Simply Energy Price Hike in SA. FIT from $0.15 Per Kwh to $0.06 Per Kwh. Peak from 0.36 Per Kwh to 0.46 Per Kwh. More

Simple energy 16/6/22
Current Charges New Charges effective 1 July 2022
Supply Charge 1.06700 $/day Supply Charge 1.10275 $/day
Ancillary (If Applicable) 0.17127 $/kWh Controlled Load Off-peak 0.36762 $/kWh
Controlled Load Off-peak 0.20900 $/kWh Controlled Load Peak 0.82973 $/kWh
Controlled Load Peak 0.47168 $/kWh Controlled Load Solar Sponge 0.30129 $/kWh
Peak 0.36058 $/kWh Peak 0.45947 $/kWh
Feed-in (FIT) 0.15 $/kWh Feed-in 0.06 $/kWh

My situation

My home has a 21 kWp system, over 3 inverters. Max export is 15 kWp?
3 Phase power
Hot water tank still on controlled off peak, should I change that to heat during the day?
Home runs 24/7, kids up at 6am, I'm often up till 3am. I and the missus work from home most of the time. Aircon 24/7, 1 ducted, 2 splits.
Solar : June is the worst month by a long way, only 26 kWh today, compared to 100+ in summer, 50+ autumn/spring
Average around 30-35 kWh per day across the year.
Try our best to use high load appliances during the day, e.g. old school clothes dryer, don't have time for the heat pump dryer (as they take to long to actually dry clothes).

  1. Short term. Switch power plans? Finding it hard to find a plan for my use case re: higher than normal solar system for residential. Change in FIT from simply energy looks like a negative game changer for me.
  2. Medium term. Battery. Part of me just doesn't want to think about this anymore. Get a battery and at least go semi off-grid. Today is a really bad day, so I need a 10-15 kWh battery system?


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Simply Energy


  • Move to other state

    Thread close.

  • WA

    Plan 1:

    peak 0.55 (3-9pm)
    9pm -7am 0.15
    Other times 0.29

    Plan 2:

    0.29 flat rate

    Supply charge $1.1/day

  • don't have time for the heat pump dryer.

    In the time you wrote your post you could have purchased one online for delivery (POOFD)

    • I mean the time it takes a heat pump dryer to actually dry clothes :-)

      • That makes sense. Cheers

  • +2

    EOD means “End of Day” not whatever you are trying to make it out to be. And it’s hardly an “EmAiL oF dEaTh”, it’s just a rate change notice.

    You should be using what you make and not exporting to the grid. It hasn’t been profitable to export to the grid for years. It sounds like you bought a massive system to try and make it make money and now it is back firing.

    Everything that uses a metric butt-load of power should all be run flat out during the day and cycled back at night. Make your hay while the sun is shining. If you have any high drain equipment, run it during the day, hot water, pool filters, dryers, washing machines, A/C, etc…

    A 21kW system for a house is crazy huge. You should have gotten a system half that size and invested the other half into a battery system so you could make more than you require during the day and use that excess at night.

    • The logic behind the 21kW system was at the time.
      1. Yes, to be profitable. Which for a couple of years it was, ROI has largely been achieved.
      2. Future proofing for an electric car/s
      3. I wanted to go a battery, but the maths just didn't work out at the time.
      4. It wasn't that much more expensive to go all out, vs a system half the size.

  • Have a look at flow batteries, contact Redflow regarding their ZBM3's, they are Adelaide based with decent products ;)

    I have a few ZBM3's in a custom household UPS kind of setup, works great, product info here:

    • Cheers, have sent them a query

  • Turn off your AC, and wear warmer clothes in the house… Problem solved through Winter which is probably your only problem period anyway.

  • Thoughts - Should have already jumped to another ship based on previous oz bargain posts about energy price rises by the small retailers.

  • +2

    Use Energy Made Easy. It's a government site and energy retailers MUST have their plan on here by law.

    Here's an example. It's not necessarily the cheapest plan for you. Do your own research.

    An alternative is to take a look at Simply Energy's advertised plans on their front page and see if there are any better plans with your current provider.

    If that's the case, then the email you received is just them moving you onto more expensive plans after 1-2 years and hoping you won't notice.

    If you ask them to move you onto their cheaper plans, you won't have to wait a long time (like you do if you switch retailer), they can action that immediately (or within 2 business days at most) and put you on cheaper rates immediately.

    Shopping around (or threatening to shop around/leave) is the key.

    Don't treat your relationship with energy retailers like marriages. Treat them like flings. Sleep with whomever offers the best deal. Most private companies do not reward loyalty, usually the opposite.

