I Think The Neighbours Are Cutting My Heater Power Cord

Hey all.

So just over a month ago the wire to the heater which is exposed in my back yard (side of the house) was cut cleanly, it wasn't chewed or frayed. We got someone to come and fix it and they confirmed that it had been cut. Just today we have found that the same thing has occurred.

I suspect it is the neighbours which had previously complained about the heater, as it is located close by to their house, saying that it is too loud when we use it at night. They also aren't on good terms with my mum (previous disagreements) so they could be doing this to get back at us.

I am not sure if they are entering the property through our gate on the other side or jumping the fence to access it. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas of what to do. the obvious solution is to get cameras, so if anyone has any suggestions for products, and if anyone has ideas of how to approach the situation, I'm open to anything.

Feel free to ask any questions about the situation too.

Thanks guys


        • Send some flowers to the lady

      • Have you considered raising the issue with your neighbour then? It is possible he’s the one who cut it without her knowledge.

  • +9

    Two things you need to do.

    1) Install night cameras. Don't install motion activated lights like the others have suggested. You want to catch them in the act. The light will just scare them off. Once you have footage of them doing it, send to the police and enjoy the fun. Or just put a letter in their mailbox "we have video footage of you cutting our heater cable. Tresspass on our property again and it's going to the police."

    2) Actually check if the sound is annoying. In all likelihood it's making the faintest of sound and these neighbours are precious assholes who think that ANY sound is an invasion of their sanctuary. Just like downstairs neighbours who think a single footstep is cause for a complain.

    • +4

      yeah i would love to catch them in the act, just to recoup some of the costs at least, and also punish them (legally) for being scum and reacting this way. ill definitely check now when its fixed to see if it is a pain, ut also its kinda subjective isnt it? i have a high tolerance for things, like i dont get pissed off by irritating thins easily so yeah i get what you mean

  • Just get the box moved to the roof or something, my neighbours have a loud one and its horrible

    • its quite large though, and goes through the underside of the house, not sure how much it would cost. sorry, i dont have much of an idea about this sort of thing

    • i'm sorry that might be me i do plan on getting it serviced, i just dont have time to get around to it

  • +4

    Just how loud is this heater? Could be it’s a real problem. Sometimes vibrations can travel a long way and could be transmitting to neighbours. Could be worth discussing, find a solution which may involve mounting it on some rubber bearings

    • +2

      couldnt tell you, its never occurred to me to go out and check and i cant really do that right now haha. i didnt think of the vibrations though, that could be it, i thinks that's whats pissing me off about the neighbours one but ive just put up with it, and ive only noticed theirs on occasion, but still to cut it, then cut it again after we have barely used it, thats pretty (profanity) up

  • +6

    if you are setting up a camera, then also set up a second and very obvious dummy security camera.

    your saboteur, seeing the dummy camera, will avert his face, but that allows your real camera to capture his mug.

    • +1

      haha good idea. only concern is that an obvious camera will stop them entirely from trespassing, but like thats not so bad is it, will prevent us from having to call someone out over and over to fix it

    • You are a genius.

  • +21

    This sounds like my neighbour that chatted me the other day because I was outside at 10pm with a torch in my own back yard, complaining to me that the light was upsetting and that if I continue to use it, they will contact police. I offered her my phone and said she was free to call them any time and report my torch usage on my own property.

    Get a camera. Set it up discreetly. Film them coming onto your property. Hand this footage to the police… profit.

    • man what is wrong with people? just looking to start shit with others

      yeah looks like catching them in the act is the way to go. cant let people think that they can just do what they want and get away with it

    • +6

      Some humans make me sick. How entitled can they get?

    • +8

      But using the torch so you could see the lawns you were mowing at 10pm would be annoying 🙂

      • +8

        Probably annoying I was going to catch their cat shitting on my yard and then me throwing the cat turds back over the fence into their yard.

    • +1

      Purely mental illness or entitlement it seems.

