Groceries Price Increases by 40%, what cut backs do you have to do?

How do you survive when almost everything in Supermarkets increases by 20-40%

I am referring to every day essentials like food, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc

What cut backs do you have to do?

Buy no brand name
Eat cheaper food like 50 cents instant noodle instead of eating šŸ•
Stopping kids music lesson
No more kids sport lesson
Stopping kids dance lesson
Sell car and buy old car or use public transport
Move kids from private school to public school
Quit smoking and drinking
Canceling streaming service like foxtel

Feel free to add more


    • +37

      Avoā€™s have gone the other way, only $1!
      No wonder the housing market went bonkers, millennials got avo cash to splash

      • Now got to tell people to stop buying houses. More mortgage money means less avo money.

      • Exactly, probably the best season for avocado ever, quality and price.

    • +3

      We had to opt for the cheap brand of caviar, but even that is getting expensive now.

    • +1

      At least you can afford a house in Sydney now.

  • +13

    I push my car to the supermarket.

    • +1


      • +12

        Fred Flintstone style

      • +1

        Yep. Both ways.

    • Not sure why but I found that extremely funny indeed. My car has horrendous fuel consumption, might start pushing it to the shops as well. lol.

  • +13

    Groceries Price Increases by 40%,

    no no no, can't be true. Inflation is only a few % at most, or so the gov keeps saying!

    • +8

      Yep, CEO wages only gone up a low 90% last year. The government needs to work hard to increase it this year

  • -4

    I prepared a survival kit in 2020 in anticipation of higher than usual inflation because of šŸ’µ šŸ–Øļø.

    I'm happy to say that the sacrifice was worth it.

    • +1

      What was in it?

      • A noose, a few razor blades and a bottle of benzos with a note reading: "I'm sorry, it's too late to fix it all."

      • +1

        I eagerly await the reply to this.
        "Bought 7000 rolls of toilet paper and it's finally paid off because I've been able to use to soak up flood water."

  • +11

    Eat in season whole food plant based. This year it's been the cheapest ever for us. Maybe because I'm getting better and better at shopping for WFPB stuff and there's so much competition around where I live.

    • Eat in season whole food plant based

      There must have been weeks where you were on avocados (enough to buy up a few suburbs). Then weeks on bananas. Many weeks on Watermelons.

      • +4

        Eating In season means for example not eating tomatoes in winter, when they are very expensive because they are a summer crop. But there are plenty of other plant foods - e.g cruciferous vegetables, for winter.

        • Tomatoes are a winter crop in Queensland. Bowen and Bundaberg produce the majority of Australia's tomatoes.

          • @BluebirdV: I realise that it's based on temperature; I'm referring to Sydney temperature and prices.

            I'm in Sydney and end of summer tomatoes are $1-$1.50/kg.

            They might be a winter crop in Qld, but the transport to NSW, etc. makes it out of season for me; prices typically $4+/kg.

            • @ihbh: Lucky you In Brisbane $4 kg for tomato's is a good price, have not seen them for $1.50 for a very long time.

    • -2

      Eat in season plant based and you'll be paying with your health when you're older. Unfortunately inflation has made meat incredibly expensive to low income earners - who need the nutrient density of meat the most!

  • Not cut back, ask for more $$$ either from work or Govt. lol

    • "Dear Government, I don't way to work. Give me more money."

      "Sure, what's your donation amount?"

      • +1

        LNP: Minimum $300k post office job promise and $9k deposit to LNP.

    • -2

      definitely the attitude of many, not sure why the downvote.
      after the jobseeker scheme, we noticed employers had to pay more to get people to move their lazy a** back to work otherwise they'd be happily getting weekly allowance that was way more than their wages if they worked anyway.
      it was real.

  • +15

    If daily living costs are becoming unmanageable, you can't afford private education.

  • +1

    One meal a day. Been doing this for several months already.

    • +3

      The only diet that is ridiculously effective AND literally saves you money.

      • +1

        Unless you're not actually getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy…

    • Do you get to maintain muscle size doing this?

      • Canā€™t stay aesthetic on one meal a day

      • Well I donā€™t work out anymore but Iā€™ve found that my muscle mass hasnā€™t decreased too much. Iā€™m quite sedentary at the moment so that would affect it, if I did more exercise my muscle mass would decrease more.

  • +4

    I cancelled everything besides rent, petrol, electricity and basic food. Itā€™s tight. I cannot possibly save any more money unless I fast twice a week šŸ¤·

    • +3

      You don't have to skip meals for 2 days, just forget breakfast. Have a 3pm lunch and an 8 or 9pm dinner so you don't go to bed hungry then you're fasting for 18 hours and likely losing weight too if you eat right.

