McDonald's Have Changed The Sweet & Sour Sauce Recipe

McDonalds have changed the recipe to the iconic Sweet & Sour sauce and i am disgusted by this fact, the new sauce tastes terrible and it needs to be changed back, have any of you noticed the change and if so, what do you think?

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  • 44
    Haven't Noticed The Change
  • 76
    The New Sauce is Terrible
  • 6
    The New Sauce Tastes Good
  • 162
    Who Cares, It's Just a Sauce

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          • @harthagan: I'm not talking about a pre made burger. I'm talking about the freshness of components that make up the burger.

            For example meat that sits in the warmer after being cooked. They don't cook each meat patty for each burger; meat is cooked in a batch and placed in a warmer. If that meat sits there in the warmer for a long time it's still safe to eat but it tastes much worse than when it's freshly cooked.

            For the buns I'm talking when a bun pack is opened up, exposed to the air and starts to go slightly stale (compared to a brand new pack) after a while during periods of low turnover.

            For the ingredients in the big mac (onion, lettuce, pickles, cheese) this is when they sit in the open air in the chiller for a while.

            The burger is assembled when you order it, using the above components. If the components aren't all fresh then this adds up to a worse tasting burger compared to when the stars align and everything is super fresh, which is more likely during busier periods due to turnover of the above items. Some stores may also have more discipline around turnover of the burger components than others.

            It's physically impossible for the stores to water down the sauce given it is premade and comes in a canister that goes in to a sauce gun to be squeezed out onto the burger. The canister isnt opened. Think of a tube of silicone in a caulking gun and how difficult that would be to open and 'water down'. Trust me, the people working there have better things to do with their time.

            • +1

              @legs: Yeah but none of that has any effect on how the sauce tastes as the burgers are all made fresh, even if the meat may have been cooked in advance. It doesn't explain why sometimes the big mac sauce tastes watered down and diluted instead of rich and creamy. Could be something to do with it going off if it's left in the heat too long. I'm sure the sauce would taste better if it was refrigerated.

              • @harthagan: That might be the case then. From memory the sauce canisters are kept in the fridge, but then once on the on the sauce gun it's kept at room temp. During quiet periods of the day it would be at room temp for a few hours

  • i've always had the mustard sauce anyway… S&S just tastes too masterfoods IMO.

  • Maybe an opportunity to assess yourself… have a look in the mirror. Do you really want to be remembered as the person who knew a change in Macca's recipe, or someone who doesn't even know where the shop is

    • as a chef, yes, i want my tastebuds to notice subtle changes in flavours

      • +1

        Chef hamburgular is that you?

  • +2

    Bring back the curry sauce from the 90s!!!

  • I've said it before, and I'll say it again:


    • i agree

  • Maybe we will see a episode in Rick and Morty where they demand the original Sweet and Sour sauce to return.

  • wubba lubba dub dub!

  • I remember when the packaging changed, which is when you say the sauce changed, nope tastes same as before, hell I literally got the new and old packaging in one order once, tasted exactly the same.

    It's in your head mate.

    • -1


  • Won't somebody think of Maccas.
    The old sauce cost them 3 cents a tub but the new sauce cost 2.85 cents a tub.
    That saving earned someone at corporate a $50,000 bonus.

  • Wait till you try the new balsamic dressing. It's embarassing, an Absolute disgusting sugar syrup implosion that one

  • OP is 100% correct. But the recipe has changed twice in the past 6 months, hear me out.

    Around when the McDonalds BTS meal was available late-ish last year, alongside the limited edition sauces (sweet chilli sauce and Cajun sauce), they started to also transition over to the new sweet and sour. It has different packaging (the new ones are completely smooth plastic around the sides, the old one had a ribbed texture). The new one was extremely sweet and overpowering. They could've used it as a drink syrup and I wouldn't have second guessed it. It's also not the first time they've messed up the sauce, years ago when the sauces were imported from China, the Sweet N Sour was different then too. Took them about 4 months to get it right.