      You know you live in a good suburb when you never talk to your neighbours and your neighbours do so too, because they're all people who deal with people and understand people and we would all rather not talk to each other as we all know how much of a hassle people can be.

      6 years and counting. The only neighbour that ever talked to me was a renter and she moved out. Forget wtf she was complaining about.

    • Ask them next time: could you please hold the torch for me, while finish with the body here :)

  • +8

    Turn the heater off at the heater itself or disconnect a wire at the heater, but leave the feed cable to it energised.
    You will sure know when they cut it again!!!
    And I bet they will not try to cut it again after that!

    • +4

      It's against the law to lethally boobytrap your own house, probably anyway.

      • I was going to say barbwire. Guess not.

      • +1

        But your honour, how could I know that someone would want to cut the cable for no reason…

  • +5

    Prohibited VIC but pretty much the same around aus

    NB: It wasn't me.

    An air conditioner, evaporative cooler or split system used for cooling.
    Monday to Friday before 7 am and after 11 pm.

    Weekends and public holidays before 9 am and after 11 pm.

    During a heat health alert, you can use your air conditioner at any time.

    • Got a link to where it says all this… I would be keen to read it.

    • +1

      This is a heater not an aircon but similar restrictions exist on a weekend.

      Home heaters (including central heating, hot water systems or a heat pump, air conditioner or split system used for heating).

      Monday to Friday before 7 am and after 10 pm.
      Weekends and public holidays before 9 am and after 10 pm.

    • It's actually a db sound standard instead of a specific time to turn off.

      Note the below only applies to WA. the EPA in VIC is different and was updated in 2021. WA is still follow the old Environmental Protection Act 1986.

      The specified equipment at least in WA is any equipment that requires the constant presence of an operator. For example power tools, lawn mower and vacuum cleaner. Also musical Instruments are also limited under the law. Aircon, washing machine and heater do not fall under this section.

      The City of Canning has guidelines on this matter. Note you need to check the specific EPA law to identify what time of the day it is and the acceptable db standard during that time. Enforcing db standard is actually very hard unless its a party or someone playing loud music. In this case you could then call the police to shut them up. Other than that you need to actually record the time and day. Issue a letter advising your neighbor advising them of the sound complaint. Then get an an authorised noise officer to record the db reading. Depending on the EPA Act this is normally someone from the council. Note recording the db sound using iphone is not an acceptable method. Note in some places have received exemption for noise for example Northbridge or building contruction sites or airports.


  • "saying that it is too loud when we use it at night."

    Are they correct?

  • +3

    run the flex through armoured conduit. Also the cameras so you can catch them as they try and cut through the conduit.

  • +4

    Post pics please. I'm having trouble trying to picture what you are talking about.

    Do you mean a window mounted reverse cycle Air con unit?

  • +2

    Whoa …… to damage a neighbour's property on one occasion after complaining about it is just stupid but to damage the same item twice is career criminal behaviour. Search forum posts here to check whether your neighbour may have posted about a loud heater next door and if they took an OzB'er post about 'bikies' literally ;)

    With such not-so-nice neighbours, are you able to secure the external heating unit and wires with a cover so that it prevents unauthorised access?

  • -1
    1. Install a camera

    2. Install a loud speaker near the heater. Crank this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-50NdPawLVY

    3. Puncture one of their car tyres. Push one of the prongs of your cut cord into the puncture hole and leave it.

    For legal purposes this post is a joke


  • +22

    Not sure why you'd use cameras to solve an age old problem.

    Dig a big hole near the air conditioner unit, cover with light/weak sticks and some small pebbles. See what you catch in the morning.

    • +1

      Were you coming in with funny cartoon vibes or Vietcong punji stakes intentions? Either would be appropriate

      • Acme anvils are so hard to find these days:). I was going to suggest punji stakes smeared with excrement but you beat me to it.

  • +4

    Bear traps.

  • -1

    You could look into whether its possible to make the heater quieter.

