Not such a bargain

Hi Guys,
Just a question regarding some of the so called bargains posted on here.
Do the posters benefit in some sort of way by posting bargains here?
It seems that some people get a heads up of some #% sale
(no matter the product in question) and post it here asap.

Ive noticed this with games in particular where say DSE have a sale
and the same poster will make a few different threads for each game.

Anyways does anyone else see this? or am i just not a true oz bargainer lol.


  • +1

    We just like our Internet points. :)

  • No benefits - except for GreenManGaming and Playasia posts. They make money off that, and will post any crap sale possible, such as:

    • That, and also reps.
      But I think reps have strict guidelines to prevent them from posting too frequently.
      A similar thing should be done to people posting referral links.

  • I remember the days when they gave out items to the top positives each fortnight

  • +1

    As chase said, no benefit other than Internet points and the glory of having your name on the frontpage. There used to be weekly prizes for the top voted deal but that ended a couple of years ago.

    As for the same OP posting multiple deals for the same store within a short period of time, we prefer if people combine the items into one post. It tends to be different OPs which makes it a bit tricky as the deals become quite popular.

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