Albo Not Knowing The Cash Rate or Unemployment Rate Is Worrying…

how the hell can this guy be the leader of the opposition?

literally the 2 big issues us Australians are facing are employment/under employment and housing costs/cost of living guy doesn't know basic figures that you would expect every MP to know…..

is there no one else!? dead set this guy is worse then Shorten….every time he opens his mouth i think he is a fraud who knows jack all about the job he is going for…

i think i would honestly accept him getting the unemployment rate wrong because the number changes every 1/4 but the cash rate has been at 0.1 percent since November 2020 thats almost 2 years. Albo is trying to be the next PM and he studied finance how the hell could he not know what the cash rate is….

i know this place is a LNP hate fest but considering most people here want love the ALP to win and they 'probably will' but this has to be concerning that this guy is leading the ALP.

for people saying this isnt a big deal - it is actually huge it is a massive gaff and it is something that any MP let alone future PM should know, i think the 'bias' to ALP kind of shines though on OZbargin - i guess will see how things go on May 21


  • +4

    As bad as both Albo and Scotty goes, I take comfort in that we are still sane and no one is spruiking Palmer or Kelly….

    • +1

      I find it a worry that people think Scotty from Marketing is a sane option.

      • +1

        I'm just glad we're not choosing between Scotty and Palmer/Kelly.
        With regards to Albo, let's judge his performance if/when he's on the pedestal. I don't have high hopes.

        • +1

          Scotty and Palmer/Kelly

          Yeah, fair enough.

          I'm 50/50 on the guy. Can't be worse than Scotty and think he'd be a lot more decent and honest. The main concern is that the LNP have eroded away unbiased media in Australia so there will be a lot of negative coverage of Albo. Meanwhile, someone allegedly shits in Scotty's pants in Engadine Maccas and he stumbles his way up through cushy jobs to PM.

          • @Caped Baldy: I find that "decency" and "honesty" are subjective and quite hard to judge. Scotty has lost my trust based on his performance at helm. I'd seek to apply the same scrutiny to Albo if/when he's in charge. Maybe I am deliberately keeping my expectations low so as not to be disappointed too much down the track…

            • @P Plater Panda: Absolutely, but the media has been shown to be unbiased already. Fair enough to scrutinise the one in power but the unemployment rate and cash rate change month to month.

              I find that "decency" and "honesty" are subjective and quite hard to judge.

              This one should be easier to judge. Needs to be told by his wife and an empathy consultant that rape is bad. And has been labelled a liar by the French PM, NZ PM, NSW Premier and within his party.

        • -1

          Albo delivered over $75B worth of Infrastructure when he was minister for Infrastructure and Development. $75B delivered on time, on budget, no delays, no accusations of corruption, no hand-outs to mates etc. All delivered during a Global Financial Crisis giving Australia the #1 performing economy in the world for four out five of the years ALP were in power.

          Sounds like a pretty good performance to me?

        • +2

          With regards to Albo, let's judge his performance if/when he's on the pedestal.

          Why, is he new to politics?

          We can see daily what he's all about…

          He doesn't seem smart enough to run our country…

          • +2


            He doesn't seem smart enough to run our country…

            As opposed to the bloke in power now that failed his way to the top?

            • +1

              @Caped Baldy:

              As opposed to the bloke in power now that failed his way to the top?

              You talking about Dan again ??

              • +1

                @jv: You're going to have to elaborate there.

                I'm not from south of the border.

                • @Caped Baldy: They why refer to Dan ?

                  • @jv: I didn't refer to Dan, was referring to our good mate Clive Palmer.

                  • +2

                    @jv: Hey jv, is this an act, or does it come naturally? Yes I am talking about you.

                    • +2


                      Hey jv, is your stupidity an act

                      That exactly what people say when they are losing an argument and can't think of anything else…

                      They resort to personal attacks.

  • +4

    OP does not like Labor


    Many worrying threads could be created for a variety of issues/reasons/grievances on both sides.

  • ScoMo, AnAl, ALP, LNP.. all the same.

    The only way out of this mess is a bipartisan government that is overseen by a non-factional rotating independent commission (or set of) otherwise the country will be continuously torn apart by these parties making the country weaker whilst being surpassed by others. More centralised decision making lends itself better than fragmented sides creating frankenstein policies to appease their various stakeholders

    If that is too much to ask for, at least bipartisan policy on key areas such as economy, education and security.

    • +2

      ScoMo, AnAl, ALP, LNP.. all the same.

