Do You Wash Fruit before Eating?

By fruit I mean berries, sphere fruit (peach, nectarine, plum, grape, etc.) that we can have it without peeling the skin.

I never worked in a farm so don't know the fruits are treated after harvest. Are they cleaned before shipping to stores? Or there must be dirt, pest, pesticide, etc on the fruits? I tried to find some detergent that can do the job but wasn't able find any product for this purpose.

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    • +2

      My thoughts exactly.

  • +5

    I rinse lettuce as there is usually dirt on it and an occasional bug. I have never washed any other fruit or vegetable and I'm still alive and healthy today.

    • "I have never washed any other fruit or vegetable and I'm still alive and healthy today."

      Yes, but how often have you suffered stomach upsets and diarhoea over time?

      My guess is quite often.

      It pays to be scrupulous with whatever you consume.

      • +3

        Never actually. Except twice when I've had gastro

      • Maybe in South-East Asia. Australian standards are very high and quality of water/ingredients are exceptional.

        More chance getting sick from your own phone then you would fruit and veg from the supermarket.

    • +1

      Same never had an issue, Also worked in a lot of restaurants/cafes and if you have ever ordered a meal with fruit in it a very high chance you would of too!

  • "I rinse lettuce as there is usually dirt on it "

    I find that just removing the outer leaves leaves the lettuce clean.

    No need to rinse.

    • +1

      Ones with roots still attached usually manage to get dirt into most of the sections. With a fresh new one I can usually pull out a handful from the centre and it will be dirt free but to use the rest of it I have to wash it. This is with oakleaf or butter lettuce. Iceberg and cos would be fine with what you suggested as the leaves are packed so close together that the dirt has a hard time getting in

  • +1

    at least a good rinse

  • +4

    After reading all the comments I'm almost scared to admit it, but I only wash fruit before eating maybe 20% of the time, and that's only a quick rinse under the tap.
    I'm just way too lazy. And to be honest, even all the things people have said about pesticides, dirty hands and rats are unlikely to make me change! What's wrong with me?

  • I don't even eat fruit

  • You need to wash the berries before eating them

  • +2

    They're bathed in insecticides so yes wash your fruit. People touching them at the shop is the last thing you should worry about.

  • +2

    Always always make sure those plums are washed before putting them in anyones mouth !
    Grandmas advice 😋

  • I think this also goes for canned food that require a can openner as they accumulate dust. You should definitely wash the top of the can before using a can opener

  • Even monkeys know to wash food before eating it.

    • Username doesnt check out

  • yes,
    especially I'm not sure how many people have been touching those fruit at the grocer, better to be safe.

  • +2

    For a few years I worked at a place that distributes the fruit and veg to one of the 3 main supermarkets in Aus. The floors in that warehouse were pretty gross, people often dropped boxes of fruit and it rolled all over the place. As long as the fruit isn't physically damaged we were told to put it back in the box and send it off. Also a lot of the guys there were pretty cross, coughing/sneezing without covering their face etc etc

    I washed my fruit/veg a lot, lot more after working there.

    • Sounds better than clothing factories. For that reason, I'd wash clothes and other fabric products (like bedsheets) freshly bought from the store.

  • +1

    Grapes should be peeled. Hard to wash properly

  • Many aged care facilities use a chlorinated bath to rinse/wash raw vegetables that are ready to eat and won't be cooked. Like lettuce, tomatoes. Etc

    Myself. Nah. Unless it's a whole lettuce or leek with sand or dirt in the leaves

  • If you don't, watch this video and change your mind

    Also, this is the best detergent because it isn't scented.

  • Yes but just a quick rinse and rub.

    • Usually it's a rub, then rinse 😜😂

  • if it's a fruit I'm going to peel (orange, peach, etc), then no. Otherwise, yes. I'd rather not have pesticides, pests, fecal matter or viruses hanging on the stuff I eat.

    Berries in a punnet I don't wash. I have to hope that they're pre-washed.

  • +1

    Cherries. Straight from the tree. Who cares about washing when they taste good?

  • Yawns

  • inb4 it boosts my natural immunity

  • I wash and peel my peaches. The amount of pesticides on them is insane because they're highly prone to pests

  • +2

    I lick all my fruits to build up my immunity.

  • washed..packaged or loose, doesnt matter.

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