      • better off to skip dinner I hear, you just churn all that food into fat over night

    • +4

      Don't have to fast, it is called rationing.

      Or start a dieting company as a side hustle and have your students donate their excess food to you.

      • This man thinks outside the box ^

  • +6

    Plant-based meals, pressure cook heaps of servings at once with dried beans/legumes

    • -2

      Plant-based meals

      LOL that advice would have people jumping off the cliffs.

      In the stone age if you are unsuccessful hunting you go hungry or eat what you've got. That I suppose is why people turned to agriculture because plants don't run. Now if you don't make enough money to afford meat you are still entitled to it, just the seller needs to drop their prices or by some external force the price drops.

      • I remember going away with a bunch of people and chick was just eating a bowl of green beans for meals. With a healthy side of weed.

    • +5

      Honestly, people should consider this. You can get a 1kg bag of red lentils for $2.50. It can be used to bulk up a lot of other foods.

      Sneer if you must, but the fact is a lot more of us are going to have to start eating rice and beans out of necessity. John Greer has a good post on this:-ā€¦

    • Genuine question.. is it cheaper if I go vegan? also for body building?

      • Absolutely, no doubt about it if you're willing to learn how to cook whole foods (rather than expensive meat substitutes, tofu as an exception). It's quite easy to get 100g+ protein a day, and way more than that if you were really focusing on it.

      • Beans and rice is literally the diet of the third world, it's the cheapest food there is.

        Get dried beans in bulk and soak overnight before cooking, don't buy canned. They also taste a lot better - canned baked beans are awful in comparison

  • +6

    If groceries are up 40%, is that $60 a week?
    While I understand there are families that struggle, for most that doesnā€™t require any of the things you suggested, just a bit of belt tightening.
    Say one less takeaway meal a fortnight and dropping from Foxtel to Netflix. Hardly drastic measures. Or one less pack of smokes.

    It seems weird that with the list of items you included that are almost all luxuries, that the place you feel budget pressure is in the groceries?

    • -2

      You are right.

      But it comes down to who are you to tell people what they should eat and subscribe to. They got friends, family and a life that is built upon it.

      Unfortunately it is the same thing as buying property, some how people are entitled to afford what they want. If they can't afford it, then it is some unAustralia act of unfairness.

      • +9

        If you are struggling to afford the basics in life, your first cutback should not be on how to make the basics even cheaper, it should be what luxury can I no longer afford.

  • +3

    Stock up when something goes half price, freeze quick sale meat, and start a vegetable garden.

  • +3

    If you're only shopping mainly at Coles/Woolies try shopping essentials at Aldi for a change and see if you're able to save- you may be pleasantly surprised :)

  • +2

    Only thing that went up more than 20% is boxes of facial tissues (super market brand). Cut your old clothes into hankie squares and use at home. Chuck it into the washing afterwards.

    • 2L Coke went from $2.75 to ~$4.20 in the last 6 months.

      • +3

        Go figures. I don't drink Coke. Got a Sodastream with a 6kg gas tank.

        • +1

          Or buy Pepsi Max 2L for $2.15 to $2.40.

          • @BewareOfThe Dog: It actually went to $3 but less than two weeks later the shelves were over stacked. The subsequent drop to $2.40 was a tolerable price point it seems.

            As a household our grocery bill is a rounding of our incomes but I gave up soft drinks with the price increase, bought some drink bottles and now have icy water always there.

      • +3

        Great, considering the negative impacts it has on peoples health that don't know better. Always thought it crazy to have Coke cheaper than bottled water (and don't get me started on that)

        • I read some years ago that Coke doesn't even pay for the water it uses to make bottled drinks in Oz. But really, we just occasionally enjoy a few glasses of the no sugar variety on a weekend (rarely drink alcohol) and the 2L used to be much better value than 1.25.

        • How is 1.25L coke cheaper than 1.25L spring water (woolworths / coles brand) or out of the tap?

          • @netjock: 2l Pepsi is $2.40 while 1.5l Mount Franklin is $2.90. Why are you comparing a house brand (Woolworths/Coles) with another brand (Coca Cola/Pepsi).

            • +1

              @bio: Water is water. You pour house brand or mount Franklin there is no better health effects.

              In fact tap water is better than bottled water.

              People who buy Evian thinking it is better is just naive (you know it is just spelt backwards)

          • @netjock: It isnā€™t but it sounds good.

  • +16

    If you're paying for foxtel in this day and age you're a moron (sorry it's true).