      ALP: Medicare, NDIS, infrastructure (pacific highway ya heard of it?), number one performing economy in the OECD during the >global< financial crisis, tens of thousands of state of the art libraries/theatres built in schools across the country, world class nbn infrastructure (before the LNP crippled it, even after they crippled it it's league's better than what we had before), focusing on environmental protections and renewable energy technologies, TAFE, tertiary education funding etc this is off the top of my head

      LNP: crickets literally nothing to list. Oh also rampant corruption, billions of corporate welfare (a lot to companies reaping millions in profit)

      Wow so similar

      • Good grief. It is hard to tell if you actually believe what you write or if you are simply some hyper aggressive ALP shill.

        Corruption - one party has a far more decorated past when it comes to corruption than the other and it ain't the LNP.

        You are harping on about the GFC which came during the peak of the resources boom. You have carefully omitted any reference to the fact that Australia is the only developed economy to not have entered a recession over the last 2 years due to COVID. I understand why, it's not the narrative you seek. Jobkeeper saved us.

        Focusing on environmental protections - the biggest con job in politics is that the ALP are going to do anything meaningful with respect to climate change. Both the ALP and LNP's actions with respect to climate change will result in the same outcome - a climate disaster.

        Keep drinking the kool-aid, comrade. Despite your ignorant and arrogant tone being inflammatory, i find it quite funny as you don't realise the damage you do to your own vision by deriding everyone that disagrees with you. Someone sitting on the fence, reading through these comments, sees the vociferous ALP fan as condescending and rude. It's an approach that worked out well for the ALP supporter base at the last election.

        • Corruption - one party has a far more decorated past when it comes to corruption than the other and it ain't the LNP.

          You get one on me RE: Eddie Obeid and that tarnishes the entire party? When ALP took measures after that?

          You are harping on about the GFC which came during the peak of the resources boom. You have carefully omitted any reference to the fact that Australia is the only developed economy to not have entered a recession over the last 2 years due to COVID. I understand why, it's not the narrative you seek. Jobkeeper saved us.

          Why was Wayne Swan given prestigious Treasurer awards and recognised globally for his handling of the GFC? Because mining?

          Focusing on environmental protections - the biggest con job in politics is that the ALP are going to do anything meaningful with respect to climate change. Both the ALP and LNP's actions with respect to climate change will result in the same outcome - a climate disaster.

          What ya basing this off? Hot air?

          Get lost, dude.

          • @ThithLord: You think Eddie is the only one? How strong are those blinkers. See the following: Dasha, Shorten, Clements and Murnain - this is just off the top of my head in the last 5 years alone. It's like you have a deliberate desire to overlook this.

            I am basing it off their climate policy which has been shown to be pointless by climate scientists. Cutting emissions by 50% by 2030 will achieve very little and wont suspend the climate crisis. The ALP have explicit intentions to open more than 100 new coal and gas plants. The difference between the parties approaches is narrowing by the day with neither willing to take action that will actually result in positive change.

            • @bman20:

              I am basing it off their climate policy which has been shown to be pointless by climate scientists

              I completely understand where you're coming from here - my question is, do you think if the ALP had a far better target, the Australian population would go for it? Do you think the entire Media Landscape would praise the ALP, or take a stance of doom and gloom (ala 2018/19 election, electric vehicles ending the weekend etc)?

              In the article you posted it even said this:

              In 2018, before the last federal election, the lobby group representing 100 of the country’s biggest businesses described a Labor pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030 as “economy wrecking”.

              Labor are a progressive government. They can only affect change when they are elected - they have an extremely tight rope to balance on to:

              A) Garner votes from progressive voters (who wouldn't necessarily vote the Greens)
              B) Garner workers votes who work in the Fossil Fuels Industries
              C) Give the hostile media landscape as little ammunition as possible regarding a transition to renewable energies. The media paint this as job losses. Labor don't get to make outlandish claims like the Greens party do. The Greens aren't beholdent to their election policies or platform, because they aren't expected to form Government.

              Renewable energies will be a great ticket out of this mess.

              • @ThithLord:

                I completely understand where you're coming from here - my question is, do you think if the ALP had a far better target, the Australian population would go for it? Do you think the entire Media Landscape would praise the ALP, or take a stance of doom and gloom (ala 2018/19 election, electric vehicles ending the weekend etc)?

                I am not sure of the answer but I don't think it matters. The point is their policy will achieve little different to what the LNP will and it is therefore not a point of difference from a voting perspective. Labor's stance has hardly changes since the last election and their stance on climate, in the eyes of analysts, had nothing to do with them losing the unlosable election. Labor have vested interests, just like the LNP, in propping up the fossil fuel industry.

