Which Brand Drivers Do You Hate The Most?

I know it is ridiculous to hate drivers based on what car they are driving, but I really have a thing with BMW X series drivers.

I know for sure it isn't a jealousy thing, because I don't have the same sentiment towards other luxury brands like Mercedes or Audi etc.

I don't know what it is about them, but BMW X series drivers seem:

  • entitled
  • never give "thank you" waves
  • aggressive
  • don't indicate
  • change lanes constantly
  • always cut the queue to front of lane in traffic light, that ends after the light

So every time I see a BMW I have this natural instinct to not extend courtesy to them on the road (such as not making room for them into traffic, when they are coming out of petrol stations etc, because I know they aren't gonna give me that thank-you wave).

Is this just me? Or does anyone else have like a "pet-peeve" brand of cars you really hate on the road?

p.s. I'm a Tesla driver btw lol

Poll Options

  • 197
    Yes, I do hate xxxxx drivers
  • 273
    No, that's ridiculous to dislike drivers based on what car they are driving


  • +3

    Range Rover and Lexus, just "look at me I've got money" cars, but without the interesting design of something like a Mercedes.

    And WRX, almost exclusively driven by d*ckheads.

  • +5

    Hilux drivers. They seems to tailgate you regardless of if you’re in the left or right

  • +3

    Range Rovers

  • +1

    Mercedes drivers are the ones that annoy me the most.

  • +1

    Anyone playing on their phone. Volkswagen, Merc A-class and BMW 2 series drivers all seem to need to prove something.

  • +2

    Ford Rangers - jacked up tradies who think the rule the road. They tailgate, speed, use phones while driving, and barely indicate. And at 3pm on a Friday afternoon?? Good luck to you if you're in their way. Oh… and their headlights are NEVER adjusted correctly. Always angled up too high!

    VW Golf hatchbacks- boy racers in buzzboxes. Speed limits are optional, as is acceptable braking distance in front of any other larger vehicle.

    Custom Harley's/other crap with louder than necessary exhausts- desperate older males who are trying to relive their youth and craving attention for an otherwise depressing existence where professionally they are often overlooked and underappreciated (in their eyes). Sad sacks who think people are looking at them because they are "cool", when really we are looking at you because you're no doubt deaf and mentally deficient for buying such a piece of junk in the first place. God help your neighbours.

    God I wish I was a cop!

  • +2

    I hate all SUVs no matter which brands when it comes to three-way junctions, also including the idiot behind me that doesn't seem to understand I can't see incoming cars cause the SUV is blocking my vision.

    • Deal with it!

  • +2

    As a car enthusiast, Golf R drivers without a doubt.

    In terms of ego, they have replaced the fully hectic WRX drivers with GFB blow off valves

    They typically think a stage 1 tune and crackle map will beat any car off the line. And will do silly/life threatening maneuovers to try and prove it

    With that said, I do enjoy their 'flyby of shame' when they eventually lose the race.

    Audi RS3's are a close 2nd.

    • Oh isn't this the truth

  • -4

    I have a newish 2021 X4. Great car, replaced my Z4 with it.
    Haters gonna hate

  • +2

    Not a brand per se but generally Ute drivers, especially the ones on work cars. I have been riding motorbikes for 14 years in my experience they are the most impulsive drivers as a collective and the most difficult to "read" as they are so sudden with their movements, which is a mix of overconfidence and not doing any type of due diligence.

  • +2

    Ford Ranger drivers. Im never suprised by them driving reasonably.

  • -1

    i hate ozbargain drivers because whinge about all other drivers on the road….
    flak jacket on….give it to me baby…..

  • +2

    The three worst drivers I encounter and am extra cautious around as a result are:

    1) white van drivers
    2) taxi drivers
    3) stationwagon drivers

  • I don't really hate driver brands, but I haven't had much success with Mizuno or Titleist. I'm more a Callaway man.

  • As a BMW x series driver I can't stand Mercedes drivers. They always seem to be driving so damn slow, as soon as I see them I have to aggressively change lanes without indicating to cut them off on the approach to a set of signals otherwise I'll be stuck behind them and have to give way to people trying to enter the road from service stations. On a side note, no idea why BMW are so hard to park, since buying one I haven't once been able to get it between the white lines and have resorted to parking in disabled bays.

  • +2

    I agree with the BMW X comments. I once rented an X3 for 2 weeks on holiday and found myself suddenly unable to lift my left arm (to wave) no matter how hard I tried. It also made me accelerate unintentionally harder than usual and cut in traffic with out indicating. Nice car to drive, but I definitely upset some other road users. 🤣

  • Drivers of Chinese vehicles (MG, Haval, Great Wall etc), given their mindless contribution to the economy of a genocidal, totalitarian regime.

  • -1

    I raise my arm to gesture thank you when someone lets me in because to acknowledge the courtesy and I’m grateful. It shows the other driver is not only paying attention to just their lane but other lanes too which keeps my two kids buckled up in the back that much safer on the road.

    Shouldn’t matter what car you drive, a little courtesy on the road makes for a better driving experience for everyone else.

    Ps I am in an X series

  • +1

    Holden commodore, ford falcon, Utes

    everytime I am tailgated or experience idiotic behavior on the road, 90% of the time the cars are any these.

  • +2

    BMW drivers, something about that brand just screams out "look at me, I'm careless and douchey on the road" and usually, it's true whenever I see one on the road. Or maybe it's a placebo effect, where I just think like that to all BMW drivers, and whatever they do ticks me off.

    I never really have any issues with other brand car stereotypes, just BMW's for some reason.

    Oh, commodore drivers, I don't have any hate towards them, I feel they are just cocky.

  • +1

    Camrys are basically NPC drivers

  • +3

    I used to do a huge amount of driving.

    Consistently the worst drivers are the VW golf gti drivers. They are almost always twenty year old males. They drive aggressively, tailgating, undertaking etc.
    Typically, once they hit their 30's they upgrade to an Audi of some sort and maintain their aggressive driving style and generally being (profanity) putting other peoples lives at risk.

    • +1

      Oh if this isn't the truth 😂

  • +1

    Redbull F1 drivers, my Toyota can never catch up to them.

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