What is the cheapest, easiest way to get items shipped from sites that don't deliver to Australia?

Hi.I am sure that this has been discussed in a previous forum,but i carn,t see anything.Anyone have any ideas / sites that can ship to here from the US,Britain etc when either the site i am shopping on does not ship here OR costs upward of $40 FOR ONE SMALL ITEM.A lot of sites in the US will ship for free to US address,s ,and i do know that some shipping forward places charge the company,s shipping price,PLUS their own fee,s….any help would be GREAT (SO WOULD ANY TIPS ON HOW TO CUT COSTS ON THIS )Thanks.


  • +1

    Priceusa, hopshopgo, and shipto are some you could try.

    Out of curiosity, why do you use a comma instead of an apostrophe?

    • The op shouldn't even be using apostrophes in most of the instances. Correct spelling go a long way.

    • Op probably wrote the post from a tablet or phone and used the wrong symbols

  • -8


    • address,s
      carn,t (spelled incorrectly)

      Capital letters usually indicate shouting and screaming.

    • +2

      Well either you don't know how to use a keyboard, your fingers are too fat for your mobile phone or you never passed an English Exam. Regardless, ozhunter was nice enough to give you the sites of some parcel forwarding services. Where exactly? I've heard of this thing called google. You should try it sometime.

      PS: Two degree don't mean jack all. I've seen plenty with degrees who have such a poor command of the English language. Who knows, maybe you were one of them?

      • Whilst we are playing literacy nazis … "English language"… lower case e in that instance.
        BTW… no freakin educational qualifications here at all! :-)

        • That,s how u dooze it!

    • +3

      Yes, how did you?
      A couple of typos are fine, but you are actually difficult to understand here.

  • hello, I asked a similar question a few months back and was given this www.ustooz.com. never did find it cheap enough for small items, but the lady who answered all my questions was very helpful

  • contact Sarah at www.ustooz.com she is fantastic and I have had her ship several things to me. tell her " Ozygal" sent you. best of luck (",)

  • ozygal, I attempted to give you a referral (yes Sarah is lovely, and very helpful) but given that the referal process requires an email address for the referrer, I'll be surprised if you do actually get the referral credit. Not that it's much anyway on a smallish purchase, so probably no biggie. :)

    I asked a similar question a few months back and was given this www.ustooz.com. never did find it cheap enough for small items,

    So, in this situation, has anyone come accross one that is less than $12 in fees (with shipping on top of this) on small purchases?

  • -1

    That is a GREAT query Geewhizz,and the answer will be of interest to me as well.That was the whole point of my question in the first instance (yeah thanks Doey21,never heard of Google.And i had ACTUALLY looked at the sites Ozhunter stated…HENCE MY QUESTION REMAINED.)I only want to have the odd small item shipped,and cannot see the point in spending more than the item is worth on shipping.

    • +2

      calm down.

    • +4

      French chicks…. * rolls eyes *

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