    • +5

      Are you the next door neighbour?

  • Don't forget to update us if you catch them in the act

    • +1

      If I caught my neighbours in the act of something like that, I would not wish to raise my profile.

      • +1

        You just made the FBI watchlist pal

        • Yeah, … proportionate response, not revenge fantasy. It's just that sometimes following the rules only works if your adversary is willing to do the same.

          Of course in real life, I talk to my neighbours about disagreements.

  • I would get an electrician to fix it properly maybe they can put the wire in conduit. In order to drown out the noise of the heater, you may consider playing Snap! The Power on repeat.

  • +1

    Set bear traps in your backyard

  • As shitty as the situation is putting so much effort in to get evidence with a camera doesn't seem worth it. Yes I'm very cynical when it comes to police giving any real effort to dealing with these type of issues. And even if so then what? They get warned, they might pay for one repair then never do it again. But then so does the clear warning of (say) a fake camera and sensor light and a bit of conduit.

    If the idea is to really make them pay with things like trespassing, well see above about whether police would bother and probably whatever legal costs or time effort you'd be bothered to follow up with, again given the fact they'd be unlikely to do it again.

  • +1

    Set up a trap!
    Maybe spikes in the ground or something!

  • +8

    Worth thinking about placing a live and unearthed high voltage line there, so when they cut it, it will be their last time.

  • -8

    Spec whores, keyboard warriors and first year law students. This thread has it all.

    • +2

      As opposed to your pragmatic, meaningful contributions to OP's issue

  • +11

    Agree - set them up with a well hidden cam, then not only get them to pay for your damages and trespass - Have them charged under Electricity Safety Act 1998.
    They have performed unlicensed electrical work and left it in a hazardous state.

    They could get a $20,000 fine for leaving an exposed wire / failing to take precautions to prevent an electric shock, and working without a license.

    You could pretend it (nearly) gave you a shock and demand prosecution. Depends on how far you want to stretch that one to ensure they take action.

    Also, find out if they are renters and complain to the home owner. I know people who have successfully had their neighbours evicted this way when they trespass etc. In that case they were a home owner and complained to fellow home owner as long term neighbour owners may be more loyal to keeping the peace with each other than keeping a trouble tenant.

  • +6

    Get the wiring fixed and make it hidden. Then install a second wire that looks like the original but power it from the opposite end. Then when they unplug it to cut it it will make a big bang and you won't see them back again

    • +3

      Oh, and install cameras so we can all have a good laugh

  • +2

    Next time get the electrician to hard wire it. Have the isolator in a lockable enclosure. That way they have to cut a live wire if they’re that keen.

  • -1

    camp out at the backyard and wait

  • Shotgun.

  • +8

    Doesn't excuse what the neighbours did (if they did actually cut the cord), but as someone who's currently going through a dispute with my neighbour for noisy aircon in Brisbane, I don't believe the OP when he/she says the noise isn't that bad and they don't notice it. It's the exact same behaviour as my previous neighbour who said their bedroom is right above the aircon and they don't hear it when I could be in my living room with all windows closed and still be able to tell when they have the aircon on.

    My first complaint to the council from about a year ago was closed after they installed an enclosure but they have since removed the enclosure without any notice and I've had to raise a new complaint as the previous tenant moved out.

    The recent noise reading done by the council concluded the aircon noise is 10 decibels over the background noise (rules are no more than 3 decibels or 5 decibels over background noise depending on the time).

    Long story short, just because you can tolerate the noise or you have accustomed to the noise, it doesn't mean others would also.

    If you are not sure how noisy the heater is, why can't you use an app on your phone to at least try and measure how noisy it is? Measure the noise level with the heater on and off. This to me just shows lack of care and regard for your neighbour, which is probably why it got to this stage.

  • +1

    Just be aware that cameras are pretty much useless once a person wears something to cover their face.
    You can hope they don't but it is likely.
    Also don't place a camera up high. It needs to be face height to get a good profile shot.
    I hope cameras work but have a plan B.