                In 2018, before the last federal election, the lobby group representing 100 of the country’s biggest businesses described a Labor pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030 as “economy wrecking”.

                I agree however those same lobbyists would say that about whichever party has the more ambitious emissions target, it would be the same people getting up in arms if Labor committed to doing this all by 2025. The point is that these folks are not going to support the ALP so long as they are more ambitious than the LNP so it doesnt make sense that this 50% by 2030 is in any way a 'compromise' in appeasing certain parts of the population.

                Labor are a progressive government

                I think this is on par with the notion that Labor are the government that will deal with climate change or that the LNP are better economic managers, it is just not based on much aside from preconceived perceptions of a particular party. Sure, the LNP is full of happy clappers that are the antithesis of progressiveness however the ALP have shown time and time again that when they are in power, little changes. Penny Wong famously toed the party line and did not support same sex marriage.

                I appreciate your hopefulness with respect to what Labor will do when in power however I can't help but feel it is nothing more than hopeful. Firstly, if they win, they are being elected based on what they are saying they will do and not the hopefulness - veering so far from their election promises is almost unheard of.

                Appreciate your points and this discussion.

        • Maybe check this out.

  • -1

    I live around the poverty line and this convinced me to vote ScoMo back in, as it means albo can't be trusted to help me out because he doesn't know key economic figures that he will directly control when on govnement.

    • +8

      So you're saying ScoMo knew the figures, and you still ended up in poverty, and you want it to stay that way.

    • +4

      Lol, what's Scotty done that's helped your situation?

    • +5

      The interest rate (cash rate) is set entirely independently of the government and ScoMo doesn't control that. The unemployment figures change depending on who/how you consider a person as unemployed. Do you think working 1hr a fortnight as a casual cashier or uber driver makes you "employed" because they do, and now you make up part of the 96%.

      Albo should have known the figures, the media has hyped up the issue way out of proportion, but to consider voting for Scomo on that basis is crazy. The LNP have bastardised and shunned the poorest and most vulnerable in our society for years, remember Robodebt?

      • Except before an election, RBA isn't allowed to change it.

    • +5

      I live around the poverty line and this convinced me to vote ScoMo back in

      So he can keep you around the poverty line no doubt.

    • +4

      your reasoning explains why you are still at the poverty line

  • -1

    How can he minimise this

    Emergency interest rate level
    Extremely low unemployment

    both which are election issues - eg keeping rates low

    It screams of incompetence

    no wonder they have kept him hidden

  • +2

    Truth be told, I don't care. That Scomo smirk however triggers me.

    • +1

      So was Costello. But if Albo / Shorten / Rudd smirked, it's ok.

    • +1

      A smirk and two thumbs up. How good is a smirk!

  • +1

    "for people saying this isnt a big deal - it is actually huge it is a massive gaff and it is something that any MP let alone future PM should know, i think the 'bias' to ALP kind of shines though on OZbargin - i guess will see how things go on May 21"

    If you haven't known by now, Ozb patrons are largely (about 70-80%) hard/extreme left or left leaning in their political affiliations. Just check the postings in the forum to see them yourself.

    Having said that, the main issue with Albo not being able to quote the cash rate is the fact that Cash Rate has been 0.1% for at least a year from recollection. ABC said since November 2020. So it's kind of hard to justify forgetfulness given it has been static for a while.

    • +2

      Are you under the impression that remembering random stats is a left/right issue?
      Do you think that a party's policy platform and past performance should also be given consideration when casting your vote?

      • It is not just a random stat

        It is an extremely important economic setting

        It is also a massive election point.

        • +1

          The question is whether you favour people memorising statistics, or whether you want them to actually present solutions to improve the country.

          If you favour memorisation of statistics, your vote should be settled via a trivia contest between the two leaders.

      • It is not random. And my comment about left/right is about the fact that OP seems to be startled as to how indifferent Ozb patrons are towards one political leader's inability to remember one core cost of living statistics that have been static for more than 18 months.

        For your information, the core cost of living statistics are unemployment rate (self-explanatory), RBA cash rate (which influences loan interest rates which affect cost of living eg: Home Loan although in the past this is less influential due to banks' capital funding were coming from overseas aka USA), and Consumer Price Index (also self-explanatory). Even I would know the numbers of all these stats (4% unemployment rate - equal 50 years low, 0.1% Cash Rate since November 2020, and 3.5% CPI I think up to December 2021). Of these, CPI is dangerously close to being high.

