Suggestions on Internet Type/Provider for Small Office?

Moving into a small office in the next few days and will need an internet connection. I'm not sure how long I'll be there for but it's unlikely to be longer than 12 months. Max 3 users at a time, most of the time it'll be two. Internet will mostly be used for emails, document downloads etc.

Any recommendations? There's a few I've looked at that have no early termination fees but charge you a "modem non-return fee" if the service is cancelled within 24 months.


  • Been with Aussie broadband for about 2 years and they've been faultless. I bought my own modem off FB marketplace, high end one that was a few years old for about $100 which has also been perfect. Get your own modem and theres no lock in or penalties for cancelling your service.

    • Hi mate, which modern was it?

      Im looking to buy a 2nd hand one as well but im not sure what's classed as good?

      • Netgear R7000. If you go with most dual band Wi-Fi routers that have at least wireless AC standard you should be fine.

  • Internet hotspot off a phone or device?

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