of that into a 1+2 = 3 deductive reasoning argument is just dumb.

    Another example in OP’s post (with a bit of recall bias mixed in):

    1. “Science” says lung cancer is caused by smoking
    2. My aunt did not smoke and got lung cancer
      = “science” is wrong

    Again, in reality, no doctor would ever tell you that you will never get lung cancer if you don’t smoke. That’s just wrong. But we know that statistically your chances of developing lung cancer are much higher if you smoke than if you don’t smoke. Again, smoking is not the only factor at play but smoking increases your odds of developing lung cancer more than vast majority of other environmental and genetic factors. Plus, smokers and non-smokers usually don’t get the same type of lung cancer but again with exceptions - but that’s not relevant to this discussion.

    In conclusion, deductive reasoning can be primitive and dangerous (and frankly, pretty lazy) - stop using it to guide decisions about your health (or your family’s).

  • -1

    I dont know whether you guys can tell to my face the abuses you are directing towards me. I am disappointed with this anonymous forums. I am sorry if I caused any annoyance to you guys. I am deactivating my account. I am getting busy in life. Lockdown are over hopefully forever. Goodbye

    • +9

      Not an airport
      No need to announce departures :)

    • See ya mate.

      Collective IQ will improve a bit thanks to your sacrifice.

  • What is it with people who don’t understand science always chalking every modern disease under the Sun (no pun intended) up to dietary influences.

    It’s the same for antivaxers I keep seeing them say “I’ll be fine I have a great diet that supports my immune system” like…?? What fresh nonsense??

    The sun causes ionising radiation which directly mutates your DNA. Sunscreen blocks it. There ain’t no scam. It’s not some nuanced science that’s going to be “disproven” some day. Eating your fruits and veg isn’t going to stop your skin cooking under radiation.

  • Chalking up every disease to diet is how they find a market of people to sell supplements to.

    Once they separate the gullible, from the people who get angry when reading false claims, they have found their potential supplement customer.

    Supplements are a high margin, low risk business.

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