        And about casting my vote, I think I said it before somewhere. On this particular election, it is clear which party is going to raise taxes (as Daniel Andrews did. His tax on first home owner which was ultimately defeated, was his 18th new property taxes) and which party is not.

        • +2

          The income tax rates are due to drop irrespective of which party comes in because it's legislated (stage 3).

          What's really happening here is that you are making up something that you don't like, that doesn't exist, and then saying it's bad.

          Maybe instead you could focus on the parties actual policies rather than having to make up things that aren't real.

        • +2

          LNP has historically had higher tax rates than Labor governments:…

          Also higher taxes are not necessarily bad, I am expecting the ALP to raise taxes - importantly though, this would be against the 1%

    • 80% hard or extreme left?. Where do you get that impression…we are here trying to save a buck. Maybe you have moved so far to the right the average Australian looks hard left to you but by and large OzBargain is ordinary Australians who are maybe a bit more frugal the most.

      Its not a big deal, decisions that effect the economy are run through treasury and checked and rechecked. Albo is a decent bloke who while Morrison was sunning himself in Hawaii was out there helping the vollies fight the fires caused by this government's neglect of the environment.

      If this is the issue that makes up your mind, you might want to turn off the Murdoch propaganda machine for a bit and have a long hard look at yourself.

      • +2

        Surely you would have seen topics / forums that bash one side of the political leaning far more than others given you have been a member since 2009.

        I heard a lot of ScumMos here but never heard that name calling for the other fella.

        I have never moved far to the right (although I am a proud right centrist), it is just I loathed the politics of cancel / wokeism and the favourite villain of every extreme left is when they mentioned Murdoch but never for once asked themselves whether SMH/The Age/DailyNews/Guardian/ABC are too left.

        Btw I get my news lately from Google. Too cheap to subs Murdoch nor SMH/TheAge. Blame Ozb. lol.

  • +6

    We're in a world where if you made a mistake but own up to it afterwards and took responsibility, it's a headline news that should be shamed.

    But if you BS your way through any questions without taking any accountability and deny it when the facts are presented, it's all happy days.

    • +2

      The knowledge of the current emergency interest rate to the potential prime minister should be as simple as knowing his own birthday or the name of his mother.

      It is just such a shocking oversight it is newsworthy.

      • Maybe if his mother's name changed every month.

        It's a BS statistic anyway, 1hr a week is enough to be considered employed. Why not measure how many people can't afford food? Surely, that's a better measure of issues, admittedly it's harder to measure but more meaningful.

        • I was referring to interest rates

      • and the fact that it has been the same rate since November 2020…..

      • +2

        Yeah I agree it’s not a good look that he didn’t know the answer right away.

        But to me it’s better to see someone own up to it, rather than many politicians who just make up facts and then BS their way through it, and then only to deny it later to say they’ve never said those words or they it was taken out of context.

        Unfortunately that’s the quality of our politicians in this country, to pick who’s less bad.

  • +1

    I would rather not know something than FORCE people to shake my hands against their will.

    Scott Morrison does not know what the cost of bread is.

    Michaela Cash, Industrial Relations Minister, does not know what the minimum wage is.

    Etc etc.

    • +1

      Scott Morrison does not know what the cost of bread is.

      He doesn't buy bread and there is no correct answer anyway… I can vary from $1 to $10 per loaf….

      But if you want to run the country, there is no excuse for not know what the current unemployment rate is or what the current reservice bank lending rate is. It is discussed in parliament literally every week…

      • What is the current cash rate?

      • +4

        He doesn't need to know. It's like asking Elon Musk how many cars he sold last quarter. He could probably give you an estimate, but can refer the question to a member of his team to answer your question and still continue growing the company which is his job, rather than answering your trivia question.

    • What is the price of bread? I wouldn’t have a clue, given so many variants, brands etc. Stupid bait trap question in the first place.

  • +4

    Knowing those facts is trivial. What is important is their policies.

    • What is important is their policies.

      What are Aloofbos policies to grow our economy ?

      • Who is Aloofbos?

        • +4

          An attempted attack on someone used by people who whinge about personal attacks.

      • Manufacturing in Australia.

        There you go

  • +6

    Employment Minister could not answer what the Jobseeker rate is.

    Attention: JV

  • +2

    deserves a punch in the head if someone touched me without consent

  • +1

    I don't think they must know about these - but a good leader SHOULD really know them.

