Building Insurance Not Being Paid By One Of The Strata Owners

Hi Ozbargainers

Wanted to get some views on this to see whether others have experienced it.

We own a town house that's on a 4 lot block. Location is Victoria. We have a strata title but there is no body corporate. Building insurance is paid annually, with each owner paying 1/4 of the premium.

One of the owners has stopped paying their 1/4 of the building insurance. The insurance company has been chasing them for months and I have tried speaking to the owner twice about the matter. They always say that they will pay it, but then they don't. Long story short, us 3 remaining owners have had to cover the cost of the 4th owners premium to avoid having the whole building losing insurance.

The insurance company said they will keep chasing them and reimburse the remaining owners if they get the payment. But I doubt this will happen, and am expecting that the 4th owner will avoid payments going forward.

Has anyone encountered this before? It kind of feels like they get a free ride with no recourse.


  • +7

    Can the insurance company give you guys a guarantee that the 4th owner will never be able to make an insurance claim on your cost? Can the insurance company insure just the three of you so you can cut the fourth person off?

    • +2

      The insurance will also cover common property

  • We have a strata title but there is no body corporate

    Ugh, I hate strata management until having to deal with unpaid dues.

  • There is never a dull day when investing in real estate.

    The last post was what to do with -$9,000 in unpaid rent.

  • +1

    Ring up the Vic Consumre Affairs department and ask them what can be done. Info is on the following page about vic owners corporations:

    As there is no body corporate I think your options are not looking good to get the money.

    How is the group paying for common area expenses for mowing, maintenance etc? There should be some sort of kitty for this… if not you and the others are going to be in allot of pain when something occurs like a blocked sewage pipe that needs ripping up and replacing or the main switchboard fries and needs replacing…. etc etc

  • -1

    This is exactly why i bloody hate strata and units/shared things. We might have to pay for others, WHY??? If i dont use that service/good/land i aint willing to pay a single cent for that

  • Thanks for the responses. I think ringing up the consumer affairs to get their view is a good idea, I'll see if they can outline some options.

    It's not a lot of money when it's still covered by 3 of us ($466/3) but if this is going to be an ongoing saga it's good to know what options there are.

  • +1

    You've already done the "talk with them option" so I see 3 options:

    Send it to a debt collector. (ends up costing them extra so it's a good incentive to get their crap under control)
    Take it to court.
    Bend over and continue to take it like a good neighbour.

    • +1

      I think the debt collector is a good idea. You'll only get a percentage of what you're owed but the extra you'll have to pay each won't be much and it is better than paying their whole share. The neighbour can't weasel out of it as it is very clear they owe the money and you know who they are and where they live. Hopefully after paying the outstanding amount they'll decide to just pay normally from then on.

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