    • +1

      Don't know why you were negged, but 100% correct on all points.
      Too many installs, see cameras mounted on the roof, a cap blocks the face, or even no cap looking down. You need at least 1 camera face height.
      Most cameras have too wide field of view, unless it's used as an overview cam you want a narrow FOV with more cameras.
      Especially at night, cameras need to be quite close to IDENTIFY a person. Recording someone that you RECOGNISE isn't evidence. Footage has to be clear enough that someone who doesn't know the person can IDENTIFY them.

      • You will need additional cameras temporarily setup to cover the neighbours property, entry/exit points in particular. This covers you if they obscure their face as you will have video to establish identity through them returning and re-entering their property in the same clothing immediately after.

        Do it once and do it right. A single camera covering only the heater runs the risk of not getting the evidence you need for a successful prosecution if the person isn't identifiable. Also if the cameras are clearly visible, the person may take extra care to avoid them or find a way to disable/move them, also making it a waste of time.

        Be wary of the neighbour watching you setup the cameras as again, you've given the game up and it's a waste of time/money again.

        • He wasn't talking about a single camera, who the heck sets up a single camera. His point was you need 1 at face height, that is 100% correct.

          • -1

            @UltimateAI: Trying to position one to get a face shot near the heater unless you're installing pinholes probably risks getting spotted. Just need to cover heater area close enough to get at least overall person physical description and clothing, then cover return to neighboring property. Can potentionaly cover the return to the property with a camera inside a window if you can point the right way.

  • -1

    Armoured conduit next time you get it fixed and a cheap security camera. Even if you get camera footage the cops arent going to do anything so its best to prevent.

  • Tit for tac, cut their wire.

    • Not a good choice and all that, but this is probably what I'd do :(

  • Go turn off their water at the mains and steal the breakers out of their fuse box. Just kidding, get a motion activated camera.

  • Just make sure that the times the heating unit is used are legal as well so that the neighbours can't get your mum into trouble for noise outside of the permitted times. According to the EPA in Victoria:-

    Home heaters (including central heating, hot water systems or a heat pump, air conditioner or split system used for heating) are prohibited:-

    Monday to Friday before 7 am and after 10 pm.

    Weekends and public holidays before 9 am and after 10 pm.

    • Home heaters (including central heating, hot water systems or a heat pump, air conditioner or split system used for heating) are prohibited:

      So I'm good to run the a/c overnight for cooling in hot summer nights right?

      • +1


        Similar rules for a/c units.

        No one follows this nonsense and I doubt most units can be heard that easily from inside another house anyway, I bet most people don't even know that there is a rule for this. Fancy not being allowed to use hot water systems at night…. tough luck if you worked late and want a shower lol.

        I leave my cooling on at night sometimes and there are mornings where I would go outside at 5am and all you can hear is the sound of evaporative coolers everywhere, i mean it is a dull hum and couldn't be heard inside but still, to me says most people either don't know or don't care.

        • If it wasn't noisy I think most neighbors don't care.

          My neighbor has an older split Mitsubishi. I am sure the indoor unit works great but the outdoor unit is louder than my 6 month old Hisense split. I put mine on the ground so the noise would have to skip the fence. Theirs is elevated and I can see it over the fence. It is a matter of common sense of people installing it and owners.

          I got another unit that is elevated but it faces neighbors garage wall on the boundary so nobody is going to care.

  • -1

    Tell them if they do it again, you are installing a second heater. If they have a problem to call you.
    If the heater is noisy, then you may not be allowed to run it at night. Discuss reasonable hours of operation.
    Disturbing someones sleep constantly isn't right, you will send them insane.

    Most councils have noise regulations, where the majority of A/C units violate. So if it is noisy and they complain, you may be prevented from using the unit.

  • +2

    Install a sound absorbing enclosure. You can easily build one with plywood and acoustic foam. Just need to make sure the unit gets enough airflow. It won't stop all the noise, just enough to keep the neighbours happy.

