Mattress Issues / Advice Sought

Moved into a new place with no furniture and originally had a Koala "calm as" mattress.
Had a lot of issues with the Koala and was regularly waking up with back pain (think it was too firm for me) so I returned it after about 6 weeks.

Now I have a Sherman "full body hug" mattress and while it's much better than the Koala, it's not quite as soft as I'd hoped and I'm still feeling a little achy sometimes, especially after sleeping on my back for 8+ hours. I'd say for an achiness comparison, the Sherman is 1-2/10 while the Koala was ~7/10 (where 10 is the highest achiness).

I'm on the fence on whether I should look at yet another mattress or just stick it out? I've only had the Sherman for about 2 weeks and it's definitely a notable improvement over the Koala so it might get better over time. Also, if sleeping in the same position for a long time is going to result in some aches no matter what, changing the mattress isn't going to help.

Does anyone have any ideas or advice?


  • Now I have a Sherman "full body hug" mattress and while it's much better than the Koala, it's not quite as soft as I'd hoped and I'm still feeling a little achy sometimes, especially after sleeping on my back for 8+ hours.

    Try a mattress topper, we've added one from Aldi to a firm mattress. Made a significant difference.

  • Also, if sleeping in the same position for a long time is going to result in some aches no matter what, changing the mattress isn't going to help.

    This could be correct.

    What back pain are you getting and how do you sleep?

    If you haven’t already, I’d suggest looking at using pillows to aid your sleep.

    If you are a back sleeper, put them under your knees
    If you are a side sleeper, between your legs and one to almost cuddle
    If you are a stomach sleeper, under your hips.

  • +1

    Time to see a physio

  • A 2 week old mattress won't be broken in. Based on personal experience with a few mattresses, one needs a good month or so I would think to get a better idea to how it conforms to your body. They soften even more.

    • Yeah, I plan to give it a bit more time before I do anything. It's already quite thick actually but I might try a mattress topper or getting some more pillows as some others have suggested if it's still problematic.

      Thanks for the suggestions all!

      • How's the mattress now?

        • +1

          Hi, I ended up getting another mattress (non-online). To be honest, while it's much better (and softer), it's still not 100% for me. However, I can deal with it. I could probably try a mattress topper but it's not as big a priority at this stage.

  • You single? Get an air mattress.

  • Does anyone have any ideas or advice?

    Don't sleep on your back.

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