Handshaking (Have You Reverted Back to It?)

Obviously with the onset of Covid-19 this practice was abolished for sometime.
With the years gone by, I see handshakes have slowly been re-introduced into our society.

Have you gone back to handshaking when the approach has been made?

How do you even decline a handshake without being rude? (For those who do not want to?)

I am back handshaking but I still feel like in a professional sense, some people are hesitant to do it. (Which is their right of course)

Poll Options

  • 102
    Yes I handshake
  • 39
    No, I still prefer not to


  • +6

    Yes, months ago, while wearing a mask.

    I do not feel people who decline a handshake or prefer an elbow bump to be rude.

  • +4

    How do you even decline a handshake without being rude? (For those who do not want to?)

    I just stick out my elbow or fist (for a fist bump). Otherwise, just say "no thanks"/don't shake the other person's hand when they extend it.

    • This has happened to me when I've instinctively gone for a handshake. I never minded, and it was mainly me going on instinct than trying to force a handshake.

  • nod of the head and move on

  • +5


  • +6

    Pre-course reading material here

  • +10

    no - eww get away from me

    My mother in law tries to hug me and I use covid as an excuse to get away from her. Thank you covid.

  • +3

    Fist bump 👊

    • +1

      Fist bump

      In the nose?

  • +3

    Never stopped it.

  • +6

    The real issue is how many limp handshakes you get these days.

    • YES!

    • +2

      This friggin does my head in. What is it with that?

      My guess is they shake a lot of women's hands in business settings and overtime forgot how to handshake properly.

    • +2

      My grandfather (rest his soul) would often break my hand with the amount of force he would shake with.

      Thanks to those memories I now have a strong handshake.

  • I deal a lot with trades (builders and sparkys mainly) but even with the more office based people like project managers or architects, they are all still reaching hand out when I meet with them… so kinda feel compelled but definitely still disinfecting after I get back to my car.

    • +5

      If you don't like them, it's more of a power move to shake their hand and then use a small bottle of hand sanitiser in your pockets while maintaining eye contact with them the whole time.

    • "haters shake my hand but I keep the sanitiser on deck"

  • +2

    If someone offers, will accept. If not, i probably won't offer.

  • +1

    Never stopped.

  • Most of the population is triple vaccinated against COVID-19 …

    Don't you fully trust your vaccine induced immunity? ;-p

    • +5


    • +3

      Lots of gross people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Covid is just a good excuse to never shake a pee-compromised hand again.

      • +1

        People pee on their hands?

      • Lots of gross people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom

        Is that why most australian men do NOT shake hands with women? ? ?

  • +1

    According to this poll, it should be okay about 90% of the time.

  • +3

    How do you even decline a handshake without being rude? (For those who do not want to?)

    Like with most things, whether something is perceived as rude or not will depend on the attitude.

    FWIW, if you approach this in a snobbish and condescending way (which I've seen people do), then it will be perceived as rude. I've seen some people handle this very well. For example, going straight into an elbow bump with a quick quip, "we're doing elbow bumps now right?" or something to that end.

    To answer your question, I've moved to offering + accepting handshakes, to basically accepting handshakes now, but I generally don't offer. Usually a smile does a good job, if it's someone I know, I might do a fist bump.

  • -2

    another covid fake

  • I think that the fist bump or the elbow bump are stupid, and that they don't replace a good handshake.
    I am aware of different cultural levels of acceptance for handshakes, and I'm certainly ok with not doing it where it is not acceptable, but I don't replace it with a fist or elbow bump.

  • Some people don't wash their hands after wiping, so I'd rather not. Unless they're cute.

  • Handshaking? I thought that was illegal now?

  • +3

    No way.

    Most people don't wash their hands properly after going to the toilet…

    • after going to the toilet…

      Do they wash they hand ever at all?

  • -1

    I like having an excuse not to have to shake hands with people anymore, and even better to avoid those who try and lean in for a kiss

    • Whats the excuse you use? Or the most common one?

  • Where is the finger option?

  • There's plenty of animals in our office that don't wash their hands after doing 1's and 2's…..no hand shakes for me.

  • +1

    euro cheek kisses?

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