  • Updates?

  • Get an Arlo camera - wireless and super easy to set up and hide, with movement notifications and recordings.

  • Having recently completed Fallout New Vegas again, I'd recommend referring to a range of effective booby traps that would deter would be re-offenders.

    What's good in post apocalyptic New Vegas is ok here I say ;-)

  • Install electronic tagging device on your neighbour's ankle. All sorted.

  • Get a cheapy Grid Connect one from bunnings.


    Also, Flood light will also be good as a deterrent.

  • How loud is it?

  • +1

    No update?

  • Conduit the cable and have the isolator hard wired. Like with an aircon. Use steel conduit if needed.

    Or put a wire cage around it…

  • +8

    Hey guys, sorry i havnt been replying, was super busy yesterday and just got home for the night

    Cheers for all the comments and concern, its been really helpful even just for a laugh. honestly i was expecting ways to get back at them from you lot but youve kept it pretty tame!

    So mum went and got the heater fixed, even though i didnt want her to before we hot a camera fixed there but on the bright side the sparky hid the wire, i had a look and couldnt see it at all. at this point the heater stays off until we get a cam set up and organise some bikies to roll past but its getting pretty cold round here haha

    will keep you lot updated if anything else progresses unless this guy decides to cut something else like my throat

  • Install security cameras and you will find out what happening there.

  • +1

    Get an Emu as a housemate. They won the war and they know it. They'll put your neighbour in their place if they step foot on your property.

  • Replace the cable with a steel armoured cable and fit inside metal conduit. Good luck cutting it without power tools

  • +2

    Now that you have the cable hidden, install a dummy cable so that they target that.

  • Turn their mains water tap 1/8th clockwise every night for the next 30 nights

    • By day 9 their tap would've been over-tightened?

      • Ah I see you know your judo well

        • 3 full turns over 30 days isn't too much to ask for. Hopefully, they will call a plumber by day 12 complaining about low water pressure

  • I have this and it’s pretty decent one for the price

    Xiaomi Mi Home Security Camera 360° 1080P Infrared Night Vision AI Human Detection H.265 Encoding https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B095XYRM26/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i…

  • "I suspect it is the neighbours which had previously complained about the heater, as it is located close by to their house"

    What was your mother's response to the complaint?

  • +3

    Going through this with neighbours at the moment. The external unit for their reverse cycle is directly aligned with our main bedroom / living area in our house area.

    When running, at the fence line it measures 55dBa to 60dBa, in summer just gone on some days they would turn it on low 20'c at 10am in the morning, and then it would run for hours continuously with no stopping. We've measured ours at the opposite fence line and it's 35 dBa so a lot of difference.

    Where we are it's not to exceed 45dBa during awake hours and 35dBa overnight which it complies with neither. We formally have written to them this year asking to please do something about the noise by next Summer (Dec 2022) or we will raise with the council, this gives a lot of time to relocate, suppress the noise or replace the unit.

    If they are cutting the power I don't agree with, that said don't just ignore the noise from the unit it could be old excessive and you might be able to do something about it.

  • +3

    Bypass the breaker so you can't isolate the unit.. the next time they try and cut it will also be the last time they cut it.

  • +3

    Go over to theirs and act dumb and ask if anyone has been cutting their heater cables as you've reported it to the Police. That should give them a scare.

  • Consider the placement of the cameras, and the effect you want - deterrent, or admissible evidence

    Recommend at least one of these ($199ea) - ensure you're not being observed when you mount them, and that they are in a good spot to identify the person(s) involved in future incidents. They are battery powered, WiFi enabled and have offline storage in case of EW effects.

    Happy Hunting

    'scuse me

  • Make it difficult to get to the cables by putting various objects and other junk around it. That will slow them down.
    Then combine this strategy together with cameras and you have more evidence of them digging through around your house and also cutting the cables…

  • Stop harrassing the neighbour's mum

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