    Personally I've tried a bunch of 'no brand name' items, tons of them are not only cheaper but better, I'd recommend this not just for cost saving but seriously a lot just taste better, no harm in trying a different brand of whatever you may enjoy it more.

    One simple thing I did was switching to LED bulbs, run way cheaper and also removing extra bulbs, a lot of places these days have several for 1 room which in my opinion is just not needed.

    • -3

      If you're paying for foxtel in this day and age you're a moron (sorry it's true).

      don't worry that's just the older boomers who are scared to defect from murdoch to netflix, oh and value sky news a little much.
      luckily they're a dying breed and will become endangered soon.

    • +4

      Really I'm on basic package with free sports that I get every year .
      $29 mthly is a great price especially with AFL in Ultra on a big arse TV coming up this year .

      • less and less value in streaming services.. how long until full circle

  • +1

    Move kids from private school to public school

    It's your lifestyle choice, not essential to goto private school.

  • +7

    Sell a kidney
    Sell wife's hair
    Take part in medical trials
    Put wife's pics on OnlyFans

    All things I'd do before resorting to public transport.

    • +2

      Your kidney or the wife's?

      • -1

        There's always secret option C…aka someone else's kidney ;)

    • +2

      Sell wife's hair

      Hi Some Guy, is this still available?

      • Is that you Krieger?

  • +4

    Beans and rice for dinner.

  • +2

    For perishables: Dont buy for full week. Only buy what I know I will definitely finish in the week.
    Don't buy just because they are on special.
    I buy greens only when I am sure I will use in a day or two.

    • +2

      Huh? Plenty of veggies last much longer than a week in the fridge.

  • +8

    "You will own nothing, you will eat bugs, and you will be happy."

    • -4

      Not if you've sovereign property that they can't take away from you.

      • +2

        Can't they?

        Driving the Silent Majority is Len Harris, a former Queensland Senator who has recently made the decision to hit the road and give the unheard people of Queensland a voice.

        The Silent Majority idea was conceived after Len learned of one of his mateā€™s land ownership plights.

        "The QLD government has cancelled all title deeds making them void with no legal value!

        The only secure legal record of owning your home now lies with one of three corporations.

        The problem is most Queenslanders are totally unaware and are left with no legal way of providing homeownership documentation. (A ā€˜certificate of titleā€™ from the QLD Titles Office now does NOT provide proof of ownership, as this certificate ā€œcease to be evidenceā€)."

        I guess we know by now how full of integrity and trustworthiness the government is so what could possibly go wrong?

        • I meant to say sovereign personal property rights and not real property rights.

        • +1

          The government can do that with any title be it proven or not. Change law, take your stuff. Its our duty to ensure that isnt likey.

    • hey a fellow hugo talks viewer :)

  • +7

    Don't buy coffee everyday.
    Make your lunch don't buy it.
    Don't browse in stores avoid temptation.
    Don't buy drinks at servos or cafes take drinks with you.
    Don't buy items because they are the trendy brand look for cheaper option ( don't buy rubbish either though).

    • There should be an ozbargain sticky thread with like 1000 tips & tricks on how to be the best ozbargainer you can be

  • +7

    Common sense will save you money.
    Even the duopoly has 50% off every week; that is when you should buy things (but only if you need them at all).
    Don't plan a weekly menu and then go shopping. Go shopping first and buy a variety of foods (that are all on special or cheaper because they are in-season). Make you weekly menu from what you have.

    • +2

      That's what we do as well, we plan our meals based on what we bought on special or cheap from the shops.

    • +1

      Yep, we buy certain things in bulk when they are 50% off and store in the garage - starting to look like doomsday prepping!

      • -1

        That sounds a logical thing to do, but I hope you consider that you are tying up money in doing this, which could be used for other purposes.

        • +4

          a grand in pantry items doesn't worry me - it is all stuff we use often and it is used up over a few months. The savings more than make up for lost opportunity cost.

          • +1

            @singlemalt72: What opporunity costs? Risk free* Interest rates are near zero


    • -1

      is there a specific day for 50% off, or just randomly throughout the week

  • +2

    Thinking outside the boxā€¦.. It may be a chance to change your diet to a more healthy one. Cutting out all those things that cause heart attacks and strokes will save a bundle and improve your chances of living longer.

    • I went to the shop to buy the cheapest steak I could find and due to current supply chain issues, i left with just 2x300g steaks for $21. Capsicums are $11 a kilo. Snow peas are $4 for 150g. 600g of fish to feed 4 is $25. Even healthy eating is expensive now.

      • 600g of fish to feed 4 is $25.

        fish are free….

        • +3

          I thought that too but the fishmonger was very upset when I left

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