    Unawareness here shows they are not focusing on the right things.

  • +11

    What a load of BS, do you seriously think the PM runs the govt from memory. Anyone could google it. How about ScoMo not knowing about a $500000 payment to a Liberal staffer because of abuse, or how about a brown paper bag of money from an unknown source paying Christian Porters legal fees, or how about the scandal in the prayer room at Parliament House. Th PM goes on holidays during the bushfires, the stuffup of the early vaccine rollout, robodebt, the unaccounted money for Jobkeeper that went to the likes of Harvey Norman. The list is endless and they have the gall to talk about being good economic managers when they have doubled the national debt.

    Its fine to have an agenda, but admit it. I personally can't wait to toss this bunch of losers out, they are a disgrace.

    • -8

      Let’s remember Christian Porter wasn’t charged with any crime. Not his fault the nut job woman committed suicide.

      • +1

        But he took a brown paper bag to fund his fight to stop people saying mean things about him over it.

        • Wouldn’t you to defend yourself? They were just accusations, nothing was proven, irrespective of peoples perception.

      • +3

        Read the statement submitted by the woman he allegedly anally raped, it's available online. Everyone else on the debating trip took her side.

      • +1

        You have no morals.

  • +4

    I'm more concerned about the slowly growing tribalism in Australian politics. 'My guy is fantastic, yours is utter trash who will ruin the country' This is nothing new of course, but seems to be getting worse.

    I hope we don't go down the path of the USA where the two sides literally hate each other.

    • +1

      Disengaged is better than hyperpartisan IMHO.

      • Disengaged is better than hyperpartisan IMHO.

        One party (LNP) loves this train of thought, the other: doesn't

  • +5

    I don't vote Labor but I also don't see it as a big issue that he can't rattle off employment or cash rates. That's what his ministers would be for. When it's an issue he'd get a briefing from his relevant minister. The prime minister is really just a spokesperson, it's all the ministers and other members that really drive policy and need to know their stuff.

  • +2

    it is actually huge it is a massive gaff

    If this is a massive gaff, you must have been paying attention over the last few years.

    Watching the interview,he actually said 4 after correcting his "5.", prior to just admitting he didn't know the exact number, so even Morrison spruking today that he missed the number be a large amount is just continual focus on something rather trivial.

    Only a couple of weeks ago Morrison said the rate hadn't been this low since he was 5, so how fit is a leader that has no historic knowledge of our employment rate? And that was off a pre prepared speech

  • +2

    It seems all the LNP hating here are either left wing greenies or seem to forget or neglect how Labor and its union are part of largest faction of corrupt organisations in Australia. Think Eddie Obied and the corrupt ALP members involved in scamming millions.

    Why do people focus on the the negatives? Instead focus how well the federal government did during the pandemic with jobseeker and jobkeeper.

    Now in the latest federal budget to here is reduction in fuel excise, tax offsets and payment to pensioners, flood relief packages.

    Australians are just a bunch of whingers who don't appreciate how good we have it here.

    • +6

      Though I definitely lean more right than I used to, to claim that jobkeeper and jobseeker were a success is just ludicrous

      Handing out hundreds of billions to people who rorted the system or took advantage of an extremely generous poorly thought out system which has contributed to runaway inflation is not thinking about how pathetic it was.

      A fortnight of decreased earnings lead to people claiming tens of thousands of handouts.

      Contractors delaying their billings to pseudoqualify/Rort the system with no ability to reclaim this ridiculous handout.


      Oh and yes I didn't claim jobkeeper, but I gotta pay the tax back for others who didn't need it

      • Shame shit would have happened to labour. Happened with pink batts.

        • no doubt.

          But the so-called better managers of economic stuff and whatever seriously dropped the ball and overspent hundreds of billions.

        • +1

          PINK BATTS PINK BATTS oh my god you guys all have the same tune. So pathetic.

          • @ThithLord: Stating facts mate.

          • @ThithLord: The pink batts schemed ruined legitimate businesses as a result of fly by nighters rorting the system. No different to NDIS, AGAIN A LABOUR SCHEME, that may had well intentions, but execution is being rorted.

      • +1

        Again you are focusing on the negative. Even though many rorted the system many more legitimately used the scheme to assist during a very difficult situation.

        The same coule be said about our welfare system. Many rort it, but for the majority it's a much needed benefit people rely on.

        • There were no provisions to claw back claims for many businesses and contractors who did better over the time.