    • +2

      While I've + voted the comment, I think it's a crap website listing plans that are often not available in the real world.
      Even when the plans actually exist, it makes recommendations that are just flat out wrong! (I don't think it factors solar generation whatsoever even though you give it the generation information)
      And retailers have leveraged it's poor utility to hide their rates on their own website.

      The only proper way to make sense of it all is to make a spreadsheet of your usage and generation patterns and calculate out the costs yourself according to the varying plan structures.

      I think your best bet is to call the retailer threatening to leave..
      I am on an unpublished negotiated plan with AGL as a result of such a call a few years ago.
      My Feed-In is (currently) unchanged at 12c and my consumption rates and daily surcharge remain better than any publicly available offer.

      • Yeah, I found Energy Made Easy fairly useless considering my use case with solar.

        Call Simply Energy, threats didn't do much unfortunately.

        Are based in Adelaide/SA? can't find anything with a 12c FIT

        • +1

          I am in Adelaide.
          5kW Solar system.

          As I said, it's not a published plan that I'm on, so it's unsurprising that you can't find it.

          I just looked it up.
          I'm paying 32.8 cents/kWh
          Receiving 12.4 cents/kWh for exports
          With a daily connection fee of 76.9 cents/day
          (all GST inc)

          To see your current rates you have to go into the Plan Change section.
          Their proposed best plan to change to is;

          General Usage
          Usage 31.8 cents/kWh

          Feed-in 5.00 cents/kWh

          Supply charge 92.8 cents/day

          So I'm marginally worse off on consumption, but way ahead in daily connection fee and Feed in which is all I really care about as we generally import no more than 10kWh/day even in the current overcast weather.

          • @ESEMCE: Thanks for spending the time to share. Might give them a call and see if they do something un-published for me

          • @ESEMCE: Still getting this?

  • My home has a 21 kWp system

    May be get a miner.

  • End of day??

  • Thanks for your inputs.

    At this point, it looks like switching to AGL Solar Savers is my best bet in the short term

    First 4000 KWH
    Controlled load^
    Feed-in tariff
    First 14 KWH
    c/kWh excl GST.
    c/kWh excl GST.
    Supply charge

    • I got these rates (fixed) last week with EA if it helps (I only have peak meter, not sure what controlled load rate is sorry):

      No Frills Sign-up date 16/06/2022

      Peak usage per day 33.55 c/kWh
      Electricity Supply Charge per day $0.792
      Single rate feed-in tariff 8.5 c/kWh

      $50 online sign up credit. Get a $50 credit on each new energy account when you sign up online

      I can't see it online anymore, might be too late, but worth a call if that plan works for you.

      Their flexi plan which is still on their website (non fixed) rates are only until July 1, so subject to increase.

  • +1

    Mate, your house has ftw solar set up and you still whine about rate? If you have been with solar that long you should know better.
    first get the hws off controlled load and put it on daytime because sooner or later FIT will be close to zero.
    Heat pump dryer only take 2.5 hours to dry but only consistently draw <1000w, if you don't have time to wait then I guess paying 50c or 20c per kwh doesn't matter.
    Gone are the days you can get negative electricity bills, adding batteries is still not worthwhile yet.

  • Update…

    No one is negotiating at this point, tried Simply, AGL, EA. Knowing the players on both sides of the supply chain work better at this point in time. Quoted some of your deals, but just get nothing. "Shopping around (or threatening to shop around/leave) is the key." just isn't working under current conditions.

    EA is working out the best for me when digging into the xls, mainly bcos of uncapped FIT (8.5) for my system. Combine that with getting hot water (315L) on solar charge. Now trying out to workout how to do that, will speak to the sparky tomorrow.

    Yes I have a rather large system for my use case. I went in knowing it was a bit silly and knowing things would change. Look at FIT 5-10 years ago in SA, blind freddy could see it. But I did my math's and it worked out, and it did. I work from home and had some deductions at the high rate to factor in, which is not everyone's use case. Then wifey started working from home bcos of covid, winner/winner chicken dinner.

    The dryer! When you have an active/sporting family, the shower/washer/dryer gets used overtime. We have a 10kg washer, gets used at least twice a day. Family rule now, no Sun, no dryer.

    The Aircon!!!. 1: a ducted system servicing 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 2: the largest Mitsu Heavy split possible in a open plan kitchen/dining/lounge, 7m ceilings (passive solar is elite, almost never turn it on in winter), but that system can blow your mind in Summer, leave the doors open (live a little) 3: Split in the detached studio/home office (runs 24/7), I think this might be the problem child.

    Have just seen a June day at 62kWh

    End of the day, me sitting on the original price update from Simply Energy, yeah nah

  • Anyone found any good feed in rates. 8c uncapped seems as good as it gets now? I have a 5Kw system with 2 * 6.5ah batteries. Probably export 30kwh per day in sprint.

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