    Recently, within the last month or two, they've tweaked the new one again. It's still not the same as the old one, but there is a little more of the apricot flavour than before (late last year). But still, a far cry from the old version.

    • so hopefully it might change back then, it could be anything, it might even be a the same recipe with a different supply of ingredients, i don't know, i know they use apricot concentrate, the website says there is peach in it as well, i dont remember it ever having peach in it but who knows

  • Speaking of McNugget sauces, anyone tried the new Spicy Sticky BBQ sauce? It’s a winner IMO!

  • -1

    100% has changed and for the better. Old sauce was way to starchy and had a weak flavour. New sauce is stronger and more pineapplely. It's actually close to sweet and sour now.

  • +1

    The new one is terrible. I had a few of the old ones left in my pantry and now they are all used up sadly =(

    • yeah i know, i used to buy 20 at a time, and just have them stashed away, if i knew it was going to change i would of bought 200 of them

  • McDonalds tastes terrible so it looks like they just changed the sauce to match the rest of their menu, good move

  • More of a sweet mustard fan myself.

    • yeah the mustard is nice too, apparently this new spicy bbq is really good, maybe i will try it

  • I can still remember the meltdown you had in primary school when they changed the play-doh recipe and you didn’t like the new taste.
    Seems your tastebuds didn’t venture too far….

    • +1

      Steve? is that you?

  • +1

    hard agree. the new one tastes bad and it's HIGHLY distinguishable. puts me off buying nuggets again.

    Anyone saying it tastes the same probably got served the old sauce.

  • +1

    Yeah they changed it in August, absolutely vile now (probably the worst version they have done).

    They seem to ruin it every few years then eventually go back to something closer to the original.

  • what do you think?

    I think if someone is selling you something and you don't like it, don't buy it…

  • It's the worst sauce on the menu so who cares.

    • it is my favourite sauce, i think it is the best sauce on the menu, mustard is ok too though

  • Are all the sauces made in Australia?

  • I noticed straight away when the flavor changed, it is definitely not as good but it still beats all the other sauces they have.

    Not the first time this has happened, I remember back in maybe 2005 they changed the recipe and it was the worst, I even wrote to McDonalds to enquire why it was changed and they said (at the time) they had moved the manufacture of the sauce to a different country and it was now (back then) being manufactured in Malaysia and the flavor change is a result of some tweaks to the recipe as a result.

    I probably didnt have the sauce again for 6 months after that.

  • Why am I reading this???

  • On one hand, this could be a big problem to a lot of people. Their sweet and sour recipe was different to any others, and a lot of people have grown up on it and look forward to it when they order a meal. I know I do and my kids are a fan of the classic recipe too

    On the other hand, it's just sauce.

    I haven't tried or even knew it had changed. But now I'm keen/concerned to check it out.

  • Yep, a few weeks ago.

  • "i am disgusted by this fact"

    That's a lot of emotion for a fast food condiment.

  • I want curry sauce back.

  • Honey mustard.

  • Get your lawyer to scribe and post a formal letter of grievance to the CEO of McDonalds regarding the sauce.

    Threaten a class action should they not acknowledge your complaint.

    Also get lab results regarding the composition of the sauce and mail it to the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. for a full federal investigation.

    • +2

      Yeah, that's going to be a problem. It's gonna be a problem for them. This a clear violation of my rights as a consumer. It's an infringement on my constitutional rights. It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous

      • +1

        And Mayor Juliani may have to investigate this sauce to determine if it is responsible for his absurdly high cholesterol levels

  • +1

    My fave now are the BTS sauces! The sweet chilli was mmm chefs kiss, and I don't usually do this, but it was a really great flavour for dipping your fries in too! A shame it was just limited. I got one spare left in my fridge, and im gonna make sure I eat every drop!

  • +1

    I gave the new Sweet n Sour another chance last night, what the hell were they thinking, it is inedible!

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