          A joke of a system

    • +1

      It's a bit rich to point to a NSW Labor Minister who was expelled from the party 10 years ago, ignore Barilaro, Gladys and Barnaby Joyce, and then ask why people focus on the negatives.

      Oh do you remember when Minister Taylor made a fake document to claim the City of Sydney was overspending on foreign travel? That was quite a thing.

      • But, pink batts ….. won't somebody think of the Pink Batts scheme!!1

    • +4

      Think Eddie Obied

      Oh you mean the property developer? The one that Labor reported themselves to the relevant authorities? The one that they expelled from the party as soon as allegations became known? The Property developer that was so corrupt that the Labor party went ahead and banned property developers from being a part of Labor? That guy?

      You're a clown

      • It is quite incredible how one can be so cynical and so gullible at the same time. At least you've refrained from sharing friendlyjordie videos and rambling on about your delusional green tech revolution.

        With regards to Eddie, you are either clueless or deliberately deceptive. Multiple corruption allegations were levelled at him while he was a sitting minister, and many, many more came out while he was still a member of the party. Even after he was buried in shame and never stood for minister again, he wielded incredible power with the labor party and heavily influenced the cabinet makeup.

        The Labor party expelled him? He ran the damn Labor party for years as a puppeteer. Unreal.

        Heres some sauce for you. - Every single one of these occurred while he was a sitting member of parliament. Defending Labor with respect to Eddie is some strange hill to die on.

        • Oh you mean the property developer? The one that Labor reported themselves to the relevant authorities? The one that they expelled from the party as soon as allegations became known? The Property developer that was so corrupt that the Labor party went ahead and banned property developers from being a part of Labor? That guy?

          You're a clown I was clowned regarding Obeid

          I can't edit my post so I am re-posting it like this. You're right, and I won't die on that hill. My recollections of what went down was faulty/uninformed.

          With all that said, they have banned Property Developers from running for Office with Labor at all levels in NSW and have banned donations from Property Developers - that's a step in the right direction, surely you can agree with me there?

    • Both Labor and Liberal are awful now. The main difference is time. i.e. Labor is as far left as the Greens can push them, and Liberal is as left as Labor, just delayed by a couple of years. ;-p

      Oh and that fuel price reduction is due to Hanson. If she hadn't pushed for that Slomo would have done zip. (Before someone says it, I'm not a One Nation voter.) Slomo seems to have a habit of claiming things as his own that people from other parties have worked for.

  • +4

    Susprising, yes. Concerning, no.

    Without even the faintest whiff of an idea about what those numbers are, the policy response is still clear. The figures themselves are just pub trivia. They’re not terrible relevant to a politicians job.

  • +1

    What's the point of memorizing a number that will ALWAYS BE around the 5% mark.

    It is a fabricated, fictional number that has nothing to do with reality.
    It is used as an indicator but realistically indicates NOTHING other than the ability of the ABS to always fabricate it around or close to 5%

    By the way, yes the current breed of politician can only be defined as garbage.

    Don't disrepair, vote them out.

    Write down ALL your preferences so at least someone you like will be in government.

    But vote the current putrid ones out!!

  • +3

    Politics: lets get enough votes to stay in term for 3 years, fluff about, not do much, retire on a lifetime $200k + pension

    Who you vote for makes no difference, they are all the same.

    • Wow, big brain thoughts ehre mate. Let's just ignore:

      ALP: Medicare, NDIS, infrastructure (pacific highway ya heard of it?), number one performing economy in the OECD during the >global< financial crisis, tens of thousands of state of the art libraries/theatres built in schools across the country, world class nbn infrastructure (before the LNP crippled it, even after they crippled it it's league's better than what we had before), focusing on environmental protections and renewable energy technologies, TAFE, tertiary education funding etc this is off the top of my head

    • Who you vote for makes no difference, they are all the same.

      NO they are not!!
      Yes, the current breed is corrupt, selfish, authoritarian and not trustworthy but i am convinced THERE ARE GOOD Australians out there to take the government and rule for our benefit.

      It will not happen in one election but kicking the big parties out, those that have been in the payroll (our money, of course) for almost 70 years will be a start.

      Ping-pong between Labor/Liberal is a ping pong of guaranteed jobs for the corrupt ones. Think Short otherwise, lost the election and still in the payroll, still collecting pay still collecting more and more Super. Wealth for life at our expense. For someone that lost the election.

      Vote wisely

  • -1

    The cash rate isn’t 0.1% - that’s merely the cash rate target. The cash rate last night was 0.06%.

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